This board means more than you think.....

by Tatiana 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace


    I remember you & I agree with you. This board is great.

    Im not saying that we all agree on everything all the time, but I believe that most of the people here are very genuine and caring.

  • Tatiana
    Tatiana looked so happy in those pics. I knew I was right! Randy "escaped" from Bend. He also lived in Redmond for a while. And he really hates this "windy" Chicago winter. It seemed as soon as he got here it dropped about 20 degrees. We had to go shopping for a much thicker coat.

    Heaven....I remember you too. I agree. Most people on this board are very kind. Today hasn't been good at all. I know when I start crying at stupid beer commercials during a playoff game, I need help!! I thought I'd post and feel a little better. It's working .......



  • wednesday


    u are right, this board is an important part of my life too. Sometimes we get a poster on who accuses us of not having a life. I've heard that from JWS about xjws ( wh y can't they just leave and leave us alone). it's not that easy to "just leave". I don't post everything(often i dont' really have anything more to add) But i read a lot of posts , and have cried and laughed with people i have never met. what i find myself doing-i assign a voice to each poster, after i have read their posts /saw a pic , well i pick a voice that i think suits them. so, everyone here is real to me.

    thanks for sharing ((((((april))))))

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