Thank you. I am doing better all the time. Writing that long post helped me a lot. Thinking it is one thing, writing it out so others can comment makes it a lot more real. I guess it took screwing up something with someone I care about so much to make me quit acting like an ass and accept my problem. I'm going to beat this damn thing, I think this is a good start.
You are such a sweetheart as well as being a very brave person. I have watched you battel a few demons yourself over the past year. Sometimes it just sucks being us. Slowly we figure out what's wrong and we try to change it. Fear of rejection has been my biggest psychological problem and for the first time in my life I can admit it and start to deal with it. Maybe someday we can all wear a T shirt that says "normal" across the chest. That should make everyone who sees it wonder what in the hell it means.
Growing up the way we did we all learned to turn love off. We would have loved to be like other kids. We would have loved to have a few birthday and Christmas presents. We would have loved to have a teenage boy friend or girlfriend and invite them over for dinner to meet our parents. But, we had to learn to turn love off. After a life time of that it is all we knew how to do when it came to something we could not have. I am trying to do this with this lady. I just can't and neither do I want to. It is our way of protecting ourselves from ourselves and the things we do not understand. Unfortunately it backfires sometimes on the ones who taught us how to do it. I cannot say I love my mom anymore. She taught me how to do that. The JW's taught her. What a great fricken religion.
Haunting beauty? That picture is about seven years old, I am all gray now and have a beard. The haunting part is still true but there aint no mo beauty when I look in the mirror. I don't know if I have done anything more than to teach a few people things they already knew. That is what I am trying to do for myself right now. I knew I still had a few more things to work out before I tried to get involved with anyone again but a small window opened up with this lady and I jumped into it. If you knew her you would understand. She is one of the most loving people I have ever known and at the same time she could take Farkel and make him sit on it and spin. I simply tried too hard and lost. I appreciate your concern but I am doing much better now. A few days ago I got into a starring contest with a wall and I won. I am a survivor. Life goes on.
Thanks for your comments. Yes, she is very special to me. Right now I feel like I have some kind of communicable disease and if I breath on her she will get it and die. I need to get my shit together before I try to talk to her again. She has seen too much back and forth with me and it is even driving me nuts. At least I know a lot better why I have been the way I have been. Admitting I am a fricken little baby when it comes to rejection is a big step for me. Too bad I wasn't born an alcoholic, at least I could have some coffee and doughnuts in a meeting of major huggers while I worked this all out.
Thanks guys, this is helping.
I will reply to the new posts as soon as I can