It does take courage to step up and express yourself the way you did.
Believe me, I know what you are feeling and going thru! Seriously!
I myself have encounted just about everything you said. It was like reading my own history. What you went thru while growing up as a JW, relationships with others, even owning the same type of gun as you and almost pulling the trigger. (Contemplated suicide several times and held the gun to my head twice).
I have a question. Do you love yourself? It may sound stupid or elementary, but seriously, do you? That in itself is a major factor. You are right! Throw away excuses and blame toward anyone or any issues you may have regarding the WT Society. The first step is recognizing who you are and "IF" you are worth it. Other than that, life is in vain. I myself am trying to break free from a life of "rejecting" and "being rejected". It's hard!
Two days ago I talked with my friend (who is still a Witness back in my hometown in the USA. FYI - I moved to Japan earlier this year). Since I'm doing the submarine witness thing and "submerging", I wanted to let him know about be feelings toward the WT Society along with my history (very similar to yours). Do you know what he told me? [1] "We don't have an identity". [2] "We don't deserve nothing. Only death".
Those are the reasons why I'm leaving the Watchtower and its teachings. It hasn't contributed anything positive in that regard toward my outlook in life. What my friend told me is exactly what I felt during my tenure as an active JW. It is time for me to get back to the basics. My opinion only, but I feel that is what you should do also. Find out what they are and make that your quest in life! And again, my suggestion only, "get rid of the gun". At least for now. You won't need to use it anytime soon!
Remember, we are all teachers. We teach each other. However, it is the responsiblity of each of us to "sift" out what is healthy and what is not.
As always, eagerly waiting to hear from you and your posts! POWER TO YOU!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")