Who Are The Smartest Posters Here?

by minimus 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    good call JH.

    I think if we were testing, or debating, almost any subject beyond pizza toppings, Focus would win hands down. That is remarkable, when you think that the competition includes the likes of AlanF.

    To the ego stifled intellects the above is currently grating on , please remember that one persons brilliance does not in any way diminish your own.

  • Focus

    A fine example in this "Smartest" thread of the need to ask questions along the lines of Why People Believe Weird Things (Click Here for some answers) is to be found in JH's audacious and impertinent:


    But JH - was it a Theocatic Pussy after all? ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=41759&site=3 )

    My nomination for Smartest Poster (now, don't be shocked):
    "Comming from an electrical background, I was taught in school that they still aren't sure if electrical flow goes from positive to negative or negative to positive?? .. Now thats sure is an unproven theory wouldn't you say? .. Just telling you what I was taught in trade school."
    - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39759&site=3

    And, JH, SixofNine & Co., if I was that smart, I would not have got myself into the position of being pursued by an enraged bunch of malicious neo-Nazi liars "enlightened intellectual philosophers, scientists and historians" from alt.revisionism (no connection at all with recent happenings on this board; the fracas to which I refer dates back to the late nineties) who have repeatedly stated their intention of tracking me down - going to the extent of setting up at least two websites, one filled with forgeries, dedicated to me - and then having me ausrottened (what the Nazis did to Jews lice) with extreme prejudice. All this because they, having started a few "debates", seemed not to enjoy how their game with this sweet 'lil puss progressed... I just can't get you humans figured!

    (Unlike F.Franz "the holy spirit is not an intelligent person." - Let Your Name Be Sanctified, 1961, page 269 Class)

    (Edited to remove admonition to SixofNine, who will have had it angelically channelled already, etc.)

    Edited by - Focus on 12 December 2002 17:3:41

  • Jesika

    Well, I know my name won't be on a list in this thread. All I can say is I agree with those who have said it depends on the topic as to who is smarter.

    I think the smarter person would be one who is willing to listen and not listening to themselves all the time. A person who is willing to "ask the dumb ?'s", which in my opinion there is no such thing, only a ? that is not asked is dumb.

    Just my 2cents.


  • kelpie

    Thumbs Up Jes..

    I am with you on this one....

    Everyone is smart in something

    Kelps (who adds her two cents to Jes's which makes 4 cents worth)

  • czarofmischief

    I'm fairly intelligent, but the debate forum here has sharpened my wits.

    Farkel caught me up short early on in the game, and since then, I've learned to be very careful about backing up what I say.

    So, I'm a quick learner.

    Finally, I also won an award for being the dumbest person on this board, thanks to the left-wing wimpy Iraq kissing contingent, always one of my strongest blocs in this kind of contest.

    So in the end, I'm just a lunatic fringe!


  • ozziepost
    I think the smarter person would be one who is willing to listen and not listening to themselves all the time. A person who is willing to "ask the dumb ?'s", which in my opinion there is no such thing, only a ? that is not asked is dumb.


    That's one of the "smartest" things I've read in a long time.

    The smartest, i.e. wisest person, may well be the most humble.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Princess
    The smartest, i.e. wisest person, may well be the most humble.

    I'm out.


  • ozziepost
  • WildTurkey

    Edited by - WildTurkey on 12 December 2002 18:41:8

    Edited by - WildTurkey on 13 December 2002 7:39:43

  • Beans

    Edited by - beans on 12 December 2002 18:11:24

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