"Who's the smartest?" is like asking, "Who's the best looking?" Everything is relative and subjective. That's why this thread and others like it are so popular. Of course, some think such threads are horrible. This makes me chuckle. For those that hate these types of posts,I suggest, you don't look at them, because you might get too emotional and bust a gut or something......Some people just need to not take themselves so seriously, and be less angry. They'll feel better.
Who Are The Smartest Posters Here?
by minimus 95 Replies latest jw friends
Reborn why do you make reference to donkey as being Kenpodragon?...just curious.
Lady Lee
Another way to look at some of these threads is to consider that as dubs we were never encouraged to be different. Whatever we did had to be in unity - even our thoughts - individuality was froned upon big time. Very few were told how appreciated they were in their contributions to others.
While some of the threads may be fluff to some I think they do serve a purpose in allowing us to learn the skills of complimenting others AND of learning to accept them. It took me years to learn how to gracefully accept a compliment. Heck it took me years to hear one!!!
The down side of this is that some are forgotten who have made wonderful contibutions to others here on this site. Look through the archives - they are full of a pretty wonderful group of people.
Lady Lee
Perhaps, the "smartest" posters are the unhappiest. Lady Lee, I enjoyed your typically, thoughtful post.
I think I proved MY point on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39328&site=3 entitled "are you a genius?"
I agree with Jason (I often do) that this whole tendency to list, categorize and CLASSify people is truly undesirable (IMO, on the grounds both of sheer idiocy - also hurtfulness) and is a visible remnant of dubdummery.
I already conveyed my opinion of the issue on an early page of the thread, when my "MonitEring 'quipment" showed my handle was turning up on the board.
Here is my opinion yet again for those who missed it first time around:
At the same time, I warned off bozos and vagrants from persisting to add my name to the list. This did not prevent further reoccurrence. And the thread marches on. Well, fine, choose your Class, then:
144,000 Class
20,736,000,000 Class
Abel Class
Achan Class
Aggressive Class
Altar Class
Amaziah Class
Ammonite Class
Amos Class
Ancient Class
Ancient Worthy Class
Anointed Class
Anointed Remnant Class
Antagonistic Class
Anti-pas Class
Antitypical Levite Class
Apostatized Class
Apostle Class
Arisen Class
Aryan Class
Beloved Class
Betrothed Class
Bird Class
Bitter Class
Blemished Class
Body Class
Bride Class
Bridegroom Class
Brier Class
Brother Class
Caleb Class
Camp Class
Carnal-Minded Babes In Christ Class
Chaff Class
Changers Class
Chief Class
Chieftain Class
Child Of God Class
Childlike Class
Chosen Class
Christ Class
Christian Sanctuary Class
Christiania Class
Church Class
Churchianity Class
Composite Class
Conqueror Class
Consecrated Class
Cream Class
Created Class
Creditor Class
Critic Class
Cultured Class
Dan Class
Dangerous Class
Darkened Class
David Class
Dead Class
Debtor Class
Deceived Class
Dependent Class
Depraved Class
Desirable Class
Dictator Class
Dignified Class
Disciple Class
Disfavored Class
Dishonorable Class
Dispensable Class
Disreputable Class
Dog Class
Eagle Class
Earthly Class
Earthly Hope Class
Edom-Idumea Class
Edomite Class
Elder Class
Elect Bride Class
Elect Class
Elijah Class
Elijah-John-The-Baptist Class
Elijah-Like Class
Elisha Class
Enthroned Class
Envious Class
Esau Class
Esther Class
Eunuch Class
Evil Slave Class
Exalted Class
Ezekiel 44 'Gate Shut' Class
Ezekiel Class
Faith Class
Faithful and Discreet Servant Class
Faithful and Discreet Slave Class
Faithful and Discreet Steward Class
Faithful and Wise Servant Class
Faithful and Wise Steward Class
Faithful Class
Favorable Class
Favored Class
Feet Class
Fighting Class
First Class
First-Born Class
Firstfruit Class
Flock Class
Foolish Virgin Class
Foreknown Class
Fourth Class
Gershonites Class
Glorified Class
Glorious Class
Goat Class
Goats Class
Gold Class
Governing Class
Great Class
Great Company Class
Great Crowd Class
Great Multitude Class
Great Restitution Class
Great Teacher Class
Groom Class
Ground Class
Harvest Class
Heavenly Class
Heavenly Hope Class
High Angel Class
Higher Class
Highest Class
Hireling Class
His Bride Class
His Jewel Class
Holier Class
Holiness Class
Honored Class
Hopeless Class
Humble Class
Hypocrite Class
Improper Class
Infant Class
Influential Class
Inspired Class
Intractable Class
Isaac Class
Ishmael Class
Israel Class
Jacob Class
Jehu Class
Jeremiah Class
Jerusalem Class
Jew Class
Jewel Class
Job Class
John Class
Joint-Heir Class
Jonadab Class
Jonathan Class
Joshua Class
Judas Class
Judge Class
Justified Class
King Class
Kingdom Class
Kingly Class
Laity Class
Lapsing Class
Large Class
Lazarus Class
Levite Class
Levitical Class
Little Class
Lord Class
Lordly Class
Lords over God's Heritage Class
Lower Class
Lowest Class
Loyal Class
Lunatic Class
Man Of Perdition Class
Man Of The True God Class
Man With the Writer's Inkhorn Class
Many Class
Mediator Class
Messiah Class
Messianic Class
Millennial Age Class
Ministers of the Gospel Class
Minor Class
Mordecai Class
Mordecai-Esther Class
Moses Class
Mustard Seed Class
My Bride Class
Mystery Class
Naomi Class
Needy Class
Neglected Class
Nehemiah Class
Nephilim Class
Nethinim Class
Nicodemus Class
Nominal Class
Nominal Temple Class
Non-Elect Class
Numerous Class
Obedient Class
Obscure Class
Official Class
Opposite Class
Opposition Class
Ostracized Class
Other Sheep Class
Outcast Class
Overcomer Class
Overcoming Class
Parent Class
Pastor Russell Class
Peculiar Class
Penitent Class
Permanent Class
Peter Class
Pharisaical Class
Pharisee Class
Philistine Class
Pomeranian Class
Preacher's Class
Preaching Class
Priest Class
Priesthood Class
Priestly Class
Principal Class
Prodigal Class
Prophet Class
'Prophet' Class
Prophetic Class
Prophet-like Class
Putty Class
Reformer Class
Reigning Class
Religious Class
Remnant Class
Reproached Bullock (abbreviation of much longer class designation and name) Class
Reputable Class
Resident Class
Restitution Class
Restless Opposition Class
Royal Class
Running Class
Ruth Class
Ruth-Naomi Class
Sadducees Class
Saint Class
Saintly Class
Salt Class
Salter Class
Samaritan Class
Sanctified Class
Sanctuary Class
Saul Class
Scapegoat Class
Sea Class
Seashore Class
Second Class
Second Company Class
Second Death Class
Secondary Class
Seed Class
Seeking Class
Select Class
Separate Class
Servant Class
Servants of the City Class
Sheep Class
Silver Class
Simon Magus Class
Sinner Class
Sister Class
Slave Class
Son Of Heaven Class
Special Class
Specific Class
Spirit-Begotten Class
Spiritual Adultery Class
Spiritual Class
Splendid Class
Spurious Class
Standfaster Class
Steward Class
Submerged Class
Subordinate Class
Subsidiary Class
Suitable Class
Superior Class
Swine Class
Tare Class
Tarried Class
Temple Class
'The Man in Linen' Class
'Thee' Class
Third Class
Tribulation Class
True Bride Class
True Wheat Class
Unfaithful Class
Unprincipled Class
Unsaved Non-Elect Infant Class
Unsuitable Class
Upper Class
'Us' Class
Vile Class
Viper Class
Virgin Class
Watchman Class
Wheat Class
Wicked and Slothful Servant Class
Wicked Class
Winnowing Class
Wise Virgin Class
Worldly Class
Worst Class
Worthies Class
Zealous Class
Zerubbabel Class
Zionistic ClassAll but one of the above is a genuine Watchtower designated Class. Authenticity Guaranteed by Focus. Replies to any challenges re genuineness may be found at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=42297&page=2&site=3 where specific citations in official WT litter-itch-ah is provided.
Get your rank right too, while you are about it:
1 Less Senile Man Who 'Specially Advises' The President of the WTBTS
2 The President of the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses
3 Jehovah God [As WTBTS President interprets/'explains' all... ;-) ]
4 Charles Taze Russell, occasionally The Faithful & Discreet Slave
5 Michael=Jesus, Satan [Jesus/Satan oddly confusable in WTBTS literature]
6 Other Governing Body Member (White)
7 Other more submissive Archangel
8 Writing Staff Member
9 Common or Garden Angel/Spirit
10 Other Committee head
11 Higher-Up Biblical Prophet (e.g. "Moses" Class)
12 Other Governing Body Member (Black or servile)
13 Prominent Bethelite
14 Biblical Prophet (e.g. "Ezekiel" Class)
15 Other Committee Member
16 Male Biblical "Honorable Mention" (e.g. "David" Class)
17 Branch Overseer
18 District Overseer
19 Circuit Overseer
20 City Overseer
21 Presiding Overseer
22 Elder with influence
23 Common or Garden Bethelite
24 Male Anointed One (active) ("Anointed Remnant" Class)
25 Common or garden Elder
26 Ministerial Servant
27 Male Special Pioneer
28 Male Pioneer
29 Male Auxiliary Pioneer
30 Male Anointed One (less active)
31 Male Alleged Anointed One
32 Male Dead Anointed One
33 Male Regular Publisher (but if non-JW spouse, lower)
34 Male Irregular Publisher (but if non-JW spouse, lower)
35 Male Inactive Publisher (but if non-JW spouse, lower)
36 Male Dead Publisher
37 Female Biblical "Honorable Mention" (Ruth Class, HIGHEST for a Female)
38 Female Anointed One (active)
39 Female Anointed One (less active)
40 Female Alleged Anointed One
41 Female Dead Anointed One
42 Female Special Pioneer
43 Female Pioneer
44 Female Auxiliary Pioneer
45 Female Regular Publisher (but if non-JW spouse, lower)
46 Female Irregular Publisher (but if non-JW spouse, lower)
47 Female Inactive Publisher (but if non-JW spouse, lower)
48 Female Dead Publisher
49 jW with suspected "worldly leanings" (or who forgets to dress per code)
50 jW with at least one DF/DA relative (if they misbehave, becomes a C-59)
51 Marked jW
52 Reproved jW
53 Male unbaptized Associate
54 Female unbaptized Associate
55 Male child of jW (sub-Class rank depends on Congregational Rank of Pop)
56 Female child of jW (sub-Class rank depends on Rank of Pater)
57 Male child of unbaptized Associate
58 Female child of unbaptized Associate; Dead unbaptized associate/family
59 "Spiritually Weak" jW; Dead non-jW who never heard the message; Adolf Hitler
60 jW known to have "Apostate Leanings", Other Dead;Mother Teresa (dogmeat)
61 Male householder starting a Bible Study
62 Female householder starting a Bible Study; any who paid for literature
63 Other Male adult (Catholics, Beardeds and Smokers at the bottom)
64 Other Submissive Female adult (ditto); Rapist [subject to Flicker Light]
65 Other Male Child
66 Idiot, Infidel or Lunatic
67 Other Female Child
68 Co-operative & submissive & clean non-jW Spouse of jW (Male higher)
69 One suspected of "running ahead of Jehovah" (never forgivable)
70 Co-operative & submissive non-jW Close Family of jW (Male much higher)
71 Non-human animals (snakes and bottom-feeding pond scum excepted)
72 Householder (either sex) who has politely said "not interested"
73 Householder (either sex) who has said "get lost"
74 Householder (either sex) who has offended (marked for early destruction)
75 Householder (either sex) who set household pet on jW (likewise)
76 Internet User or Child-Molester (unless Elder, in which case can be OK)
77 Unsubmissive Female; Demon
78 Unco-operative or unsubmissive or unclean non-jW Spouse of jW
79 Unco-operative or unsubmissive non-jW Family of jW
80 Formally Disassociated One
81 Bottom-feeding Pond Scum
82 Informally Disassociated One
83 Serpent
84 Living Mass-Murderer; Trinitarian (if different)
85 Masturbator, Homosexual [taught as basically the same thing]
86 One said to be pending serious J.C. [to jW J.C. does not mean Jesus!] proceedings
87 Opposer who was never associated
88 jW who accepts Blood Transfusion
89 Clergyman, other Harlot
90 Opposer who had been associated
91 Pope, other Great Whore; George Orwell
92 Disfellowshipped One (but see below)
93 Shunned One
94 Member of "Swine" Class
95 Apostatized One (Watters-Penton-Reed)
96 Member of "Evil Slave" Class
97 Demonized One (e.g. Feuerbacher-Bergman-Raines)
98 One who Attempts to Tape-Record Judicial Committee proceedings (see photo)
99 Wicked Demonized One (e.g., Farkel-Steinhaug-Kotwal-Hovland-JanH)
100Viprous Concealed Arch-Apostatical One (e.g. Prominent Bethelite Antitype)Note: All in red are scheduled by Brooklyn for IMMINENT SLAUGHTER at Ha-Ha-Ha-magedonandonandon by Jehovah-BIN-Watchtower.
And how the blazes can y'all poor asses on JWD classify much smarter folk anyhows? It is obvious to all that the brains of the board have moved to another place.
We are all - each one of us - important in all sorts of special, individual ways. Even the annoying ones, the idiotic ones, the insensitive ones, the cruel ones, the wicked ones - yes, even the obviously downright retarded ones. If you forget that, or diminish their essential humanity, you are taking Step One along the path which let despicable cowards and mass-murderers like the NAZIS (who also were important, as individuals) strengthen/reinforce their beliefs and manage to come into power. And that path, if enough take it, leads to Armageddon (the real one, not the WTS fantasy).
Yes, I know I am making a generous extrapolation: there are many intermediate steps. But it is this step (the classification (e.g. "Jews are .." or "the smart ones are .." or "the Birdseed Class is ..") that is where the mischief starts. It sets the tone for the environment in which intolerance festers - and then may flourish. My participation in this thread, harmless as the thread is, is to plant a seed of doubt as to where this sort of mistaken course leads.
It is up to us to choose what sort of world we want ourselves, and our children, to live in.
(According to http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39853&page=3&site=3 and http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39911&site=3 etc, a very unpleasant, shun-worthy, "lunatic", "asshole", "very dangerous" "Jehovah's Witness Jew" of which group "The finger pointing at others has three pointing back at them" and who are "Only seeing one way" Class) -
Sorry to say but to me these threads of polling people asking for classifications or ratings reeks of residue leftover from Dubdom. Why go on neatly labeling someone "most intelligent" or "most compassionate"? Is this about titles you can brag about over a discussion board? Or worse yet, is this some kind of psychological regression back to high-school? You people might as well start a JW.com Annual Yearbook with "Best-Dressed" and "Most Likely To Succeed" classifications too.
So go on patting one another on the backs in your need for categorizing people or rating them if it makes you feel better. -- Jason
You are right, Jason. You were right in other thread, too. Threads like these drive me up the wall.
And yeah... before anyone says it... I'm just jealous. Whatever. [8>]
I am found in every CL"ASS", Sybil.
eerm Focus I think you forgot the "Reserved anointed" class. Thats when someone partakes of the emblems and then a few years later decides they are of the earthly class again. Obviousley one of the annointed fell away and came back to reclaim their seat so the replaced one goes into reserve. based on a torturous interpretation of Romans 11 "grafting back in to the vine"
Cant remember the documentation.
You can be a major asshole. Is this new news for you?