The Most Caring Poster.

by orangefatcat 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skeptic

    I should have mentioned Billygoat, Julie and safe4kids as well. This shows that I should stop typing cause my fingers are sore and I know now that I will always miss someone. So, if I missed anyone, I hope you will show caring and understanding and understand.

    Billygoat, I like your balanced view of Christianity.


    Edited by - Skeptic on 12 December 2002 15:40:21

    Edited by - Skeptic on 12 December 2002 17:6:49

  • Reborn2002

    Why am I not surprised I did not get mentioned in this thread? I didn't get mentioned in the "smartest person" thread either, which comes as no surprise to me either. I'm not part of the "groups" who see each other in person at "apostafests" and "dinner gatherings" and go to "silentlambs marches" with pictures to spam on the board for everyone to see. Nor do I talk to a large group of people on IM, or for that matter, join the chat anymore.

    I would venture to guess most people here picture me as a very bitter, abrasive person. That assessment would be accurate most of the time.

    Sorry to say but to me these threads of polling people asking for classifications or ratings reeks of residue leftover from Dubdom. Why go on neatly labeling someone "most intelligent" or "most compassionate"? Is this about titles you can brag about over a discussion board? Or worse yet, is this some kind of psychological regression back to high-school? You people might as well start a Annual Yearbook with "Best-Dressed" and "Most Likely To Succeed" classifications too.

    So go on patting one another on the backs in your need for categorizing people or rating them if it makes you feel better.

    Just my 2c, which like it or not I am entitled to.

    Jason - Of the waiting to be flamed or accused of hijacking the thread class

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 12 December 2002 15:45:15

  • kelsey007

    No reborn you are of the self absorbed class- there is where you make the mark....

    I also was not mentioned by name except like you reborn we both were smart enough to get out of the WT. And I have read enough of your post to know that you are smart enough to not get this sensitive about you name not being mentioned....

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 12 December 2002 16:3:25

    Had to edit again reborn- LOL This is because I have psoted my limit for this 24 hours- Jeeeeze- Dont take it so to heart- some people are like me- got time on their hands and just sitting at the computer and thinking toooo much LOL

    Of the not to smart class- but I am a hard worker....

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 12 December 2002 16:19:46

  • Reborn2002

    kelsey rants:

    No reborn you are of the self absorbed class-

    Thanks for proving my point for me. I bring up a valid point and I get flamed instead.

  • Skeptic

    Reborn, yes that is a problem...those who are left out feel hurt.

    Reborn, there is a simple reason I did not mention you in my lists. I don't know you well enough to know either way. This is no reflection on you.


  • Vivamus

    Awww, no Jason, I do not think of you like that.

    When I think of you I have a smile to my face cause you send me tons of roses and make me smile and laugh out loud in chat.

  • JH
  • happy man
    happy man

    I think you have forget Casseline, who i think is one of the most caring peopel i ever meet, if only on intenret, perhaps her terribel expiriens have done her more caring, if you have suffer in some form, it is more easy to understand others who suffer like you have done.

    Perhaps we aslo must think about,those who have something to lose, if they show compasion to the peopel here, are the biggest heros?

  • Reborn2002

    I also was not mentioned by name except like you reborn we both were smart enough to get out of the WT. And I have read enough of your post to know that you are smart enough to not get this sensitive about you name not being mentioned....

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 12 December 2002 16:3:25

    So kelsey I see you decided to change some of your comments and edit your post some 10 minutes after the original one was made.

    Don't get me wrong, I could care less if ANYONE on this site likes me. I am not being sensitive about not having my name mentioned (boo fricking hoo LOL ) I just questioned the necessity of having such a topic and how it seems to be JW-ish and childish. That's all.

    Hope that clears matters up for ya.

  • LB

    I've met some very special people on this board. Many have become friends. Some have not and will not be a friend.

    When I first joined one who honestly reached out to me from the start to help me with some issues was Billygoat. Andi sent me several e-mails and even with all the crap going on in her life at the time she took time to help me. I won't forget that. I mention her because she was the very first. She wasn't the only one. Andi is the type of young lady any man my age wishes were her daughter.

    There are dozens of caring people here. I'm not sure we need a list. If you need help on anything post your concerns here and the caring people will line up. They'll be elbowing each other trying to help you.

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