The Most Caring Poster.

by orangefatcat 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Shhhh WIND you're going to ruin my reputation. A girls reputation is one of the most important things she can have.

    And no worries 151 the world needs more caring. I share my care, though not as often as I'd like *wink*

  • kelpie

    I think everyone has good points..

    Everyone can be caring and understanding.

    I have to agree with Reborn here, for those who didnt get mentioned for what ever reason do feel left out and "not good enough" They feel like they are not in the "in crowd"

    Reasons may vary, maybe they dont post enough, maybe they are only new.

    Just think about that.. It doesnt bother if I am mentioned or not because I know I can go home to my partner who loves me and appreciates everything I do and so do my friends.

    But to add, the first time I came to this board, Beck and Prisca made me feel very welcome. But everyone in their own way has added something to my life so it would be rude to leave someone out..

    Even if we have had a "falling out" with someone, that person still has added something to your life and taught you something.

    Just my two cents worth


  • safe4kids


    That was a beautiful also made me feel kind of guilty, as I just haven't had the emotional energy much this year to reach out to people, but I've always appreciated the kindnesses I've received.

    There are so many folks here who I think are kind and favorites are some who tend to work behind the scenes like HadEnough, Outnfree, and my sister Think41self. Some others who stand out are Joy2bfree and hubby Jst2laws, Scully, Sevenofnine, Kismet, Cowboy, Billygoat, Salud and his wife Karen, Venice, FreePeace, Esmerelda, Angharad, Xenawarrior, LittleToe, Nelly, GinnyTosken, Wasasister, Seeker (yes, I know I'm naming some people who aren't around much or who have left, but these are the ones who've touched me)...there are others, and I know I'll have to amend this list. These are just the ones that popped into my head.

    That said, I tend to agree with Reborn...I squirm when I see threads like this because invariably people's names get left off, even when they're deserving of mention. Also, I hate anything that smacks of cliques or popularity contests...we're all trying to gain emotional stability and put our lives back together. Many of us are at different places and what we write, as well as how often we write, doesn't really express who we are in real life.


  • Jesika


    Well, let me see.

    Ok, brainoverload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are just too many to name, and I don't want to leave anyone out. I have been in chat (big suprise there--LOL) with certain things I was very upset with. Everyone was loving and gave me advice or just an ear and or shoulder to cry on.

    I try to help as many as I can, and since I am still without a job I spend alot of time on the computer which allows me to spend as much time here as I do (when I don't have an interview or my son with me).

    To those of you who mentioned me -----Thanx.

    I find helping or listening to people helps them as well as me too. I wish I could name everyone that comes to mind, but like I said, I would kick myself if I left someone out.

    <of the "most everyone here has helped me in one way or another class">

    Love to all,


    Edited by - Jesika on 12 December 2002 17:23:4

  • RandomTask

    Yeah, some people don't take this sort of thing that well, if they aren't mentioned it can hurt because they may feel they are trying to reach out to people, but they may not be as good as others are. Some people also get punished for speaking their mind. No matter who gets listed in this thread I think that most of the regular posters here have a pretty good idea of who they like, who they don't like, who they feel comfortable with, who they trust and who has been a friend to them. You can't strip human nature out of the equasion, this board is a microcosm of real life, we all have personalities that we have to deal with, some good traits, some bad. Just bear in mind that the more you let people grate on your nerves, the more miserable and short your life will be. Maybe you want it that way, but its just my advice.

    That being said, I think i'll forgo actually listing people, but I won't say that I like everyone the same either. I have my preferenmces on this board, I think we all do. I have to say that I appreciated Skeptic giving me an honorable mention, even though I gave him a little hell about xenawarrior. That was classy Skeptic, thanks. Even though I still maintain you are a sexual freak, but hey, maybe thats cool for you. And reborn, don't take things too hard, it's time for you to heal, but you have to take a deep breath, pause and dwell on some good things in your life, its healthy for you, man. I think you are a good person inside and you definitely bring something to the board.

    So, even though I didn't really make a list of people, I don't object to this thread. Its all about a shout out to your friends. We are allowed to have friends aren't we?

    Edited by - RandomTask on 12 December 2002 17:27:10

  • Solace

    For those who mentioned me,

    Thank you.

    The truth is, I believe that most people are here because they care.

    Edited by - heaven on 12 December 2002 17:34:37

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Woot Woot Random Task Random Task Random Task Random Task

    K, I nominate you, at least for smartest (because you use words like microcosm) :)

    Besides you care enough to make us all smile with damn Jesus pic in your bio aaaaaaahhhhhh

    Edited by - CHEVYSNTATS on 12 December 2002 17:47:45

  • Princess

    I'd have to say Mulan and Big Red care more about me than any other posters on this board.

    I never make these lists, smartest, most caring whatever. Most people here don't know me well enough to make this assessment. It doesn't hurt my feelings because I know that I am smart and caring and I don't have to see it posted to make me feel better. Some people will be hurt though. Just a fact. Since I don't participate much I can't really expect more, right?

    Just my opinion.


  • Windchaser

    ((((Lyin))) I didn't mean to forget Prisca. She really made me feel welcome when I first came here.

  • Skeptic

    Your welcome, RandomTask and Heaven.

    I want to add Mommy to my list of caring and understanding people as well....if I keep this up, soon 90% of the board will be on my lists. This board has a lot of caring people.


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