The Most Caring Poster.

by orangefatcat 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Being me, I read first page, then skipped to this one *sigh*.

    But Plum made a great point - any of us who allow room for others individuality, even peculiarities, without insulting them or attacking.......are caring persons. It's a great quality.

    I tend to agree with Joy's comment above which quoted another poster.....these types of threads make me squirm - there's so many good caring people here! "We have been blessed" (saying that in spite of the urge to gag)

    If I were to *suggest* an oustandingly caring person? It would be Barb Anderson. For those of you who've not met her....she's great. Easy going, chatty, calm. But full of insight and information - and a hug now and again.

    Still say Ang's the most necessary caring person! Thanks Ang! Without her.........Simon's just a man.


    Edited by - waiting on 13 December 2002 7:22:47

  • bigfloppydog

    No favorites here, I would have to say everyone, who has taken the time to respond to others in need of an emotional boost. Some give in a little way, others in a big way, but all contribute to the well being of others. Love to you all.

    The puppy.

  • searcher

    I care about careing but I dont care if anyone doesnt care about me careing, because careing is what I care about, so if you care to ask me do I care then yes, i care, but if you dont care whether I care or not then I dont it ?

    Whooooooooo these meds are goooooooooood !!


  • Brummie

    Searcher can you send me the name of those meds please? I'll stock up for Christmas.

  • searcher


    Its a secret........Shhhhhhhhhhhh !


  • pettygrudger

    So many posters - so little time:

    Lilacs, Robdar, Viv, MrMoe, Cassiline, Matty, Jack2, Billygoat, BB, Reborn (so he'll stop whining! ) Joy2Be, TR (although that'll probably piss him off!), Valis, Lucid Sky, Random Task, Dakota Red, Teraterrible, Safe4Kids

    Found (cuz I know her in real life - and she's really the greatest!)

    Lilacs & Mouthy definitely deserves special mention

  • orangefatcat

    Wonderful friends, and that is what all of you are to me. Wether we are smarter or more caring it doesn't really matter, we are all children of the universe. All of you expressed yourself in a heartfelt way I loved reading your thoughts. It was beautiful. It is nicer to see this inner beauty of all of you. For those whose names were not mentioned don't worry about it. Because we all think you are important. Everyone contributes to this board is some way or other. Be it by, humour, by way of Jokes, sentiments of caring, condolences for the ill, sharing your thoughts and feelings about everything and anything this is your contribution to the board. We may not all by Enstiens or rocket scientists but one thing for sure we share in common are our human bonds. Some are blessed with the ability of express themselves in a elequent way. Good I am happy for that person. But don't overlook the person who can put as much feeling and expression without the elaborate words. Maybe they have great words but are humble in the way they express them. And may God bless you for that. What I am saying is variety and spice of life makes the world go around. Lets be united as one. And care for another. I know I love each and everyone of you. Yes all names should be on here. Because all of us care.....

    Even though I am a cat................heehe


  • joannadandy

    My vote is for Matty...he's a sweety

  • Sentinel


    Thank you hon for remembering me here in your post.

    Sometimes, I tend to feel like I'm invisible, sitting quietly in the corner....listening. I'm certain I'm not alone. The road less traveled does get lonely for the shy, quiet and sensitive personality types.

    Stuff like this is no doubt going to make a a few feel badly if their name isn't found. And, let's face it, weren't we all "looking" to see if we could find our name? Thought so.

    So, to everyone who might have been overlooked:

    I believe all who post here have sincere and caring hearts, or they wouldn't take the time to post at all. Lots of caring people respond to my posts when I needed it the most, and I have found some trusted new friends.

  • Mackin
    ...Just2laws, Kelpie, Kelsey007, Kenpodragon, Kingpawn, Kismet, LadyLee, Lapuce, Larc, Latte, LDH, LibraSpirit, Lilacs, LittleToe, LizardSnot, LucidDreamer, Lutece, LyinEyes, Mackin, Mamashel, Marilyn, Matty, Maximumflash, Maximus, Megadude, Metatron, MikeMusto, Mimilly, Minimus, ...

    Wooo Hooo, I made it into somebodys list...awesome.

    Thank you Robdar, you made my day.

    Mackin. (of the "never usually makes the list" class)

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