can i cheat and use my weight instead????????????????
So, what's your I.Q?
by nakedmvistar 95 Replies latest jw friends
You've been able to tolerate those self-absorbed twits for 11 full years?
LOL! I lasted a whole TWO meetings. I joined because first of all I was interested to know what I'd score on the test....then when I was accepted I thought I might get some friends and meet people - WRONG. It was funny though, going to a meeting and stating that I think IQ tests tell us next to nothing about someone's intelligence (shocked faces all around!).
Up for renewal in Jan, don't think I will bother.
Some observations: I never attempted to join Mensa. I am not the "joiner" type. I have known people all along the IQ continuum, and I accept them as my friends by other criteria, to wit, do we have things in common and are they trust worthy? Second observation: to those who say that IQ tests don't measure anything that is not quite true. They certainly are not perfect measures. No measure of any human trait is a perfect measure. However, IQ tests are the best predictors of both school and job success, albeit, not perfect ones by any means.
Albert Einstein's IQ was only 160 I believe and he was often thought of as the most intelligent man we have come to learn about. In fact, in school he was called a "Dull Albert" and was made to wear a dunce cap. Why? Because he took a very long time to process things and ponder on them, lacking a greased lightening response time. IQ score is not an accurate way to measure a person's intelligence level, because it gets it's score based upon 2 factors - brain-speed and a variety of questions that if somebody was not TAUGHT or lacked a proper education to learn the questions asked would throw the entire test off balance.) Smarts are not based upon IQ. I have known folks with high IQ's that are total idiots in everyday life, lacking the ability to support themselves or function on their own.
Some more comments: Mr. Moe, you say that Einstein had an IQ of "only" 160. A score of 160 is very much above average, placing him at the 99.9 percentile. Now, regarding his intellectual developement. He did develope more slowly than most as a child. As an young adult he was brilliant. He was not recognized as such, as a student, because he was highly creative and critical of commonly accepted ideas. As a result, some of his profs perceived him as average. It was only later that his accomplishments showed that he was very much above average. You mentioned, some as being intelligent, but not performing well at life skills. IQ is a necessary but not sufficient quality for mastery. Many use their "horse power", some do not. One other point, you say that tests are based on what you had a chance to learn in the first place. This is not true of all tests. There are tests that measure aptitude for learning without the effects of classroom experience. Also, you mentioned speed of mental prosessing. Will some tests have this as a component, others are untimed so speed is not a factor. A good diagnostician knows of the different tests and can use them accordingly in order to get valid information.
Mensa is a great place to pick up chicks
BTW, my IQ = not quite smart enough to see through dub bullshit at first sight. But smart enough never to become a true dub and get baptised etc etc
I don't remember what the number was, but the last IQ test I remember taking was back in high school, about 50 years ago. My best friend and I would always be the highest in the class, he was first and I was second. My brother was always the highest in his class.
My brother is the smartest person I know, he always knows the details about every subject that I bring up. You can mention something like a car and he usually knows all the details, like who designed it, what engines it had, the year is was made etc. If you talk about gold, he knows all about the weight measures, the karats etc. We bowl on mondays and he can give you the math ratios that give you the energy involved in ball weight and speed. He was a programmer for main frame computers where I worked and his programs would almost always work on the first try.
He's 69 and his brain still works, not like mine that is failing fast. I think that is the worst thing about old age for me, next to my body getting stiff and lazy.
Ken P.
Not the mensa meetings I've been to. The young mensa is below 25 and is full of students (annoying ones at that). Since I'm 27 I'd be too old for them! LOL.
The rest are (it seems) 50+ and no less annoying.
The Army told me mine is 131. Remembering that IQ only speaks to potential and not usage, I'd say I'm underachieving...A LOT!