I am posting this reply without reading many of the posts, because I think it is HIDEOUS people want to compare their intelligence based on tests.
The reason that I say this is because my own Grandmother didn't have a college education, but she taught me more about the cycles of life, based on her own observations over 80 years than any agrarian acadamian could have! Granted, some of what she said was based in old wives' tales, but mostly what she taught me about raising a garden, animals, etc. came from her own observations and those of the other farmers I have hung out with over the years. There is *no* substitute for hands on experience, and I have learned more from these older people than I would have learned in an agrarian environment in forty years. I think their absolute "street" knowledge was far more valuable to me than anything I have learned in books or at school.
There's different levels of intelligicence and the value we put on them. I have, as an interested Country Girl, learned a lot about life and life cycles from my old friends.. and I value that beyond belief from what I could have learned in books or at school. They may not be "book smart" but they're sure smart about teh cycles of life here.
I understand that sometiems people want to "measure" their intelligence and compare it with others.. Why don't people take stock of what they *do* know instead of what they DONT know? Would't that be more positive?