So, what's your I.Q?

by nakedmvistar 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This entire discussion has thrown off my equilibrium. Therefore, I need to use the following general form of a quadratic equation to solve the swaying of my little grey cells:

    0 = ax 2 + bx + c Relying on this, I plugged in the data and came up with this result: intelligence: dumb,as,a,box,of,rocks x 55 -125 I feel better. Now let's all count to the last digit the value of pi.

  • onacruse

    I scored 100/100, I'm a freakin genius.

  • shera

    Joannadandy.I didn't feel you were singling me out I just don't want people to think that of me..That is all.I jumped a bit.

    take care

  • nakedmvistar

    I'm one semester away from my Bachelors in ABN. Psychology and no, left brain/right brain "psychology" is not out-dated. This is especially true when dealing with people who have had head injuries resulting in dysfunction in certain areas of the brain. Maybe you should stop going to that low budget, back-water community college! A 300 level psychology "class" does not qualify you to even begin to comment on something like this.

  • joannadandy

    Brain injury has nothing to do with right brain left brain which says people are pre-disposed to different types of learning. Yes we all know the brain hemisphers are in control of different functions such as speech or physical movement, but classifying people as being "right brained" OR "left brained" is what is out dated...

  • onacruse

    "A 300 level psychology "class" does not qualify you to even begin to comment on something like this."

    nakedmvistar, I can't disagree with you more strongly. Any level class (including the college of Hard Knocks) qualifies any of us to comment on any thing like this.

    The phrase "educational hubris" comes to my mind here.


  • Carmel

    I considered applying for Mensa knowing I qualified, until I hired a couple both of whom were members. After two years of tolerating their attitudes, I decided not to pursue membership. Since then, I've met another couple that are members, just the opposite in their demeanor. go figure!


  • donkey
    0 = ax 2 + bx + c

    The answer to your equation is:

    Since the right side equals zero then ax 2 + bx have to equal the absolute value of c multiplied by -1.

    to cancel x let=1; which would leave 0= | c | + c *-1

    c = 0

    or C (see) nothing, just like a good believer.

    Do I get a prize now?

  • Farkel


    : The phrase "educational hubris" comes to my mind here.

    Not to mention "intellectual hubris." God gave us intellect, i.e. I.Q by someone's defintion.

    Man gives us formal education. Education (formal or otherwise) takes work. Intellect comes natural to some and is never going to be there for others. Blame God, and Genes. Or both.

    I breezed through school without hardly a thought. It was so easy for me, I felt like I was cheating and wondered why so many people fretted over what I thought were trivial papers and assignments.

    I once had a teacher who didn't believe in giving a + or a - on a grade: An "A" was an "A" in her world. there is no "A-" nor any "B+". Fine and dandy. I had written a precis' on the book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" as an assignment and it was time for my grade. She dutifully wrote "A" on my report card, and then asked me if she could use my work as a model example about how to do a precis' for classes next year and in the years after that. I said "sure, you can! Just give me an A+ and it's yours." I explained to her that I got an A- in some other class and needed an A+ to keep my perfect 4.0 average going. She said "I don't believe in that." I said "I don't believe in giving something for nothing. No A+ , no precis'." She said, "You are blackmailing me." I said, "Nope. I'm negotiating with you. Just how hard would it be for you to put a little "+" sign after my "A?" She got the picture. She got my precis' and it was a model for her students in years to come. I got my 4.0 GPA. Life was good that day for me. I was very fond of this teacher and she was very fond of me. I used to visit her home and we would have sodas and talk about so many wonderful things. She was the ONLY English teacher who taught me anything about English. She told me I was smart, and to have her tell me that meant a lot to me. She was one of the toughest, most unmerciful English teachers I ever had. I bow to her to this day for her toughness. I learned so much from her. I asked for her to be my teacher the next year and I got her, so I had two years of her awesome teaching. Nothing I learned about English in my school days after her was worthwhile. Everything I learned about English from her was worthwhile to me.

    My best friend sweated bullets writing his term papers and took the whole dang term to write them. I wrote mine within the last two days before they were due. I got "A's" He got "B's." He hated my ability to do that. I told him it was just easy for me. He wondered why it was so hard for him. I said "Ask God, but don't expect any answer." He was a Baptist and that made him a "bad association(tm) in my Cult . My really BEST friend in my whole dub life was a Baptist! My mother thought we were "queer." Even then as a teenager, I knew that God didn't answer anyone about anything.

    There is nothing more boring than an uneducated intellect, nor nothing more boring than an educated idiot.

    Do you see the dilemma here? I do. There is a balance somewhere in the middle.

    Use your brains to the best of your ability. Use your life experience and knowledge you've gained to override your brains when necessary and do your dang best to make the right decision.

    You won't always be right. Get used to it.

    Sorry about my stories. They just popped up for me.


  • Crazy151drinker

    151 of course, unless I drink 151 and then it skyrockets to 151^151 or is that the amount of brain cells I kill everytime I waste my time reading this thread.

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