Bill Bowen...Rev MaLk

by Brummie 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brummie

    I find it incredibly difficult to read between the lines in current threads on BB closing the SL forums and deleting posts etc, it would be helpful to know what is really going on? Its important. I havent been keeping up with the SL forum.


    I don't want to become too outspoken,

    Rev can you just speak your mind please. This is a pretty outspoken board and freedom of speach is allowed... why have reservations? We should never fear speaking truth.

    I know for a fact he's instructed his followers to stay away from here

    Can this statement be documented and why was it said?

    You can email me privately if you dont want to discuss it here.


    Edited by - Brummie on 16 December 2002 7:21:32

  • RevMalk
    Rev can you just speak your mind please. This is a pretty outspoken board and freedom of speach is allowed... why have reservations? We should never fear speaking truth.

    Ok, I know what you mean, and I should practice what I preach right? Well, this is the thing. I've been doing some thinking, and no matter what I think of the way Bill handles things, he's all the cause has at this time. He's the only one who's getting anything done. So looking at the broader spectrum, I realized that perhaps I've said too much. I don't want to hurt the cause or what people think of it, or Bill, that's just not my place. No matter what drives Bill, he is being driven, and that's what seems to be the important thing. Brummie, if I spoke my full mind here, it wouldn't be good. Simon doesn't have enough space for all that's on my mind at this time, and I'm not sure it would serve anyone purpose.

    My main concern at this time is the Abuse Survivors. When Bill told me he was taking the boards down, like I said I was blown away, and ran for everything I could get my hands on to button it down and keep it right where it is. There's obviously a reason why I put it on and not, which I've stated in another thread. I heard all the things everyone says about Bill, and I wanted to make sure it was safe, just in case anything crazy happened. But never in a millions years did I think that was actually going to happen, especially in the first month. I'm not trying to bash the guy or his efforts in any of the statements I've made thus far. Partly for the reason that he's all we have, and partly because he hasn't done an 'evil' thing here, he just hasn't taken the Lambs into consideration with this decision, and I think he needs to start doing that. As people have been pointing out, he supposedly is working for them, so why don't they get a say in these matters? Alot of the things I say are coming from them, some are not posting because they fear what Bill and silentlambs will think, and some are not posting for other similar reasons, but rest assured, they are speaking their minds to me. So some of the things I say and have been saying are directly out of the mouths of the silentlambs supporters. Many are disenchanted over this and other things, some are shocked (all?) and others are through with silentlambs. I'm saddened to see all this happening. I just made a large post in the other thread regarding much of this, so you might want to check there for deeper answers:

    I apologize for the lack of detail here, I really have to get going, I have a ton of work to do, but if you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

  • SheilaM


    I think it's crap that Bill decided to end the board. Yes, he has alot of irons in the fire but to discontinue it was really a kick in the teeth. It was one place I could go and feel comfortable, I mean this board is nice but a little extreme at times. (I don't mean to offend anyone) If I wanted to talk about alot of the issues that are brought up here I could go chat elsewhere. No, I wasn't sexually abused but I was emotionally abused and I can't seem to get over it. Having a safe haven and then having it yanked out from under you is not especially comforting. I haven't posted there since, I'm trying this one out to see how it goes, so far so good.

    I do want to thank you for taking the board over and I do like the lambs roar idea, I am an artist and am working on a graphic for you to look at.

  • RevMalk


    I think it's crap that Bill decided to end the board. Yes, he has alot of irons in the fire but to discontinue it was really a kick in the teeth. It was one place I could go and feel comfortable, I mean this board is nice but a little extreme at times. (I don't mean to offend anyone) If I wanted to talk about alot of the issues that are brought up here I could go chat elsewhere. No, I wasn't sexually abused but I was emotionally abused and I can't seem to get over it. Having a safe haven and then having it yanked out from under you is not especially comforting. I haven't posted there since, I'm trying this one out to see how it goes, so far so good.

    I do want to thank you for taking the board over and I do like the lambs roar idea, I am an artist and am working on a graphic for you to look at.

    I pretty much share your feelings. I'm still confused.....maybe it'll go away, I don't know.....I just don't get it, and Bill has informed me the discussion is that's that I guess. As for this forum being 'extreme' at times. Yes I see what you mean, and I don't think anyone will take offense. When you have a board like this, it's hard to please everyone. That's why it's good to have different resources available for specific needs, and I don't think anyone can be offended by that.

    I'm still shocked by it all, and I think I've spoken too frankly on it. Emotions you know.....BUT, the fact still remains that he did something I, and apparently plenty of Abuse Survivors and Supporters disagree with. Does that in itself make him a bad person? Of course not....I just have a different opinion.....but then again I am not in charge of silentlambs, so my opinions mean nothing at the end of the day.

    Thanks for the Logo thing! First one so far :)

  • Brummie


    Thanks for your response and the time you put into it. I've picked back up on the other link and saw your recent replies.

    Hope you are not feeling too bad, you shouldnt be.

    I got a little confused when I saw your thread with your sister on SL, and your letter resigning which gave very good reasons for doing so, and then I didnt go to SL forum and later I read here that you were sacked and not given chance to respond. It was 2 different issues and I missed the "middle bit" and therefore lost the fault. Either way none of it seemed fair on you.

    I started this thread because there seemed to be a lot more to the story that I couldnt pick up on, I'll refocus on the current posts on the other thread now and get the other bits.

    Must say you are to be given a lot of credit, I felt so disappionted for you after all the work you put into getting SL forum off the ground.

    Just for the record I have never heard Bill suggest that people should stay away from this board, but if he did I am sure there was a harmless context to his meaning?

    Thanks again Rev, see you on LR which I'll be visiting regular.


  • RevMalk

    Thanks for the support and encouragement. I do want to set one thing straight though. What happened with my sister and I should have never been brought up in a public forum, and that's where I fell short. I suppose it's one of those being human things. I apologize to her, and to anyone/everyone who had to see it. The fact of the matter is, I was becoming disenchanted with what was going on at silentlambs, and her and I got into a brother/sister spat like when we were kids, and I was emotional, and it basically all got blamed on her (my leaving silentlambs). It was my escape hatch, and it was easier to do that (oddly enough) than to admit what was going on inside. She helped me to understand alot of what I was feeling over there in the first place, so in all actuality, I have to thank her, because without her I may have gone further down a road I would have regretted. edited - Spelling

    Edited by - RevMalk on 17 December 2002 1:23:13

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi RevMalk,

    You said:

    some are not posting because they fear what Bill and silentlambs will think, and some are not posting for other similar reasons

    I think people need to post what they truly believe no matter what anyone thinks about it.

    People should not fear what others think.

  • RevMalk

    Me too UNDF!

    By the way, we miss your extremely informative posts over at LRD! Hope to see you around frm time to time :)


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    RevMalk said:

    By the way, we miss your extremely informative posts over at LRD! Hope to see you around frm time to time :)

    Thank You Rev!

    I definitely will continue to post on your Forum, I'm sorry about not posting too much recently, I've had to start working two jobs, plus I've been working on putting together some information for

  • RevMalk

    Hey, I know how that is.....we'll look forward to seeing you when you have a chance.

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