Bill Bowen...Rev MaLk

by Brummie 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brummie

    Rev I'm sorry for you...and your name was still used in this email have replaced it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To all on Bill Bowen's email list Thu, 19 Dec 2002

    Due to circumstances that have developed I am forced to clarify certain matters regarding As you may recall I wrote in my last email,

    Many of you may not believe this but I really am a peaceful person. It is far easier to make peace than war in my opinion.

    I have found this generally the best solution to a problem and helpful to moving on with important issues. I can recall a few years back forgiving a $10,000 debt from a brother for the simple reason above. There are those who have taken advantage of silentlambs financially and other ways but we have endeavored to take the high road and work for peace as a better objective. In some cases there are those who do not want peace but instead use our good will and benefit of the doubt to take advantage and hurt the reputation of silentlambs along with discrediting the goals and purpose of the organization.

    One example of this is in the recent matter involving Rev, I tried to offer a peaceful way out of this. When we spoke on Tuesday night of this week he agreed to give all rights and ownership to silentlambs, inc and provide all passwords first thing Tuesday morning, at that point I would make a comment to the email list about us making peace. I got to thinking about the scripture about the sun not setting in a provoked state and decided as a measure of good faith to go ahead and send the email that night before I got anything from Rev.

    Sadly this was a mistake, to my surprise the next morning Rev did not keep his word. Again trying to give him the benefit of the doubt I sent him upload information to upload the website as agreed on Wednesday. When I again asked for passwords I was given a flimsy excuse, he could not find it at the moment. I then asked about the upload on Wednesday I was assured it was 69% complete and would be finished soon.

    In the process of doing this I was also sending communications to the new webmaster and again in good faith carbon copying the messages to Rev. When Rev questioned one of the messages only sent to him and the webmaster I gave him a truthful explanation. This person had not read the large email earlier sent out as he is not on the silentlambs list, so my comment about Rev finding new light was just a simple way to explain to someone who could care less as long as we were getting cooperation.

    Now I find that this private email was posted publicly by Rev and a huge issue has been made about it? Is that working for peace or for war? I am contacted by others that many false assumptions are being made publicly as well as accusations against silentlambs. Again I went back and simply requested the passwords and release of silentlambs from any copyright agreements.

    Thursday morning I find the website has not been downloaded at all and I still did not have the information that was promised. I also find extensive comments are being made about this on public forums in a negative manner. I finally had to say to Rev that I would provide no further information till he delivered what was promised.

    I was finally after lunch today given passwords and a licensing agreement for the website requiring certain modifications for the life of the website. I never agreed to any licensing or copyright agreement if I had been presented with this on day one it would never have been agreed to and Rev would never have worked for silentlambs.

    Silentlambs is owned by silentlambs, inc and will not be encumbered by licensing agreements. In the new arrangement that is understood going in and there was no problem whatsoever, just the same as it was and understanding when I started working with Rev.

    When a person does not keep their word repeatedly after you give them a second chance, it is time to cut your losses and move on. For the sake of peace I tried to give Rev every benefit of the doubt but that still does not erase the fact that he hijacked the silentlambs forums by locking me out of my own forums, hijacked the silentlambs website by locking me out of my own website for six days, was paying commissions to himself on book sales from the site, ignored or did not follow through on numerous requests to properly care for the silentlambs website and to communicate with me directly.

    I found it interesting that after the new webmaster spent the day Monday reviewing how the website had been built he asked me, Are you sure this guy is not working for Jehovahs Witnesses? It appears he is trying to destroy your website. I find this disturbing that an outsider who knows nothing about all this would even think of asking that type of question. Why did he make that statement? As he showed me most of the information was not actually on the website and the design of the site seemed purposely built to prevent it from being easily accessed by search engines.

    Interesting also is the fact a large forum that previously linked to silentlambs as a non profit organization solely dedicated to protecting children now links to Lambsroar a for profit forum that is ran by Rev. Do they suppose to present this as a new organization for abuse survivors?

    I think of an example of a son who begs his father to use the car. When the father finally gives in and provides the keys the son goes out and promptly wrecks the car. When the father becomes upset the son says, It is your fault you should have never gave me the keys. Much time and effort was wasted due to my putting the keys of silentlambs in the hands of a person who should have never have had it to begin with.

    The change back to the old web server was delayed by 48 hours by Rev not keeping his word given to me on Tuesday night this left the old site with critical links not working while we tried to give him every chance to keep his word. I do not know if Rev is mentally unstable, a con man or working for Watchtower, but in any case I no longer trust him in anyway to care for matters relating to abuse survivors due to his treatment of the silentlambs website, his pubic posts of misinformation, and repeatedly breaking his word to me.

    Silentlambs will look to endorse legitimate forums that are managed in a stable manner, if you have suggestions we will be glad to accept recommendations.

    I wish to finish this up by stating as I did in the beginning there needs to be peace and I am happy to work in that direction with anyone. In the last ninety days several individuals have tried to destroy silentlambs by their actions and comments. They have attacked me personally and used that as a basis to also discredit silentlambs. Oddly this has come from the most part out of the xjw community. Whatever their motivation in my opinion it certainly is not helping abuse survivors and is not pursuing peace.

    Time proves where the truth lay and where this evil is coming from but silentlambs remains on course as an organization that stands up to any bully or group of bullies who try to discredit the issue of abuse in the JW community and hurt abuse survivors by their comments.

    I hope those of you who read this will understand you are what really matters to silentlambs and we will continue to be there for you and offer assistance and support.

  • abbagail

    I sure am sorry to see this happening again, twice in the same week. Call me dumb, but I still think there has to be some huge misunderstanding, or they are reading each other's words wrong or something, because I know RevMalk is not the things BB is saying. BB, please!! Slow down! :-(

    RevMalk made a reply here for anyone who wanders into this thread:

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi GRITS!

    You said:

    Call me dumb, but I still think there has to be some huge misunderstanding, or they are reading each other's words wrong or something

    Those are my thoughts exactly.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Ya, mine also, I haven't gotten any e-mail from Bill for over a week. Even though he's told me on the phone, he's replied to my e-mails.

  • NewLight2

    Is it possible that someone has hijacked Bill's email account and is using it to destory this whole community?


    Is Bill just creating a bad situation?

    Would SOMEBODY PLEASE get to the bottom of this mess!


  • Trauma_Hound

    I think Bill needs a PR person badly, and needs to get the OK, about what he says publicly. I'm going to call him tommorow, er today, when it's normal hours, and maybe attempt to talk some sense into him.

  • Pleasuredome

    when i first went on the forum i couldnt believe how complex the new site was. i think this was a case of too much too soon.

    Bill , keep it simple mate. try not to get too many people involved in this.

    Rev, just co-operate with Bill for goodness sake, like this needed to happen at this stage.

  • Brummie
    Rev, just co-operate with Bill for goodness sake

    Pleasure there comes a time when you have to draw the line, it must get tiring walking behind someone and constantly having to pick up the pieces they are leaving in their trail.

    This could have all been sorted out privately. Bill has taken a destructive path, its his turn to pick up the pieces now.

    Brummie (of the Other sheep class)

  • abbagail

    I hope it works, Trauma_Hound... I hope it works... this was not good.

  • abbagail

    Why are there two "smilie faces" on the SL Home Page under the 23,720 pedo figure??? When did those appear?

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