My head is spinning from the circular logic, BA.
What's Right about "Right?"
by Farkel 82 Replies latest jw friends
Brother Apostate
I understand perfectly well, it is you who can't get their head around the simple truth in my answer.
"Defining" something is only neccessary to explain things to humans, so we try to define god, right, wrong, sources of these concepts/laws imperfectly.
When God existed alone, as He did before He created everything but Himself, there was no need to define right and wrong, right just IS.
God IS.
Love IS.
Right IS.
At our creation, God gave us a conscience that "gets us started" on what is right and what is wrong. However, our conscience, due to our fallen state, is prone to take a back seat to greed, lust, envy, covetousness, and the other works of the flesh. That is why He defined right and wrong for us in His word, the Bible.
I would expect it difficult for those without faith to see the simple truth.
onacruise= exhibit 1.
I would expect it difficult for those without faith to see the simple truth.
As a friend I ask you, BA, if you even consider me one, do you realize how arrogant and alienating such a statement could potentially sound?
Not characterizing you as a person as being such.
In my opinion, for whatever that's worth, you were very kind and down-to-earth when we spoke.
But the way that statement could sound to a sincere person on the fence is that 'if you don't get it, there's something wrong with you'.
God IS.
Prove it. Until then, a skeptic I remain.
Brother Apostate
That's not at all what I meant. What I am stating is that without faith that God exists always and created all things, it is likely to be difficult (not impossible) to comprehend that God, along with His attributes, always exists.
Therefore, Right always exists, as one of God's attributes.
What I am stating is that without faith that God exists always, it is likely to be difficult (not impossible) to comprehend that God always exists.
Is this what you meant to say?
I did not twist your statement, just eliminated some of the words that do not change it's meaning.
Brother Apostate
Right, you omitted the "created all things" part and the "along with His attributes" part. So it is not as complete, meaning I'd probably have to right those in in my next post to explain my point.
Perhaps this will help you understand:
These are all attributes God imbued in humankind, but each must be exercised or it withers and becomes weak or atrophied.
Ask yourself- Which of the above attributes do you have?
I believe you have stated you have little or no faith.
Hence my comment.
Therefore, Right always exists, as one of God's attributes
Ok, BA, I have a question for you, if God is always right...
In the account at Genesis, where God realizes that Adam and Eve have eaten the fruit of the Tree of Good and Bad and their eyes became opened, why was he effectively saying, "Oh shit, they know what's right and wrong now?" "Oh even bigger shit, we gotta hide the tree of life, or they will be like "us" and live forever". Now someone who is RIGHT and NEVER WRONG, aka God, should have been a wee bit smarter don't ya think??
What dummy would put the Tree of Life that enables humans to become Gods and live forever right under their noses and then says, WOOPS, better move that or them outta here.
Brother Apostate
I'd say that's rather off topic. I don't wish to hijack this thread, so I'll give you the short version of the answer:
Just as God tested Abram and all off His servants, He also tested Adam and Eve.
It is right (and smart) for God to test His servants, to see how much Faith they truly put in Him.
Adam and Eve proved themselves unfaithful, therefore, their ability to continue living in the garden and partaking of it's produce was cut-off.
The rest is history.
PS- If you still have questions and so desire, start a thread on it in a few days, I'm not always available to deal with more than one or a few of these type of threads. It's a matter of free time.
You lack all but the last.