What's Right about "Right?"

by Farkel 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff

    PS- If you still have questions and so desire, start a thread on it in a few days, I'm not always available to deal with more than one or a few of these type of threads. It's a matter of free time.

    Good thing we dont' test our children that way, leave the stove on high and say, ahahah, dont' touch it and leave the room when they are three years old!

    And I will hold you to that. I don't believe my comment was off topic, I was making a point regarding God IS, GOD IS RIGHT. But anyhoo, I will catch you later gater.

  • Farkel

    Of course, most of us know that Brother Apostate while not necessarily being a troll, is an instigator, so we should visit his drivel and demolish it.

    : God is love (1 John 4:8)

    :Love is never wrong, always right.

    :God is never wrong always right.

    :Therefore, all the statements you made (below) are correct, they are not mutually exclusive:

    An act is right if God approves it.
    An act is approved by God because it is right.
    All acts commanded by God are right.

    :Because God is what is right, love.

    :"Right" exists, just as Love exists, and God has made known what is right and what is wrong.

    :BA- Question answered.


    Nope. The Bible itself contradicts you. These are all quotes from the Bible:

    "God is Love."

    "Love is not jealous."

    "I, your God am a jealous God."

    How can God be a God of love, where love is not jealous and then BE jealous? If God is a jealous God, then he cannot be a God of Love, since Love is not jealous.

    God = Love

    Love = not jealous.

    God = jealous.

    Question NOT answered, Brother Apostate.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Nice try, really.

    However, the jealousy that God has is always righteous, perfect, by definition "godly".

    God has the right to be worshipped, He and He alone, not Mammon, Baal, Ashtoreth, Isis, Satan, etc, etc, etc.

    He is jealous for what is rightfully His.

    BA- Question answered.

  • wanderlustguy
    However, the jealousy that God has is always righteous, perfect, by definition "godly".

    Synonym for "circular logic".

    Maybe from now on we could shorten these things, for instance...

    You are wrong because *circular logic*. See, now maybe you can understand better. Question answered.

    Much shorter, and easier to quote, too.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Go read up on logical fallacies, dude, no circular logic in that statement.

    While you are at it, you might want to look up "false dilemna", there's one of those on the first page of this thread.

    See if you can spot it, Mmmk?

    BA- Lols.

    PS- Stating "God has godly qualities" isn't circular, it's repetitive and redundant. Used properly for emphasis, such wording can help close the thought emphatiically. (More lols)

  • Farkel


    : However, the jealousy that God has is always righteous, perfect, by definition "godly".

    Define "righteous jealousy" in the Biblical context that love is NOT jealous. Ever. Except it's ok when it is "righteous", it is still "love"? Resolve that conflict.

    :God has the right to be worshipped, He and He alone, not Mammon, Baal, Ashtoreth, Isis, Satan, etc, etc, etc.

    Any God that demands to be worshipped is a pissant, puny, miserable and piece-of-shit God. Real Gods don't worry about stuff like that. Any human parent that demands their children to worship them are pissant, puny, miserable and piece-of-shit parents. Real parents don't worry about stuff like that. Humans are pissants compared to God. Human parents who claim the right to be worshipped by their children are pissant scum. Gods who claim the same thing are the worst pissants of them all, since they are not supposed to have human faults and human egos. They are worse than human parents, and less human than human parents.

    :He is jealous for what is rightfully His.

    What? For being a second-rate pissant ego-driven loser who gets outraged for NOT being worshipped all the time? Most dogs are better friends than your piece-of-shit "GOD friend". And most dogs do better things for us than that particular God, trollypoo.


  • onacruse
    "God has godly qualities" isn't circular, it's repetitive and redundant. Used properly for emphasis, such wording can help close the thought emphatiically.

    Of course it does! Why couldn't we all see this before????

    Thank you, BA, for your remarkable elucidation of the obviously obscure.

  • hillary_step


    You are wasting your time with BA. He has absolutely no idea how to think outside his own tiny paradigm. Ninety per-cent dumb as a rock and so full of Watchtower that he can hardly breathe, he has the kind of arrogance that only an elder fixated on his mirror can have. A very depressing mix.

    A legend in his own lunchtime.


  • 5go

  • Farkel


    I try. I try.

    : You are wasting your time with BA. He has absolutely no idea how to think outside his own tiny paradigm.

    I doubt he could define paradigm, let alone spell it. He probably thinks it is twenty cents!


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