First Time Post - Long time reader

by Samaritan At the Well 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • happy@last
    Welcome, a great and heart warming introduction from you. I think that the more immersed in it the harder it was to see it for what it really is, so well done for allowing your human nature to influence you. It's the WT that want people to dull their senses and accept everything without question.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    A big cheer & welcome from the UK!!

    Our worldwide brotherhood is growing rapidly, so no one needs to feel isolated and alone, with nowhere to turn.

    There is life after......................................Jay UU. Org.

  • Zoos

    Nice intro. Welcome!

    Crisis of Conscience is a game changer. I remember when I read it I was so upset, not only by what he was saying, but also by the fact that he the documentation to back it up. There's no getting around the truth of that book. I took a lot of comfort in the final chapter where he talks about how we just keep going. Don't let your awakening be the end of your story.

    In Search of Christian Freedom, by Ray Franz, is another must read in your journey. Interesting summary in that book as well.

  • cofty

    Welcome and thanks for sharing your story.

    It is exhilarating and terrifying when you first realise the "apostates" might have a point after all.

    I look forward to your posts.

  • Bangalore

    Welcome to JWN.


  • KateWild

    Thank you so much for your story. It's really nice to see people wake up. I am so glad your hubby woke up with you that is so lovely.

    Kate xx

  • eyeuse2badub

    Hi Samaritan

    " I was baptized at a young age and once I got married I was a very spiritual man as they would call me.  My husband and I served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to International convention.  We were even thinking of going into the Circuit Work.  That is how deep into this religion we were.  My husband was an elder and I was his spiritual wife by his side for decades."


    Your story is much like mine except that I'm the Husband in my story. Nearly 6 decades for me. Baptized at 12, giving public talks at 18, married at 19, appointed as an elder at 23. Over 2 decades as an elder. I was a 'golden child' for the wtbts. Circuit assembly parts at 20. Wife and I talked about circuit work and damn glad we had children instead. It was not just one particular thing that helped me see ttatt, it was many things. Oh yea, the fear and guilt of "looking behind the curtain" hindered my exit and in addition I was the COBE at the time I'd had enough. I really though that I was all alone in my disgust for the wtbts but I was willing to go it alone if necessary. I "resigned" as an elder and started searching the internet for other "evil apostates" like myself. lol. Read CofC and knew that Ray was telling the "whole"truth. Read a few other books to help me realize what power the wtbts had over people. 

    Unfortunately, my wife is still in but there is hope as I see her accepting the "new me" and not 'guilt tripping' on me. She's starting to see the fallacy of the wtbts but all of her friends and family are dubs as are mine. It's been an amazing 5-6 year ride out of the wtbts but the self discovery has been so worth it.

    Hope to see some of your other posts soon.

    just saying!


  • stuckinarut2


    you are amongst friends here who will provide sincere support, and will never "throw you under a bus" like 99%of jws will.

    Enjoy the journey....

    While all of us have varying stories, we all share one thing in common: our eyes have been opened, and NOW our REAL life begins!

  • 7Starz

    I will reveal a secret...I am so glad that Samaritan at the Well is my wife.

    It makes me so happy that we both came to our senses at the same time. 

    I am so proud of her.

    Together we are building a better today and a brighter tomorrow.

    I wonder how many other husband and wife teams are on this board.


  • Phizzy

    Hi 7 starz and Sam at the Well, both good usernames by the way !

    Mrs Phizzy and I left together, though I had a grasp of TTATT and at the time she did not. Mrs Phizzy is my best friend as well as a loyal wife, and she was happy to go with me, and find out why later.

    This came as a surprise, but blessed relief to me, because like me, she was born-in, and in for close on six decades, and I really was not sure what her reaction would be,.

    I was simply at the point that I could no longer be part of the Tower of Lies, and would have to take whatever she threw at me.

    The fear of being DF'd, if you do not wish this to happen, is a very sensible one, but as time goes on the chances of being DF'd naturally diminish, so the fear does too.

    We are both so happy to be free, we feel much closer to each other than when we were in, and we are busy building friendships with real, normal people, and looking forward with pleasure to the future.

    We wish you both all the best, and remember, all your new friends on here are here to help you in any way you wish, and here to read and enjoy your future posts.

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