lol thanks I'll stay outside, I had enough of the bubble when I was in the 'crotchtower'
Who's the coolest here?
by troucul 61 Replies latest jw friends
Hey I could use a plastic bubble. Climb in with some baby oil. Of course I would have to charge a small admission fee for people to watch.
I am sure that I could think of some other uses for the bubble too.
save that for your girlfriend/wife, max...I sure don't want to see no dude all shiny inside a bubble...I need another drink to forget that image...
What? No one has mentioned ME? <sitting in corner and pouting>
OK, OK....there are way too many cool people on this board. To avoid hurt feelings, I will refrain from mentioning them.
Those of you who know I like you, know why I think you are so cool.
Those of you who know I don't like you, know why I don't. What some of you don't know is that I think you are cool too. But I will never tell you that!
As it`s dam cold here in the "Great White North ",all I have to do is step out the door and I will be the coolest member on this board..If I stay out too long I will be the coldest member on this board,LOL!...OUTLAW
I got a plastic bubble for sale. Anyone want to buy it, climb in and get in the fetal position?
RandomTask, now you are giving me ideas! <Creative juices flowing.>
Outlaw, what province do you live in?
Edited by - Skeptic on 19 December 2002 16:15:23
I am so cool, I am freezing! Anybody got a coat I can borrow??
Another high school mentality thread.
Country Girl
I'm not a party pooper, er.. I am not trying to be. But I find it extremely tiresome and childish to have threads identifying specific persons that are either the most "popular" .. the most "sexy".. the most "intelligent" stuff like that. It seems so high school like and so exclusive. I thought we were all past that. Everyone has something to offer. Why is it necessary to identify and idolize, in a thread, the people that stand out here? Why not just accept everyone for who they are and quit trying to put those who stand out a bit on a pedastel?
Country Girl