I'm not a party pooper ...
...Now let me poop on your party!
by troucul 61 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not a party pooper ...
...Now let me poop on your party!
*hands Valis a pudding cup*
I AM THE COOLEST.....got that?
ME!! Or minimus or valis or troucul or ...
at all the naughty boys here!
Need to keep hormones in check but it's so hard
HA I said hard..LOL
No damnit I am the coolest! I am the coldest!
I hate these damned "who's this or who's that threads.
I just can't wait for the who's the dumbest here. My name will be all over it.
Outoftheorg of the grouch class.
LOL @ outoftheorg
However I am inclined to agree with you.
These immature praise-seeking threads are quite irritating.
Are many of you people suffering psychological regression and returning to high school?
Who is smartest?
Who is coolest?
Who is cutest?
I mean enough already.
Oh, I have a novel idea.
How about who starts the stupidest threads.
Jason (of the also grouchy class)
Suprising how many people that dont like these threads have posted on all of them.
Bringing them right back to the top.
You noticed that too, ring? It's funny how that works. Weird how little fluff threads get people more upset than deep controversial topics do. Anyway, I think all the people who responded favorably to this thread have a certain level of coolness and baditude. All you other guys are just partypoopers. Just take your ball and go home.
<<<<<< Goes without saying.