Who's the coolest here?

by troucul 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis
    Why is it necessary to identify and idolize, in a thread, the people that stand out here?

    Becuase dear CG, since I'm the coolest therefore I demand adoration, oh and a pudding cup please..*LOL*

    C'mon you guys, there is nothing wrong w/having this kind of thread...its all done in fun and can be whatever you make it. The next time there is another outbreak of goofy list threads by minumus make sure you knock him too...we all want to be fair now don't we?

    Hey I want a bubble too! We could have a bubble cam or possibly hot live streaming bubble action.


    District Overbeer of the "Too Cool For This Thread" class

  • Kenneson

    Now, has everyone already forgotten what the Watchtower Society says about creature worship? How quickly we forget! Thank God!

  • Valis

    *LOL* Kennesson, are you calling me a creature? I resemble that remark!


    District Overbeer of the "Creature Worship" class

  • RubyTuesday

    Whoever has the coolest response to this thread.... wins.Let you know the results later.

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 19 December 2002 18:0:12

  • BadJerry

    Looked up the definition of cool on the web and feel I should now second our threadmaster's first picks!

    Definition of cool - 1 : moderately cold : lacking in warmth


  • pettygrudger

    RT said

    I got a plastic bubble for sale. Anyone want to buy it, climb in and get in the fetal position?
    If I can come up with something better to do in the plastic bubble, can I be coolest?!
  • Valis

    petty, perhaps there's extra room in your bubble? we could practice being "cool" together


    District Overbeer

  • pettygrudger

    Yes Valis - we can do battle in the plastic bubble to see who gains the title of coolest

  • rowdy

    sorry brother i am not a betting man even though i grew up in vegas but i think minimus is a chick read the post sorry minimus i dont know you but i am working on my psy degree support yourlocal red and white rowdy

  • bittersweet

    The coolest?

    I would have to say......everyone who posts their thoughts and opinions here is the coolest.

    Charlene of the I hate exclusive clubs.

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