Santa Claus takes the place of God in the holidays.
Similarities between Santa and God:
Quality of Santa Claus #1:
Santa Claus has some pretty awesome powers that cannot be comprehended by the human mind. How can he deliver gifts to every "good" child in the entire world in one night?
Quality of God #1:
God is the only one whos powers are awesome.
Quality of Santa Claus #2:
Santa Claus is omniscient. He knows when your sleeping, when your awake, whether you've been bad or good.
Quality of God #2:
God is the omniscient. (Ps 139:1-6; Prov 5:21)
Quality of Santa Claus #3:
Santa Claus deserves to be praised and sung about during the holidays.
Quality of God #3:
God is worthy of praise. (2Sam 22:4,Ps.101:1)
Quality of Santa Claus #4:
Children must be good all year, or they will not please Santa Claus.
Quality of God #4:
A person ought to aim to please God, the creator and judge.
Have a merry Christmas and remember what it is all about.
Luke 2:11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."
Satan Claus
by SwedishChef 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
lol...I'd much rather worship santa than God. Differences between God and Santa...
1. santa doesnt control peoples life
2. santa doesnt destroy peoples life
3. santa doesnt demand people to worship him or die
4. santa makes children and adults happy
5. santa brings families and friends together once a year.
6. god is so insecure he needs people to tell him how great he is every day
7. god is so pathetic he demands people thank him ever time they nourish themselves by eating food
8. god is so disgusting that he allows people to molest children in his name
Similarities between God and Santa....
1. Both are imaginary
When you consider the facts that the concept of exchangeing gifts originated from the pagan custom of ancient romans in honor of their God Mythra you have to conclude that participating in this tradition is in effect worship to a deity. I think you may be on to something there swedish chef.
. god is so pathetic he demands people thank him ever time they nourish themselves by eating food
8. god is so disgusting that he allows people to molest children in his name
What is so wrong and pathetic about teaching people to be grateful for what they have? All he wants is for us to not take food for granted cos how many millions of people die of starvation?
Why is God always to blame when men do stuff of their own free will? Quit creating a scapegoat for them, they are answerable for their own sins and its nobodies fault but their own. God doesnt allow it, but man is disobedient.
Why is God always to blame when men do stuff of their own free will? Quit creating a scapegoat for them, they are answerable for their own sins and its nobodies fault but their own. God doesnt allow it, but man is disobedient.
Who is 'they' logical? Innocent children who drown in a lake two weeks before christmas? What so called 'sin' or law of gods did they break? What law of his did innocent children being molested break? Anytime something bad happens it has to be because someone didnt do what god said or committed some sin? Oh wait, let me guess its their parents who disobeyed and their sin got passed on their children right? I will never understand how someone can believe that there is an all powerful, all knowing, almighty person living in the heavens looking down on people suffering, being raped and murdered and starving and yet somehow it is all their fault. I believed it for a long time logical then I snapped the deleted out of it!
Edited by - Englishman on 23 December 2002 2:27:59
What is so wrong and pathetic about teaching people to be grateful for what they have? All he wants is for us to not take food for granted cos how many millions of people die of starvation?
Uh duh hes supposed to be all powerful remember..why not just make more food for the rest of em??!
Why do people hold on to the pathetic notion that there is a god? Its sad to listen to the rationale of believers.
Since some of you say there is no God, why do you keep harping about God's inactivity? If there is no God, then it IS HUMANS who are SOLELY responsible for rape, pedophilia, murder, etc. And yes, there is enough food to go around. Could it be man's greed that prevents it from getting to those who need it? The U.S. may send a lot of food to other countries, but oppressive governments prevent the needy to get it by either hoarding it or letting it rot in warehouses. To continue accusing a God you don't even believe in is a cop out. Are you afraid to see exactly what us humans really are like? We're capable of great things, but we also have our dark side; it's called wrong doing and indifference.
I was not blaming god for inactivity..I was simply pointing out how ridiculous it is to belive in a god for the reasons stated.
If you took the time to read my post you would have seen that I am not one of those who believe that there is a person looking down at the world and doing nothing.
I know exactly what humans are like, I see it every day and I am aware that man is responsible for the worlds condition.
Thanks for your Post.
I was planning to post a very similar Thread tonight, but since I found yours, I'll post it here.
The following information is taken from :
New Age authors repeatedly state that the supreme head of the Planetary Logos -- their supreme leader -- is named Sanat Kumara. Master D.K., speaking through Alice Bailey, defines Sanat Kumara as the "life and informing intelligence upon and within our planet." [The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, Page 676]. Later, Sanat Kumara is identified by another title: The Lord of the World [Page 735]. Of course, this is synonymous to one of the Biblical titles for Satan. In John 12:31, 14:30, and 16:11, Jesus called Satan the "Prince of the World". Thus, there can be no doubt that the Sanat, the New Age supreme head, whom they call, the "Lord of the World" is none other than Satan, whom Jesus called "Prince of the World". Sanat is simply and only a translocation of the word, Satan. Sanat equals Satan. There is no doubt, especially when you realize that the Plan to produce the New World Order of Sanat is identical to the Biblical prophecy of how Satan is going to act in the End of the Age.
Santa equals Satan.
Now, please allow me to introduce to you another translocation of the word, Satan.
Santa. As in Santa Claus.
Before you react too quickly, please take the time to read this comparison between the Biblical teachings about Jesus Christ and the mythical teachings of Santa Claus. Many, many Christian pastors have lamented the fact that Santa Claus has replaced Jesus Christ in the hearts and minds of too many children and adults in America today. When you read this comparison, you will understand that this replacement in the hearts and minds of Americans is not by accident. You will be able to see Satan, the Master Marionette, pulling the strings above the world, leading adults and children alike away from Jesus Christ and toward Santa Claus, who is the epitome' of the love of the world and everything that is in it.
1. Jesus has white hair like wool (Rev 1:14) | Santa has white hair like wool
2. Jesus has a beard (Isaiah 50:6) | Santa has a beard
3. Jesus Comes in red apparel (Isaiah 63:1-2) | Santa comes in red apparel
4. The Hour of Jesus' Coming is a mystery (Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33) | The hour of Santa's coming is a mystery
5. Jesus Comes from the North where He lives (Ezekiel 1:4; Psalm 48:2) | Santa comes from the North where he lives (North Pole)
6. Jesus is a Carpenter (Mark 6:3) | Santa is a toy carpenter
7. Jesus Comes as a thief in the night (Matthew 24:43-44) | Santa comes as a thief in the night. Santa even gains entrance to homes as a thief.
8. Jesus is Omnipotent -- All-Powerful (Rev 19:6) | Santa is Omnipotent -- can deliver all the toys of the world in one night
9. Jesus is Omniscient -- knows all (Hebrews 4:13; 1 John 3:20) | Santa is Omniscient -- knows if you have been good or bad, for the entire year
10. Jesus is Omnipresent -- Everywhere at the same time (Psalm 139:7-10; Ephesians 4:6; John 3:13) | Santa is Omnipresent -- sees when you wake or sleep. Has to be everywhere at once to be able to deliver all the toys in one short night.
11. Jesus is Ageless and Eternal (Rev 1:8; 21:6) | Santa Lives forever
12. Jesus Lives in men (1 Cor 3:16; 2 Cor 6:16-17) | Santa Lives in the hearts of children
13. Jesus is the Giver of Gifts (Ephesians 4:8) | Santa is Giver of Gifts
14. Jesus is Absolute Truth (John 14:6) | Santa is Absolute Fable - (1 Tim 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim 4:4)
15. Jesus Sits on a throne (Rev 5:1; Heb 1:8) | Santa Sits on a throne
16. We are told to boldly go to Jesus' throne of Grace for our needs (Heb 4:16) | Children are bidden to approach Santa's throne to ask for anything they want
17. Jesus Commands children to obey parents | Santa Tells children to obey parents
18. Jesus Wants little children to come to Him (Mark 10:14) | Santa Bids children to come unto him
19. Jesus Judges (Rom 14:10; Rev 20:2) | Santa Judges whether you were good or bad
20. Jesus is Everlasting Father (Isa 9:6; Heb 12:2) | Santa is Father Christmas
21. Christmas is supposed to be the Celebration of the birth of the Christ Child (Matt 1:23; Luke 2:11-12) | Kris Kringle means "christ child"
22. Jesus is Worthy of Prayers and Worship (Rev 5:14 Hebrews 1:6) | Children Pray and worship "St. Nick"
23. Jesus is Lord of Hosts (Mal 3:5; Isa 8:13; Psalms 24:10) | Santa is Lord over a host of elves - (In Druidic religion, elves are demons or tree spirits)
24. God says, "Ho, ho ... (Zechariah 2:6) | Santa says, "Ho, ho, ho ..."
25. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the Image of God (Isa 9:6; Hebrews 1:3) | Santa is Symbol of World Peace, the image of the Christmas Season(Note: This comparison taken from "The GOOD NEWSletter", by Former Catholics For Christ, Oct/Nov/Dec, 1997.)
Clearly, you can see that someone deliberately created a Secular counterfeit to Jesus Christ, matching the many attributes of Jesus Christ with Santa Claus! There are too many direct matches for this creation of Santa Claus to have been an accident. We are told in Job 1:6-7 that Satan walks up and down on the Earth, as if it were a small garden plot completely under his domination. Satan can be thought of as a Master Marionette, pulling the strings on Earth. Certainly, in these Last Days, Satan would have wanted someone else to draw the attention, admiration, and love of the children away from Jesus Christ. But, not only that, Satan would have wanted to infect children early with that most devastating of spiritual diseases, the love of material things, and the love of oneself that goes with trying to get as many presents as possible! The creation and promotion of Santa Claus certainly fulfills all these goals.
Remember that one of Jesus' End Times prophecy was that the hearts of the people would have become extremely cold to Him. "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." (Matthew 24:12)
Certainly, children are told to come to the wrong source for their gifts, they are encouraged to right behavior throughout the year for the wrong reasons, and they are taught to love material things rather than, and more than, God. This brings to thought another End Times Scripture. "But understand this, that in the last days will come perilous times of great stress and trouble, hard to deal with and hard to bear. For people will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate greedy desire for wealth ... They will be lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements, more than and rather than, lovers of God." (2 Timothy 4:1, 2, 4; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Commentary).
Doesn't this prophecy perfectly describe our society today? Children are being taught, at a very early age, to love material possessions, to try to get as many presents as possible, and to love themselves greatly, all as a result in believing this pagan myth of Santa Claus.
We encourage you to take this information with the love in which it was given. You certainly should not teach your children of the myth of Santa Claus, and you should teach them that Jesus Christ is the Reason for the Season. While there is no harm in exchanging gifts, you certainly should teach your children that it is better to give than to receive. And, you should definitely teach them that Jesus gave the greatest gift of all history, the Gift of Eternal Life!
Once you understand the deliberate way in which the myth of Santa Claus was created to be a direct counterfeit of Jesus Christ, you can see that children can be easily led spiritually astray by believing in, and participating in, this story. Keep them focused on Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Reason for the Season.
I went for a walk earlier this morning and passed a business with several Nativity scenes set up. It was interesting to see one of the three Magi wearing...sandals! Joseph was too. Now how many people do you see wearing sandals in winter? Even without snow, it's still too cold for them.
Isn't it interesting that pagan religions have a story of a divine being born on Yule (the winter solstice, 12/21) and Christianity has a story of a divine being born on 12/25?
Also, there is an item now on Yahoo (science news) where scientists speculate on what the Star of Bethlehem could have been. In the story, it's noted that one problem with trying to solve the mystery is not knowing for sure when Christ was born (month and year mainly-the chronicler went from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D. without allowing for the year 0 in between, for example. Another glitch leads to at least a four year error, but I can't get the story up right now to explain it). But, since shepherds are noted in Scripture apparently tending newborn sheep, and such sheep are born earlier in the year, speculation has it Christ may have been born in October. It's an interesting article.
The reason for the season isn't Christ. It's making up for slow sales the rest of the year. If not, why are prices always higher now? Why don't they pass on greater savings to the public?