SS- Are you a satanist? If so I'm not the least bit interested .I also choose not to believe in mythology .For the time being I am not interested in religion or cults at all .I have been down that road before and came out of it very dissappointed to say the least.However I don't mind discussion boards like this to get an idea of exactly what people believe and why.
Satan Claus
by SwedishChef 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL, comf! Thanks for lightening this up!
As for swedish chef and undisfellowshiped, those comparisons are ludicris!! (sorry, spelling) Most people who believe in Jesus and God and think about them more than just this time of year, they also give them a lot more respect and credibility than they do Santa Claus. (BTW, we notice how you leave out the "claus" in santa claus to make it sound more like Satan just to empower your argument). Kids figure out early on that Santa is just a figmant and is fun for the holidays, thats it. I know a lot of Christian kids and they do not confuse God with Santa Claus by any means. This is just more convoluted reasoning from fundementalist people who annoy most of us. Get a life.
Found - I think people use convoluted reasoning when they celebrate holidays such as christmas.Here is why I said that- 1- There is no santa claus yet people talk about him all the time and try to convince their children he is a reality 2- Jesus lived 2k years ago and died 2k years ago so there is no point in celebrating his birthday in the year 2002 .3- No one has a good reason for putting a christmas tree in their living room . That'll do it for now .
Found, thanks for your comments.
As for swedish chef and undisfellowshiped, those comparisons are ludicris!! (sorry, spelling)
Thanks for your opinion.
Most people who believe in Jesus and God and think about them more than just this time of year, they also give them a lot more respect and credibility than they do Santa Claus.
I would certainly hope so.
The problem is, I have noticed a lot of people seem to focus on Santa Claus a lot more than they do God.
(BTW, we notice how you leave out the "claus" in santa claus to make it sound more like Satan just to empower your argument).
Actually, it may have seemed that way, but I truly did it to save on typing
Kids figure out early on that Santa is just a figmant and is fun for the holidays, thats it.
That's another thing I see wrong with Santa Claus.
Parents are teaching their children something that they themselves don't even believe, so they are intentionally lying to their children, and then I'm curious how the child feels when he/she finds out that their parents have been lying to them?
I wouldn't have near as much of a problem with Santa Claus, if parents would explain to children that it is a make-believe story.
I know a lot of Christian kids and they do not confuse God with Santa Claus by any means.
I am very happy about this.
This is just more convoluted reasoning from fundementalist people who annoy most of us. Get a life.
Sorry to annoy you. I see that the generalizations have begun.
Just to make it clear, I am not condemning anyone for having Santa Claus as part of their Christmas. I wouldn't condemn or judge someone for that.
I most certainly already have a life.
Peace to you and I hope you had a very nice Christmas!
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 27 December 2002 1:57:55
Heathen said:
Jesus lived 2k years ago and died 2k years ago so there is no point in celebrating his birthday in the year 2002
And Jesus was raised up 2k years ago!
Take a pill, or have a drink, or something. I'm not selling anything, not what you think, either.
You can thank the Catholic (pagan) Church for picking December 25th as the date
Swedish Meathead (dead from the neck up),
Why do you have to belittle anyone who doesn't share your in your fanaticism? Are you the next one on the board to turn into a revisionist?
You sound like you are a very troubled person. To start off, God doesn't control peoples lives nor does he destroy them. We do it all on our own. He also doesn't demand people to worship him, they just do it because they want to. God makes children and adults happy too. Just because your life apparently isn't going the way you want it to doesn't mean everybody elses life sucks. You are right, Santa does bring families and friends together one day a year, but God brings them together all year around. Sorry your family life doesn't go the way you want it either, but don't blame God, blame YOURSELF!! Everyone reaps what they sew; even you!! God is definitely NOT insecure, but it sure sounds like somebody else is!!!!! Again, don't blame God for your problems. And I don't know what all happended in your family, or what maybe you did to somebody else that you feel guilty about, but God is not at fault for children being molested, satan is. you should know that. God also doesn't demand people to thank him. People do it because He does a lot for them. If Santa and God don't exist, does satan exist? You should have no problem answering this one. Or do we need to wait till God destroys you to find out this question?
D8TA all forget this argument:
When you re-arrange the words in Claus it spells: A.C.L.U.s.
All "true" Christian's should be aware of this. Everybody knows the ACLU is really, or something.
What are you exactly talking about?