Did anybody see the "Bible Dude" skit on Mad TV last night? He fries this lady for mentioning Santa. It was hilarious.
Satan Claus
by SwedishChef 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Big Tex
Belief in God brings out the best in people.
Belief in a religon brings out the worst.Belief in a higher power inspires people to make the attempt to better themselves. I can't blame God for the millions of people killed in his name over the centuries. I can blame whatever religon was invoking that name at the time. In my mind there is a big difference between God and religon.
You can thank the Catholic (pagan) Church for picking December 25th as the date.
Edited by - SwedishChef on 22 December 2002 14:10:55
Big Tex said:
Belief in God brings out the best in people.
Belief in a religon brings out the worst.Belief in a higher power inspires people to make the attempt to better themselves. I can't blame God for the millions of people killed in his name over the centuries. I can blame whatever religon was invoking that name at the time. In my mind there is a big difference between God and religon.
I agree 100%.
Also, I just want to say that no one really knows for sure when Christ was born, since the Bible does not tell us the exact date.
And, I have heard before that around late September/early October is the most likely time period of Jesus Christ's Birth.
Yes, the Catholics chose December 25th, probably because of the Pagan Holidays on the same day.
To me, the most important thing is, that we should celebrate Jesus Christ's Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection every day of our lives!
yard dog
Flower, If I understand you correctly,you don't believe in God. What do you think is the alternative answer to our existence.Evolution?Just curious.
SwedishChef: They say great minds think alike:
On my website I have a "pop-up quiz" comparing Santa with Jehovah. There are a lot of similarities, and people mostly believe in the one for the same reason they believed in the other: they were broght up to believe it. It is socially acceptable in our culture to lose the former belief when one realizes that such a belief is at odds with reality. Unfortunately, we are expected to retain the latter belief, even though it is just as much at odds with reality.
The biggest difference between Santa and Jehovah is that the former never hurt a child (other than by delivering a lump of coal rather than the wished-for gift). Jehovah, on the other hand, ordered the butchering of children, babies, and pregnant women.
Logic asked:
What is so wrong and pathetic about teaching people to be grateful for what they have? All he wants is for us to not take food for granted cos how many millions of people die of starvation?
There is nothing wrong with gratitude. But let's direct it towards the correct source. An omnipotent benevolent being is not compatible with "millions of people dying of starvation." If someone were capable of preventing starvation and didn't prevent it, such a being would not merit our gratitude.
And how do you know what "he" wants us to do? I'm sorry, but one of my pet peeves is people telling me what "God" does and doesn't like. Does "he" talk to you directly, or what? I think it should be pretty obvious by now that no one knows more about the unknowable than anyone else. It could just as easily be that a supreme being might hate sycophants, and my saying so is just as authorative as your saying that "he" wants us to thank "him" for providing us with enough food while "he" watches 20,000 children die daily of malnutrition.
Finally, there is a reason why no one knows the "exact date" when Jesus was born: he probably wasn't.
When you consider the facts that the concept of exchangeing gifts originated from the pagan custom of ancient romans in honor of their God Mythra you have to conclude that
he was a pretty cool god. He encouraged a comraderie among people. Compare him w the egomaniacal christian god who demands absolute faith, primary love, exclusive worship, perfection, fear, etc. Which god would you rather have?
SS- I am realitively sure that the Mythra God was a bust and did not exist .The God of the bible does give you a choice as to whether or not you want to worship him, so I really can't be too critical of that .I have chosen not to worship and am still allowed to live for the time being whether or not he exists. The point being, at this time I am nonreligious and will stay that way until I may change my mind .
God is the only one whos powers are awesome.
What's Spiderman then, chopped liver?
According to popular interpretation, the bible god gives you the choice to worship him or not, but if you don't, then it's curtains for you, eternally, some say in some kind of conscious nowhereland.
I'm not atheist, but i'm quite certain that neither mythras or bible god exist. If you decide to find a god, books can help, but you should get some kind of personal indication of its reality in your own mind and/or heart.