Judge Bans Shunning

by Farkel 83 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Focus

    Excellent news!

    Not only because of the judge's comprehension of the motivations and effect of the evil SHUNNING doctrine, but also the judge's apparent awareness of jW/WTS manipulativeness ("LYING in Child Custody Cases", the Watchtower's anonymous guide to committing PERJURY, comes to mind).

    (Borg-dismantling Class)

  • JT


  • Beans

    Absolutley this is big news!

    If this decision can be heard by more than the Watchtower will let know, it will still big news but only to the few that know about. The key to this topic is to make sure somehow that every state impliments this opinion on humanity.



  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Thanks Farkel:

    I haven't been watching the board as much these past couple of months, so I'm so glad I didn't miss this one!!

    This is great news. After reading this, I've just had a few minutes spewing memories of my df'ing that showed me my wounds still have not healed. I can still vividly picture and feel what I went through having to "walk the gauntlet" up the aisle of the KH to find an available seat after the meeting had started. The elders made it very plain that I was to come in after the song and prayer as a df'd person is not worthy to take part of these things. Even more humiliating though was to see the look on my childrens' faces as they had to watch their mother go through this while they had to sit with their father.

    And to spend some time with them after the meeting, we had to go downstairs so few would have to see us together.

    I would assume that the Watchtower Libel Association will do everything in its power to get it over-turned: a ruling like this affects their power over their followers, and they are mad with power.

    I agree the WLA will not want to lose their hold over the flock.

    I look forward to watching how this turns out and hopefully Farkel, you will get the go-ahead to let us fill the judge in on the many horror stories so many of us have lived or are still living through. Finally, we are getting to see some law officials with backbone and insight.

    Had Enough

  • Cassiline

    Thanks Farkel for your insightful comments and post.

    The judges decision in this case hopefully will stand to all scrutiny. For how many parents out there now are being ignored at the request of a religion and its followers who blindly follow doctrine that IMO goes against biblical teaching to honor thy father and thy mother.

    How many children are torn between two parents? One of whom they are stripped of loving unconditionally? They are robbed of their childhood in yet another way. The pressure placed upon them and the guilt they must feel for wanting to love a parent and are told, "God says you cant", "God says, if you do you will die". I can only imagine the dismay and grief placed upon their already fragile heartstrings trying to comply with the strict doctrine already laid at their feet.

    Hey brave lady!! You know I greatly admire you and your strength for all you have been through. I recall reading your petition way back when. What a wonderful holiday for you and your family. To know you are able to pick those little angels up and know that they are not thinking, " Oh, Daddy said I could not see you", " I must not disobey", "Jehovah would be mad", etc. must warm your heart beyond belief to have little freeminds running around the home this holiday.

    Letter in your inbox, lady.......

    (((((( Hugs ))))) To a Mommy, shunned no more.

    edited to add quotations that keep disappearing

    Edited by - Cassiline on 21 December 2002 21:2:8

  • DevonMcBride


    I really hope this is a stepping stone to stomping the horrible practice of shunning.

  • deddaisy

    woooooooohooooooooo ! definitely in the right direction ! I wouldn't be surprized if WTS fights it as their constitutional right to shun ! Either way they lose. Putting rights above a child's welfare will sit real well !

    I especially liked this quote taken from the WTS site that Beans posted:

    What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah's Witnesses? The spiritual ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. ------The WTS

    gee, how big of you WTS to allow the blood ties to remain ! morons.

    Edited by - deddaisy on 21 December 2002 21:55:11

  • Elsewhere

    It is a deplorable practice and from an emotional and psychological concern, the Court will not permit it to continue.

    Need I say more.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    It would be interesting to see the courts rule on JWs who refuse to allow DA or DF parents to visit their grandchildren.

    I think that the Society is aware that some states have "grandparents rights" laws, and advise accordingly. Not to defend them, but I do know of one case where they advised a JW that refusing to allow visitation could cause legal repercussions.

  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours


    I wouldn't be surprised if down the line the WT receives 'new light' which decides that shunning is a thing of the past and that God, in his awesome wisdom, is the one to make the decision of accepting or rejecting people.

    Actually, it may not be 'new light' at all, but rather a scheme to deal with the many law suits.

    I've been expecting that 'new ray of light' for some a couple of years now. You all just watch!

    Take care!

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