the bible making sense

by jurs 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    lefty;; you better know your watchtower real good before you try me.. i don't need one person on this site to help me make a lair out of any jw.. now get out your old wt's from 1914 -1919 and show all us apostates here , how jesus choose the wt in 1919 from what they were teaching at that time... i'll be waiting till the big A when a wt zombie can do this.

  • Happy


    You should learn to think and speak for yourself, it's obvious that your expressions merely parrot what you've read here.

    Do you have any idea what you're saying?If you are still a witness, which seems to be the case by your replies, (and if you are, i dont think the elders down at the ol' KH would be too pleased to find you on this site) you have no right to tell anyone not to parrot. The witnesses are the ultimate parrots of the WT. It's dreadfully obvious how robotocised they are, especially when you ask them a question not covered in the most recent WT or Awake magazine. They become confused and don't have an answer. The parrot back exactly what has been drilled into their heads, and the idea of free thought and analysis is completely rejected. So witnesses haven't any basis whatsoever to accuse others of not thinking for themselves. "Take the log out of your own eye" so to speak, before attempting to help others to see.

    Edited by - Happy_Guy_Of_Goodness on 23 December 2002 1:40:2

  • Lefty


    The witnesses are the ultimate parrots of the WT.

    Many of my posts here on this forum are a testimony that you have no earthly idea of what you're talking about. Chreck 'em out if you don't believe me.



  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    lefty; i'm waiting are you getting out your 7 volumes of that meat in due season the studies in the scriptures that a recent wt mag called bible truth!!!!! I think you should call the wt and see if they still have any of those radium biola corrective eye glasses that the wt was selling at the 1922 convention in cedar point ohio.. i think you need a pair ... as you been blinded..

  • Happy


    I've seen a number of your posts, and even if you think you are an independant thinker, (which, i have to admit, you may have some level of independance in your thought if you are part of a discussion board filled with ex-JW's) I still think you are closed minded because of the way you reply to everything that insults the WT, even if it is perfectly sensible. I personally could not stand being so constantly negative. If you don't mind me asking though, how can you justify your presence on this board? It is apparent to anyone who knows anything about the WT that you should most certainly not be here. I don't mind talking with JW's as long as they are sensible, but I think the elders may have a lightly different view than I do about you being here.

  • Lefty

    Oh tut tut, Jonny Cip, what is it exactly that you're trying to say ... spit it out there man! Don't be shy. Also, try to get a hold of yourself ... somewhere else other than underneath your belt. I mean, get control of your emotions, otherwise I'll beat your ass all the more easily.



  • Lefty


    I still think you are closed minded because of the way you reply to everything that insults the WT, even if it is perfectly sensible.

    You apparently can't see how well what you say here applies all the better to the apostates here on this forum. Even when what they are presented with is perfectly sensible, they reply with insults to everything said that is said in favor of the WTS, thus proving that they are closed minded. Stick around and you'll see that to be true, if you're honest about it all.



  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    lefty; i'm waiting so can you truthfully answer my question ?? did you know about the wt cure for cancer. i know you want to know which one of the wt quack cures i'm thinking about. lets start with the grape cure for cancer...your familar with that wt gem. you eat grapes till your cancer goes away... ever read the wt golden age mag's... how about the radio desease killer sold at the wt conventions in the 20's you know the conventions that were forfullment of rev. 5 for $35 you get a home electric shock treatment. you plug it in put the wiring harness around your torso one electrod on your ankle the other on your wrist and you turn up the voltage as you watch the flashing different color lights blink on and off .. it was said to cure all ailments... if you think i'm lying go read the golden age mag's from the wt in the 20's.. this is only the tip of the iceberg. i can go on for months with all kinds of wt bull crap that they printed from 1879- 2002

  • Happy


    You could list mistakes and foolish the things the WT has said for months, but if someone is completely convinced, as lefty seems to be, that the WT is inerrant in their teachings, you are simply waisting your breath ( or your typing energy in this case) and your time. You won't win an argument with a JW because they refuse to listen almost all the time.

  • Lefty

    So what? Haven't you noticed that times have changed all throughout the world? For example, it hasn't been all that long ago (perhaps only 30 years ago in fact) that physicians would regularly treat patients afflicted with hemorroids by telling them that they needed to not eat fibrous foods. Today, however, they know that they were telling their patients the very opposite of what they needed for treating this ailment. Now they tell them that they need all the fiber they can get in their diets.

    Shall we also flush the medical profession down the toilet for having been wrong at times?



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