the bible making sense

by jurs 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lefty

    SO, stop feeding the troll. He has hijacked a good thread and made it a big pile of crap.

    I fully agree, Jesika, but which troll are you referring to ... Johnny or Happy?

    Yeah, it's easy for you to pop in here and render your judgement, isn't it. What's not so easy is for you though is to have something to say in defense of your position. You took the cowardly way out, as usual.



  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    hi jesika; how you been ? i've been reading alot of your posts.. you go girl!!!!! hope you are well.. you know i can't help myself pinning a jw.. i do it to help them... the questions i ask them will take years of research.. and you know what happens when they do it.... we have another xjw to help others.... in my own craZY way my method is as effective as any other .. i stayed up 3 hours to put lefty to sleep .... hope he has good dreams..... i'll be watching you ..... john in the bronx

  • Lefty


    lefty ; now your contradicting your self on the fds first you say the wt was not choosen in 1919 now you say they are the fds... what you are doing is circular reasoning.. you have no idea what mat 24 or 25 is about.

    No it's not circular reasoning, and I haven't contradicted myself. It's called acknowledging an error of thought. Ever heard of that? And you might just be surprised what I know about Matthew 24 and 25.

    jesus has not returned

    I fully agree. And, to your surprise, the day will come when the WTS agrees too.

    try reading prov 4:19 you really need to do a lot of reseach

    I see you referred to in that scripture, and I've probably done twice the research that you have.

    if jehovah was using the wt they would not need new light every other yea

    Try reading Daniel 11:35, you really need to do a lot of research.

    if you want i will get out a few new wt's and show you how thay lie about their past...

    I know all about those supposed "lies," I've seen it all before. So, you needn't strain yourself in my behalf. I'm not the spring chick that you take me to be.



  • Lefty
    and you know what happens when they do it.... we have another xjw to help others....

    Only in the case of those who weren't determined to remain true Christians to begin with. What they seek to do is gather company to their side, because misery hates to be alone.



  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    lefty; you see i don't need to wait on the wt to change what they teach the teaching of jesus have not changed in 2000 years.. just a few months ago i read a new wt that said the russell book the time is at hand was bible truth... and the sound of rutherfords voice on the phonograph was like the sound of the angels talking from heaven... this was printed by the wt in 2002. after reading this garbage i have challanged many jw's on this ....and was willing to have a study on that book with any jw.. to see if it is really bible truth as the wt said in 2002... funny no one wants to study the time is at hand with me.... you know why that book is filled with more false prophecies than any other wt book... but the jw's want to live in their fantascy land of lies... whATS that line my mind is already made up, don't bore me with any of your facts!!!!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    lefty ;; if you just wanted someone to chat with , you should have just said so! what you said in all your post tonight have added up to nothing... the wt is still full of shit as always... i gave you a few things to look up have fun reading that bible truth ....the TIME IS AT HAND .....

  • Goshawk

    Didn't I read a post by Simon or someone that looked very much like him that put a prohibition on people using multiple identities on this forum.

    Looks in Lefty/yadirf 's direction.

  • Jesika

    Lefty-----you're not even worth talking to. So, this will be my last response to you.

    Johnny----Ya, I know you love doing that. Hope it works, but this one seems too dense to me. lol

    I have been great, how are you?

    Merry x-mas to you Johnny!!



    edited to add-------Gosh, I thought the same thing. I guess we need to email Simon eh?

    Edited by - jesika on 23 December 2002 7:2:22

  • Undecided

    Hi Friday,

    Shall we also flush the medical profession down the toilet for having been wrong at times?

    The difference is the doctors don't claim to be the sole agent of God in the earth that all men must follow or die at Armageddon. They don't claim to be the only ones that Jehovah is directing. I guess if God is directing you and not inspiring you, you can make all the mistakes you want.

    By the way, give just one example where the Borg. has made a prediction that was correct???

    You Know does as good a job as they do.

    Ken P.

  • Gig

    Lefty, can you call yourself a lover of the truth? If so, why are you still promoting the WT as a capable (truthful) leader of the so-called one true religion? They have made more mistakes, mistakes plainly described in the Bible, than any religion out there. Yet they still claim to be God's ONLY representative?

    It goes like this, Chuck tried hard to make a good way. Instead he made mistakes, GROSS errors. An abusive drunk takes over and with the "gift" of a lying tongue tried to salvage what he saw to be a profit center. A few more false teachings and false prophesies later, it's only an org that has had to escalate their claims or actually admit the truth and deminish. It's self-preservation, pure and simple. Why shouldn't any of us expect GREAT things from the ONE TRUE religion?

    Wolves in sheep's clothing who deceive many...about 6 million at last count. Any good thing they've ever done is duplicated ten fold in God fearing churches everywhere.

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