Millions now living, expect to be DA'd

by cyberguy 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • donkey

    I just got off the phone with an elder. Here is what he had to say (remember other elders will inteperet it differently and do their own thing AT the "visit"):

    • This was discussed at length at the recent Elders School
    • This is a 3 month program running from December through Februrary - possibly being extended till March
    • They are constructing lists of everyone they know to be inactive and will be calling on every person on the list
    • They need to send a report back to Bethel at the end of the program showing their success rate of who they are are able to assist in returning back to meetings.
    • They will be asking whether the inactive person still considers themselves to be a JW OR "do you want to come back vs not come back"
    • According to the elder I spoke with they are NOT supposed to be on a witch hunt - ie concentrating on the negative side and DF/DA inactives
    • They are supposed to contact and have a similar conversation with DF folks too.

    This is the info he gave to me. Take it at face value. There will likely be various approaches taken by different elders and I intend to play the game if they call on me. I will ensure the appointment is for a fixed length of time (so I know how much to burn - and I will make them stick to it because I will tell them I have another appointment to get to exactly on schedule. I will even have someone page me from work telling me I have to go in.)

    If they ask the question "Do you still consider yourself a JW" I have answers lined up that suit my personal circumstances. While I cannot post these here is an example:

    Elder: Do you still consider yourself to be a JW?

    Donkey: Well, even though I havent been at the meetings I still think like a JW. For example, my conscience still affects me if I have wrong thoughts and it still guides me. The other day I was faced with a temptation to offer a Christamas greeting at work but I still told the other person that due to my Bible trained conscience I do not celebrate Christmas. By the way, brother (puke quietly), I have a question.

    Elder: What is that?

    Donkey: Well at work things are very PC now and people are fobidden from saying "Merry Xmas" but instead they have to say "Happy Holidays" now. Since they aren't saying or using the word XMAS - what am I supposed to say to them? Is the word Holiday used to refer to specific days or does it just mean enjoy your time off?

    Before they know it we will have burned up the allotted time and I will have appeared to be asking for advice on doing the "right things". If this fails then I will lie and say say YES I am a JW and play the game all over again - within 2 months I will be inactive again.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Tink and I were inactive for a year and a half. No one came by until the elders got word through family that we sent a Christmas card to one of Tink's non-JW sisters. They hounded us to come to a JC meeting which I refused on the basis that I already talked to two Elders at our door and explained that Tink was going through severe depression and was being treated by professional's and that she was not mentally capabile of going before a JC meeting. I told them to just leave my family businees to me and that I would give Tink the proper care she needs. They gave us exactly two months and then started hounding us with a much more vigorous attitude. We were to show up at a certain time and date or we would be considered as DA'ing ourselves...I simply told them to do what they had to do. They announced that we DA'ed ourselves a week later. Later on we found out that everyone assumed that we wrote a letter, showing that the Elders did nothing to explain what really happened.

    I have a gut feeling that their motive is to find more recent ones who became inactive and badger them into a trap that leads to DA'ing. They never asked the question if we considered us being JW's. Tink did say over the phone to one of them that if given an ultimatum as to weather to come to a JC or no longer being considered a JW, she would have to choose the later. But she was not conclusive. They make their own rules, we all know that. We stuck to our guns and let the cards fall as they might. We were dealt pretty damn good ones too!!!..Happy to be free from mind control!!


  • ashitaka

    I plan on being as evasive as possible. Hopefully, I can make some real problems for them. If they harass me, they might just get called into their bosses office Monday morning.....a certain anonymous person sent an email complaining that they were being harassed by them, and how what they do at home is none of thier business, but that the company could be reflected in a bad light if they harassed people on their spare time.....I'm working out the details of the very least, their coworkers will make it hard for them to come in every day.

    I swear I will ruin whoever comes to f**k with me.


  • Pathofthorns

    This all is rather facinating. An "internal ministry" has long been overdue and I think the Society realizes that it is more productive to seek out inactive members than to be knocking on strangers' doors.

    I would say most inactive ones still believe "it is the truth" and hope to return one day and the Society is capitalizing on this. The people they would like to DA make up a very small fraction of inactive ones, but I would say this is at least an unspoken objective.

    Personally, i think the best way of handling them when they call (if you don't want to outright DA yourself) is as JT mentioned... Say it is a bad time right now (just heading out for an appointment etc) and get their phone number and tell them YOU will contact THEM when it is convenient for a visit. Thank them and CLOSE THE DOOR and don't say any more.


  • benext

    It is puzzling as to the point of forcing someone out by DAing. The year after they'll have to compile a list and go visit again to ask if you want to come back. I will simply tell them I know where the KH is and if I want to go occupy a seat for 5 meetings a week I will. If they take that to mean they should DA me, it's their game played by their rules. I don't seek out the association of the Witnesses and could care less if they crossed the street or averted their eyes at the sight of me.

  • Shakita

    I will not give them any of my precious time. Too much of my life was wasted on this cult! Yes, CULT. I am tired of calling it a high control group. NO MORE....Any organization that calls itself a religion and comes after decent, hardworking people who want nothing more than to enjoy life and their family....IS A CULT!!!!....PLAIN AND SIMPLE...... I will not be bullied by people who once declared themselves my friends. I will not add to one minute of their service time and I will not be a return visit on their reports to the CULT leaders! I will not assist them in DAing me(and my husband). We will not play their CULT games! If they chose to DA us, we will not help them in doing so!

    Mrs. Shakita(CULT SURVIVOR and on the road to freedom)

  • DrMike

    Could it be that, once officially DA/DF'd one ceases to be a liability ($$$) to the organization, if one were to get into legal trouble for molestation / abuse / withholding medical care , or following any of their other silly rules ?

  • JT
    However, I believe the real strategy is to DA (find that in the Bible) anyone, no matter how long they've been away from the KH, 30+ years, no problem, if they simply admit they don't consider themselves as being one of JW's! Elders, evidently, were instructed to ask the simple question "do you consider yourself one of JWs?" If anyone answers "no" there's an instant DA'ing at the next Service Meeting at the local KH!

    you are correct, we discussed this online a year or two back when they switched blood from a DFing 0ffense to DAing offense

    i believe that in the future we will see more offenses shifted like this due to the Legal ramifications of a full blown judical committee- DAing is Clean and Swift it takes less than 3 min if you are dealing with a Good Society Man Elder

  • JT
    'Inactive ones' are more likely to go on apostate sites and find incriminating evidence against the tower. The information they hold could potentially be very damaging as they reveal it to active JWs. The Society need to prevent the still loyal JWs from accessing this information (an informed JW is an Ex-JW). The best way to do this is to stop them talking at all to anyone who might be a threat - hence a possible purge. The congregations can enforce a no-talking policy with anyone who trys to reveal the truth by DAing them

    you are correct- one of the most important thing that the wt must do is LABEL YOU- it is so important that they do this in order for the faithful to know how to treat you-

    by labeling it's members each jw knows exactly how to treat that person

    a CO, inactive, irregualar, reg pio, low hour publisher, pillar in the congo, Elder, DAed, Weak, wordly witness and the list goes on and on, and we all recall that for the most part if someone told us about another person and attached a label on them, in the minds of many of us not all perhaps. we made a JUDGEMENT CALL on that person and thier character-

    and wt has used this tool so well IT AIN'T EVEN FUNNY

  • cruzanheart

    Yes, but if they DA or DF us, will they actually remove us from the list of Witnesses that they triumphantly publish every year to show the wonderful increase in the flock? Can we expect to see that number go down?


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