Millions now living, expect to be DA'd

by cyberguy 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT
    On a different note to this sad story..WHAT do the elders who are applying this directive think of it and themselves? Have they nothing better to do? Dont they feel a tiny bit worried about this? Or have all the feeling elders gone now to be purged in this putsch

    IT IS VERY important to understand the manner in which a directive is presented to elders

    it would never be presented LETS FIND THEM APOSTATES !!!!!!!!!!

    Instead it goes, jah has a loving arrangement that will give inacive ones a chance to RETURN TO JAH, and that is what we do as shepards, by the same token we protect the flock from bad influence and there maybe those who refuse or reject the help that jah org is offering and for those we do as jesus said SHAKE THE DUST OFF YOUR FEET-

    AND with this wonderful pep talk the avg Cheese Cracker Man sees himself on a mission to find the lost sheep and protect the flock from those who have returned to the vomit-

    I have never seen the wt present anything to jw without filling it with all kinds bible support , anti-typical applications, such as the Prodigal son routine,etc

    Please do not give the local Cheese Cracker Men all this credit the avg elders knows less than the newest person on this site when it comes to how the org works

    we have more Women on this site who know the inner workings better than the avg elder

    in my exp the avg elders was just a yes man for the org, you always had one or may 2 elders who we would call "Sharp", but for the vast majority of the men who sit on a body of 5-7 elders they were just cheese cracker men in the fullest sense - i mean have you ever been in a down south congo in Miss, the back woods of Tenn or GA, there educational level alone should be enough to scare the hell out of you in terms of THIS IS THE GUY WHO WILL BE GIVING ME ADVICE ON MEDICINE AND career and invest directions- yea right

  • Elsewhere

    I think that they are becoming desperate to keep their statistics up. They are doing what ever is necessary to increase meeting attendance and the number of publishers.

    They are creating an artificial increase the number of publishers by bringing in the 15 minute rule. They are also creating an artificial increase in the meeting attendance by inviting* inactive publishers to return to the meetings.

    What they have failed to realize is that a lot of these people have stopped attending the meetings for a reason. A lot of these people have seen the problems with the organization. A lot of these people can't keep up with all of the requirements of the organization and torment themselves as being unworthy.

    The people who are "encouraged" have three simple choices:

    • Return to the meetings
    • Do not return to the meetings, but also cry and grovel in front of the elders so they will be viewed as "repentant sheep" who are unworthy of Jehovah's (the elders) forgiveness.
    • Do not return to the meetings and be DAed and shunned.

    The organization has become more concerned about statistics than extending compassion toward those are weak or doubting.

    Also, continue showing mercy to some that have doubts -- Jude 22

    It is better to extend mercy toward a person with doubts than to use threats of shunning to compel him to perform works:

    But if he has doubts, he is already condemned if he eats, because [he does] not [eat] out of faith. Indeed, everything that is not out of faith is sin. -- Romans 14:23

    Message to the WTS: Stop beating your slaves!!!

    But if ever that evil slave should... start to beat his fellow slaves... the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. -- Matthew 24: 45-51

    * Tell the person that they must return to the meetings or face shunning (Nothing like extortion to get the numbers up)

  • whyhideit
    I don't know why there's this directive, but I'm just reporting what I've heard!

    They are trying to cover-up, what has long been seen as a gray area. They suspect that inactive ones are still talking to the active, and might be a source of trouble in the congregation. Basically, they are searching out the problems they see in the organization and this is just one they think is possible.

  • JT
    When some one chooses.....not to be a brother.....and doesn't call himself a brother....then how do they justify their actions to DA or DF such a person according to this scripture?

    easy - the FDS has been charged by jah to not only make bibical interpetations but as RP Johnson used to tell me the FDS has been given the authority to make Theocratic POLICY as well

    the entire concept of the Service Dept unlike the Writing dept which focuses on dogma, the service dept focuses on Procedure and policy and if the want to setup some new arrangement they really don't need to have a bible text that uses the phrase DAing

    as any one on this site would tell you . when you get to write your own books you can prettymuch put into them whatever you want to, esp if you have been authorized by god as the FDS says they have been

  • JT


    You "Ain't" no Damn good- smile

    I love it man - i was talking to some former jw the other day and we were talking about doing something like that - I have always wanted to play devils advocate andnow we can- since many of us know the rules like the back of our hands i know every question and setup they can present and to have the chance to "Dick" with them should be fun, while i would not recommend this to everyone- for me it is going to be great, my wife doggs me all the time when we see jw on the street and they offer the mags i rip them like a pitbull-y favorite is my "Dead" aunt who took thier advice on transplants and "died" they just start fumbling and sputtering cause they can't answer the question that are posed after i setup that situation-

    one jw just admitted as jw we didn't know what we were talking and the advice was bad

    so i asked her right in front of a ton of nonjw standing at the outdoor market- why should any of these good folks listen to your religion when you give medical advice out and have no writers in the medical field who are doctors and no one has more than a High school degree--

    of course my wife dogged me for eating the poor lady up for breakfast lunch and dinner

    but i loved it

    so when any elders stop by our house it will be ANIMAL HOUSE

  • JT

    They suspect that inactive ones are still talking to the active,



  • Carmel


    You win the "quote of the day" for "Informed JW = XJW". Great idea for a bumper sticker!


  • gumby

    I wonder how many dummy Elders that do not know they are not to call on known Apostates....for any reason.....will put these ones on their hit list to call on?

  • SheilaM

    <of the can't wait to see their face class>

  • Postie

    I was just asked that question a few days ago. It was very evident that they were looking for something to get me on. I replied that I did consider myself one. I am in total agreement with everything and even mentioned I would take legal action if they made out in any way I was rejecting anything. I just don't go to meetings because of the way I was treated that's all. So I guess that is the in vogue questin now.

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