On a different note to this sad story..WHAT do the elders who are applying this directive think of it and themselves? Have they nothing better to do? Dont they feel a tiny bit worried about this? Or have all the feeling elders gone now to be purged in this putsch
IT IS VERY important to understand the manner in which a directive is presented to elders
it would never be presented LETS FIND THEM APOSTATES !!!!!!!!!!
Instead it goes, jah has a loving arrangement that will give inacive ones a chance to RETURN TO JAH, and that is what we do as shepards, by the same token we protect the flock from bad influence and there maybe those who refuse or reject the help that jah org is offering and for those we do as jesus said SHAKE THE DUST OFF YOUR FEET-
AND with this wonderful pep talk the avg Cheese Cracker Man sees himself on a mission to find the lost sheep and protect the flock from those who have returned to the vomit-
I have never seen the wt present anything to jw without filling it with all kinds bible support , anti-typical applications, such as the Prodigal son routine,etc
Please do not give the local Cheese Cracker Men all this credit the avg elders knows less than the newest person on this site when it comes to how the org works
we have more Women on this site who know the inner workings better than the avg elder
in my exp the avg elders was just a yes man for the org, you always had one or may 2 elders who we would call "Sharp", but for the vast majority of the men who sit on a body of 5-7 elders they were just cheese cracker men in the fullest sense - i mean have you ever been in a down south congo in Miss, the back woods of Tenn or GA, there educational level alone should be enough to scare the hell out of you in terms of THIS IS THE GUY WHO WILL BE GIVING ME ADVICE ON MEDICINE AND career and invest directions- yea right