Every time I heard a name disfellowshiped I felt a little sad and uneasy with the faith. It just never went down that well, even though we knew it was part of the organization. I mention this, as I have to wonder about this new procedure. How is it going to feel to the active Witnesses and Bible Studies to hear so many names being disfellowshiped? Personally I think it could do a few things.
1. Show to the current Witnesses, how many people have really walked away from the faith they hold so dear and perfect.
2. Stresses out people who were doing just fine without this procedure. This would happen when they suddenly have to treat people who have been out for years, relatives and friends, like they are dead. This could really hurt families with children, spouses, siblings and parents inactive.
3. It could simply just depress people to see old friends names spoken from the platform in such a negative manner.
Let's face it, when you hear a person was executed in Prison, it does not thrill you. You might think, "they got what they deserved," but you have to wonder "does one murder warrant another." In this case, with the Jehovahs Witnesses, you are seeing people punished for simply leaving. Something that was done, in history, when people left the Nazi or Communist parties and other restrictive organization. Let people be, and stop trying to stomp around on power trips. Personally, I would not be surprised to hear about a few elders opening up a can of worms they may be hard pressed to contain. Sometimes it is best to leave the Genie in the bottle.
Edited by - whyhideit on 23 December 2002 15:31:11