Why on earth do boys..............................

by Jesika 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    Think that farting and burping are sooooooooo funny????????

    My son will be 9 in Jan and my bf's nephew is the same age only 2 weeks later than my son's birthday.

    My son (Jessie) and Chris (the nephew) stayed over for a couple days. Well, they think farting and burping is hilarious. They do it constintly!!!!!!!! I have sat them down and explained it is GROSS!!!!!! I have even punished them for doing this after being warned not to do it anymore. I mean they literally TRY to do this on CUE.

    No matter what I have done, telling them to go to the bathroom or punishing them for it they STILL do it!!!

    Why is this sooo damn funny?? I don't get it, and I can't stop them from doing it.

    I even told them I was gonna get a cork and stop this from happening. They thought that was pretty funny too, but I had to laugh cause I wasn't serious.

    I am at my wits end trying to stop this "habit".

    Maybe it is just cause I am a girl, but sheesh......this isn't funny to me at all!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok men, tell me why this is so damn funny!!!!!!!!


  • czarofmischief

    Because girls think its gross, of course.

    Hey, farting is natural, and the fact that it digusts women is hysterical to me. I like to dutch Oven my sweetie sometimes, just for laughs.

    In case you don't know what a Dutch Oven is, it's when you're in bed with your sweetie and you fart and then hold her head under the covers with the stench. Heh heh heh.


  • Jesika

    Ewwwwwww that's disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would kick my bf's A$$ if he did that to me. No way in hell would that put me in the "mood".

  • DakotaRed

    Czar, we call that fluffing the bed sheets.

    Jesika, you will never understand it, and we can't explain it. No more than womens attraction to many pairs of shoes. It is strictly a male thing. However, there is a time and place for everything. No matter what you do, he is going to continue it, so maybe discuss it with him that you don't care for it and he should be more discreet about it. Maybe tell him if he continues it openly in your presence, he will have to go to the store and buy your tampons. Strike a deal, he doesn't do it in front of you and you won't make him purchase the tampons. No boy likes buying female things, especially at that age. Of course, the b/f should go along as it appears the two boys are only encouraging each other.

    Lew W (of the outgrew fluffing the sheets class)

  • Jesika

    I have tried the "discreet" talk with them, but it hasn't done much good.

    They like to hold their hand like a gun, and ummmmm let one go as they "shoot" the gun. Which I told them it done on purpose and they should go to the bathroom, being that I have NO DESIRE to......smell any of it.

    The whole tampon thing I really don't think would work. My son doesn't understand what they are yet, so to him it is just a box with stuff in it he doesn't use.

    I have to think of something. I have told him don't do it around me and that I don't care what he does around his friends, but I still get in the middle of these "gas wars" somehow.

  • Robdar


    You beat me to this thread. I was wondering the same thing only about men. Why do men think that farting is funny? Dogs do too. Is this why dog is man's best friend?

    Robyn (of the I can't sleep because of deep questions like these, class)

  • LyinEyes

    It is funny. I am the worst about laughing at the most improper times. I of course,,,,,,,,,,,hehe am not quilt of such fowl habits,,,,,,,,,,,,, , but it is funny.

    Oh and little girls can be the grossest.

  • Simon

    Anyone remember "The Young Ones"? ... Tampon = a cardboard telescope with a mouse in it.

    Our two think burping and farting is hillarious ... it's a typical male thing - something we can be competitive at.

    It was years before I heard Angharad fart ... now she never stops

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Jes, if you think passing gas is not a women's thing, then you need to meet my eldest daughter. And yes, she gets a kick out of it. I don't quetion it. Nature must do it's thing.

    Guest 77

  • Jesika

    I have no problem with it being natural. My problem is when they are forcing it out and making a game out of it that effects everyone around them, or in my truck!!!!! I have no where to run when I am driving and the are playing "gas war".

    I don't think it is funny, only if it happens in a place that makes it embarassing, but what can you do? Can't exactly put it off till later--lol.


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