Why on earth do boys..............................

by Jesika 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    The easy answer to why boys think it's so much fun is because they know it drives you crazy. The more you make a big deal of it, the funnier it is for them to "let one slip out" accidentally-on-purpose.

    It sounds like maybe they are bored and tormenting you with these gas wars is a way for them to pass the time. If it's safe to do so, get them to play outside for a while. Let them rent a new video game (if you have a gaming system). It will give them something to do, both mentally and physically, and pre-occupy their brains with something other than gross farting contests.

    By the way, is there something in their diets that's making them toot so much?? If you're not feeding them baked beans, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc... maybe they're lactose intolerant?? My youngest (a 9yo girl) used to have the loudest and most foul gaseous emissions (which she was extremely proud of, I might add....), and it drove me batty too. I just tried it for a week - reducing her dairy intake and not letting her have any carbonated drinks... (punishment for all the farting... but all those bubbles DO create gas) - and it worked!!

    I still HATE it when hubby lets one loose under the covers and then fans the sheets.... I say, KEEP THAT STENCH WHERE IT IS.

    Love, Scully

  • Mulan

    Jesika..........sorry, hun, I raised three boys and they are all hopeless. They are all adults now, and I think the youngest (23) would be embarrassed to do it in front of us, but the others are revolting. I remember when I was pregnant, being 'gassed' by them, to the point of vomiting. The older boys were 13 and 16 then.

    I don't think it ever ends. My sister in law used to observe (about our husbands who are brothers) "with them, the conversation always turns to butts and farts, and hysterical laughter." I think she was on to something.

  • Simon

    If anyone is looking for 'ammunition' then I can recommend a combination of Stella Draught Lager (the big 8 pint kegs), chocolate and a good roast lunch ... like Christmas dinner.

    I can't wait for Christmas day ... good job the Xmas tree lights aren't naked flames

  • Angharad

    See I told you they never grow out of it!

  • outoftheorg

    Back in my Borg days, I knew this nice family that had two teenagers, boys. They were heavy into this farting thing and it drove their mother nuts. Someone told them that farts were methane gas and are flamable. Big mistake.

    These two scientists got busy trying to light their farts and it worked. At night in the dark you could see a blue falme for a second. Well one time the gas was contained inside the levi jeans and the flame got in there and burned the little butt. Come to think of it it wasn't that little. He was kind of chunky. Anyway that kind of slowed things down.

    These two kids were into all sorts of mischief. Wonder what happened to them?


  • Xander

    Or, you could always have a big, ol, cabbage and beans dinner yourself, and the next time they start you REALLY show them 'who's the boss'.

    (If it's done to annoy you, or because they think it's funny/cool, you may rest assured they WON'T think it's funny/cool if you join in and put their tiny farts to shame - I know it sounds funny, but that's usually the easiest way to get little boys to stop doing something. Take an interest yourself, suddenly it's sooo uncool, they'll never even think of it again)

  • LyinEyes

    LMAO @Animal's Cartoon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think this whole thread is hiliarious,,,,,,,,,,but I being the refined lady,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, errrr hummm that I am,,,,,, would never!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have you ever had kids that hold their air up and wait to you are cozy in bed, tangled in sheets so you can't escape and aim and fire right in your head area??? Someone please say you have bombers at your house too.

    They even make the dog mad.

  • Shutterbug

    Fellows, please remember some women are capable of giving you a dose of your own medicine. Mine has in the past and on at least two occasions I had to go to my recliner for a while.

    Simon, you and maximumflash both seem to have a knack for irritating your wives, so now I'm wondering which one of you is going to end up with bruises at the hand of his wife.

  • rocky220

    Jesika, take heart.....Be greatful the boys are not doing it in the Kingdumb hall!!!!!...Hmmmmm, then again that could be fun.....[I'm sooooo bad!] rocky220

  • LyinEyes

    Welllllll, let me tell you what my youngest son did , he was six,and very hyper and very bad at the meetings.

    Durning the prayer on time, he was lying on the floor and was making farting noises on his arm that sounded real. I kept kicking him telling him to stop but I got so tickled, I almost wet my pants , I heard a few sisters up in front of the hall snickering and , it did sound real. Then right before the AMen, he busted out laughing,,,,,,,,,,,, its a wonder we didnt get in trouble .

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