Little Brother Burns Watchtower!

by OrbitingTheSun 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • asortafairytale


    Orbit, your bro is the coolest!!!!!

  • ashitaka



  • MegaDude

    So the magazines actually burned?

    You didn't have to throw gasoline on them to get them to burn?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Let a proclamation go forth!

    Let all citizens of the Kingdom of Apostasia know that henceforth, the brother of our Sister "Orbiting The Sun" is to be hailed as a Knight of the kingdom of Apostasia and treated with honors to the finest libations and comestibles of our fair and bounteous land.

    Greetings, SIR KNIGHT!

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 26 December 2002 10:37:7

  • OrbitingTheSun

    LOL! You all are too funny! If I show this to him he will think he is a god...and we all know that a little brother that thinks he is a god is nothing but trouble! LOL

    This actually wasn't the first time he did something wild to get rid of religious zealots. One time in ocean city a woman approached him and told him the story of how she gave her life to Christ...She said that one day she woke up in bed with 4 strange men and she knew that it was time to make a change. So he told her "If I ever wake up in bed with 4 strange men, I'll get back to you" and walked away.

    He is quite a character! LOL

  • D8TA

    * wink *

    * wink *

    * wink wink *

    * smile *

    * wink *

    * wink wink *


    * runs away *

  • shera

    LOL That was good. I wouldn't have the guts to do that.....yep the rumors are traveling.I wouldn't be surprized to see that in the awake.

  • jimbob

    Now that is a classic experience that should get around in JW land. But I'm sure it will get all twisted in the process.

    "Did you hear about the experience of two brothers who went to a door and encountered a Satan worshiper? He took the magazines and then tried to burn them, but the brothers saw a white figure standing behind him and no matter how hard he tried, the magazines refused to burn."

    Yes.......from talking smurfs to killer dogs who don't attack witnesses......this is bound to be yet another experience that circulates in JW Land for years to come! Keep 'em coming Orbit!

  • Elsewhere

    Funny... you never hear in the KH just how many JWs are mauled by dogs while out in FS.

  • wednesday
    Did you hear about the experience of two brothers who went to a door and encountered a Satan worshiper? He took the magazines and then tried to burn them, but the brothers saw a white figure standing behind him and no matter how hard he tried, the magazines refused to burn."

    LOL, no but i remember the one about the 2 sisters, pioneers i think, who were at the laundry mat and all alone and a man came in to rape the sister(s) and saw 2 large men standing behind her(them) and ran for fear.

    JW urban legands. Gawd they are funny.

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