Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to actively persecute JW's, I'm just wondering what you guys think is the best agrument/point to use when a pesky brother or sister just won't leave you alone. Normally, I am willing to listen to their drivel out of respect (even though I have no respect for the WT) but there are times when I am not in the mood to hear them babble. I normally bring up the 1914 generation point, and it normally works. What do you guys like to use?
Best argument against a Jehovah's Witness?
by Happy 51 Replies latest jw friends
Back in the days when I avidly kept all my facts in mind..jws would blather about the end times. When I tired of this, usually after 3 hours, I would say..."OK, let's talk about if things are getting worse".
I would mention how times today are better than before. Medica advances, unemployment insurance. When Dubs mention crime, i tell them that historically crime goes in waves and we are at a high part of the wave. I talk about WWII, etc.
Within 5 minutes, the JW suddenly had to leave.
Not much will work unless they already have certain doubts themselves and start asking questions. Just be cool, and show them a couple of scriptures and how you have reasoned on it, then just let it germinate. Just answer the questions they ask.
What is the goal? To get the witness out of your face? To give them food for thought? Different goal, different approach. When my honey gets too annoying, I sing Christmas carols. Works every time.
This isn't the best, but it is a good argument:
Why did God say organ transplants were forbidden for years------and then he changed his mind and it was okey-dookey? Does God change his mind? What about the people who died before his mind changed? What will he change his mind about next? Blood Transfusions, maybe?
Mrs. Shakita
Actually Shakita, that's one of my favorites too. Almost always works.
And to jgnat, I wouldn't say I want to get witnesses "out of my face" I just want them to realize that they are not going to convert me with their foolish parroting of the latest WT. Giving them something to think about normally works quite well.
Edited by - Happy_Guy_Of_Goodness on 24 December 2002 16:28:28
I wouldn't mind hearing how you guys get them outof your face not-so-diplomatically either. It always cracks me up.
The posters says
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to actively persecute JW's
well feel at ease my friend even the wt says what you are doing is OK
It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3 -
Wonderful quote, JT, thanks for sharing it.
<needlepointing quote for wall>