Best argument against a Jehovah's Witness?

by Happy 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roddy

    >>Everyone says that the WTBTS is making a lot of money, and I know they're a billion dollar (b)org. but I don't understand where they get all this money, aside from donations. Don't they give out the mags. free? Anyone wanna explain?<<

    The WTS also own stocks in companies. Some directly and some through shadow companies.

    What would really be cool is if some senior person from the WTS' general accounting dept were to defect or get kicked out. If that person talked, wow. I wonder if the WTS is serious enough to have someone like that 'disappear' before they ever get a chance to talk?

  • FreeWilly

    Try this:

    "If the Faithful and Discrete Slave = the 8000 Old Annointed people scattered round the Earth, then just how do they all get the information that they recieved from God to Brooklyn?" Phone? Fax? Email?

    Then watch for smoke ;)

  • Blueblades

    Here is another one:I just can't comprehend why God would choose people who practiced,"PAGANISM",just about everything practiced by JW'S before 1935 is now considered Pagan! For example:They Voted and took part in government.Were allowed to participate in war.Could observe Christmas,birthdays,and other holidays.Were permitted to smoke.Were not against blood transfusions.Did not use the proper name for God.Did not have a proper organization.Believed that Jesus died on a cross.Were permitted to worship Jesus.Believed that all JW'S would go to heaven.Believed that Christ's invisible return occurred 1874.

    Now if they come back with the stock answer that the light gets brighter and brigther! Your comeback answer to that is---Then it would seem that God would surely wait until the very end and choose those with the PUREST doctrines and practices to reign with Him!Not while they were still practicing PAGANISM,what do you think? Blueblades

  • Happy


    You make some excellent points, and you're argument should (in theory, although these are programmed dubs remember) defeat any counter-argument. I'll be sure to bring these issues up next time I get the chance.


  • Englishman

    Following on from Free Willy's point, just ask: "Where in the Bible does it connect the parable of the FDS to the 144,000? Can you please show me the verse in the Bible that makes the connection?"


  • Happy


    Don't you realise that if you understand the "deeper things of the Bible" it will all make sense. Everyone knows it doesn't really have to mention it in the Bible, the WT can interpret it. (But you have to realise that only they can do it, no one else, mm-hmm) haha, they crack me up.

  • Farkel


    : Following on from Free Willy's point, just ask: "Where in the Bible does it connect the parable of the FDS to the 144,000? Can you please show me the verse in the Bible that makes the connection?"

    I'll be happy to do that just as soon as you can answer this one: "Where in the Bible does it connect the dream of Nebuchadnezzer (607-1914) to Jesus statement about the ending of the Gentile Times?"

    In fact, I'll go one better: "Where in the Bible does ANYTHING connect with what the Watchtower teaches?"


    Edited by - Farkel on 25 December 2002 15:22:45

  • Englishman

    Happy Guy and Farkel,

    I agree, of course. However, I always use this one as it strikes right at the heart of their basic beliefs. It also gives them an easy out if they want to stay theists.


  • minimus

    How about ...."Oh really?....and then just chuckle. Then repeat their stupid comment, and then smile. If you actually TELL them everything that's wrong, they will shut down. If you listen to their ( Bible-based) opinion and then give an incredulous look, you WILL get them thinking.

  • rebel

    I spoke to an elder the other day and mentioned the disfellowshipping/shunning belief. I asked about the parable of the prodigal son - somebody on this forum mentioned that the son's father did not ignore his son for months or years until he 'reinstated' him - he went to him and hugged & kissed him-he was so overjoyed at his return. Jesus gave that parable for a reason - he wanted us to know how to treat those that have sinned and are then repentant. He said I should not use that parable in connection with disfellowshipping???? I said that, if someone sinned and Jehovah forgave that person the following day, it could take months or weeks for the body of elders to reinstate that person. Does that mean that elders are more righteous than Jehovah and know when a person is truly repentant and Jehovah doesn't? He just got angry and left!!


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