So much of the Watchtower is written in "code". So much of the Circuit and District Overseers comments are spoken in "code". For example, you are not told DIRECTLY that you shouldn't read any other publication but the Society's, but you are asked, "How could anyone spiritual ever have the time to keep up with their Bible-based reading of ALL the spiritual food that we must take in, and still have time to read "worldly" books?" The thought that is implanted is that reading anything but Watchtower approved literature, is wrong. When CO's tell you that the Society wants you to make a certain circuit donation, they'll never spell it out and say that you MUST donate or pass a resolution. But it is EXPECTED........Are there any things that come to your mind that shows how the Society or Witnesses in general, may not outrightly say something but definitely imply it???
Can You Discern What The Society Is Really Saying?
by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends
Often they will say, "A true christian would not do this". In other words, not every christian is a true christian.
Edited by - jh on 25 December 2002 9:52:35
Big Tex
Merry Christmas Minimus! Still feels weird saying it.
I remember how they talked about 1975. You had to read between the lines but it was obvious. It was something along the lines of every creative day is 7,000 years. Since we know the New System is going to be 1,000 years long that means there were 6,000 years in the 7th day (the one we're in). Then they came out and said that 6,000 years of human existence is going to end in 1975.
What irritates me about that whole thing is when they came out afterwards and blamed the whole thing on us. We were the ones who said 1975 was going to end, not the Society, according to the Society. Man, I'm glad I'm out of that whole crazy backwards thinking.
Guest 77
Don't they derive most, if not all, their Awake articles from a 'worldy' source?
As to implying? Name any dates.
Guest 77
we had a DO JC Howard who used to say all the time
"WHAT WAY IS THE SOCIETY "LEANING" and "Do we percieve the direction of the Slave"
These are some of the Writing Dept favorite all time buzz words:
Mature christians so and so...
Spiritual minded ones are ..
Those with a DEEP LOVE OF JEHOVAH...
Those who appreicate spiritual things......
and the best ones of all are the THIRD PERSON ONES
"one Christian Elder, said he so and so"
One full-time minister stated "How could i justify to jah why i am not a pioneer"
and my all time favorite is taken from this one on college:
*** km 5/73 6 What is Your Heart's Desire? ***
An elder in Korea encouraged his four children to pioneer. At a circuit assembly he and the children were interviewed. The oldest daughter related how she had been the highest scholastically in her high school. She herself wanted to go to college at one point. However, her father informed her that, while she was free to choose such a course, she could not expect financial support from him. She changed her mind about college, and now she is enjoying many blessings as a pioneer. The next oldest, a son, told how he also at one time wanted to go to college and follow a worldly course. But his father sat down and reviewed the Scriptures with him. His father also told him that, if he insisted on following a worldly course, he would also have to find another place to live. He heeded his father's counsel and is very grateful that his father was kind but firm in his stand. The two younger children explained that they were impressed by what happened to the two older ones. From the beginning they planned to become pioneers. The youngest son gave up his high school education to pioneer.
yes the wt got it down to a science
Edited by - JT on 25 December 2002 10:42:2
: Can You Discern What The Society Is Really Saying?
Unlike getting information from most normal sources where people actually say what they mean, you HAVE to "discern" what the Society is really saying. That's 'cause what they are are really saying is not what they are saying they are really saying.
This puts one in a double-bind and is another one of those no-win scenarios dubs are faced with: you have to be a psychic to understand what the Society is really saying, and if you were a psychic, you'd be demonized. You're screwed either way.
A few years ago there was something in the KM about how much time elders should spend studying the WT study article (2 hours was the "suggestion").
To the uninitiated, this little "suggestion" would go right over their head, as a newbie JW is not at all aware of the hierarchy and "spirit" of the organization. But the elders know what the CO will be asking them on his next visit.
"Brothers, have we put the 2 hour suggestion from the F&DS into practice?"
The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation only has two rules.
#1. We are always to be treated as if we are always right.
#2. If we are ever wrong see rule #1.
The Guilt Trip Bribem' and tactless Society.
TR- Merry Xmas class!
Edited by - TR on 25 December 2002 11:28:3
post removed.
Edited by - Yizuman on 25 December 2002 13:0:54