Can You Discern What The Society Is Really Saying?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Almost everything the Society says, when you listen to it long enough, means:

    Give us your money. Give us your time, using it to find other people who will give us their money. Then, give us some more money and more time.

    Love, Scully

  • heathen

    mimimus- THis is a great thread. They won't even baptize people till they feel you comply to all that they imply.

  • Blueblades

    Hi MINIMUS! At one of our elder's school meetings with the C.O.He had us write in the side-bar of the Flock Book information pertaining on how to give an answer to anyone with a "CRITICAL EYE".So, the Society is wary of those who have the ability to discern what they are actually saying.

    In his book,"In Search of Christen Freedom,"Ray Franz, in chapter 13, Argumentation and Manipulation, on page 436,demonstrates the answer to your question.He discusses15 different ways that you can discern what the Society is really saying, by recognizing common pitfalls of their false argumentation.

    Its no wonder that the C.O. uses the phrase, be wary of anyone with a" CRITICAL EYE".or as you noted ,anyone with the ability to use "DISCERNMENT" as to understand what they are really implying,implanting,expecting through the rhetoric used in the written and spoken "CODES".Blueblades

  • Athanasius

    Excellent post Scully. You really got to the heart of the matter.

  • jimbob

    Minimus.....I must say, this is one of your best posts. How true it is that the Society says things in a way that we are expected to follow. Again, guilt is used by the Society to make all JW's follow a certain course of action. If the Society suggests a certain course of action, they aren't actually saying we have to, but we all know the underlying code of the Society.....if they suggest, then we must do it..NO QUESTIONS ASKED! I saw how they did this for years, but never gave it a second thought, because after all, Jehovah speaks directly to those faithful dear brothers in New York and nobody else! What a crock!!! Especially the college thing. I hated how they never told you outright that you couldn't go to college, but it was implied that if you did, you weren't following theocratic direction and you were extremely spiritually weak and didn't believe the end was coming!

    Well.....I'm finally free and getting that degree!!

  • Lieu

    Yizuman, your post is quite sensical.

    It reminded me of the "dog on the electrified floor" experiment I learned about in Psych class. Uncanny.

  • Francois

    Scully hits the nail on the head quiet frequently, and I'm with her on this one, too.

    In essence, the WTBTS is nothing more than a big ol' Ponzi scheme and would be illegal in most systems if it was operated out in the open as what it is instead of hiding behind the first amendment as they do.

    Doesn't it fry your ass that the these oleaginous con-artists can hide behind one of the most important of our individual rights in order to run their slimy scheme? It sure fries mine.


  • minimus

    Here's another way of how "discernment" is needed to de-code a message. You'll go to a circuit assembly and see a number of "examples" paraded around by the Circuit Overseer.All of these "examples" are of young people, some that are even pre-teen, not going to a" worldly" school. Now they are "home schooled" and pioneering! You see these same kids, assembly after assembly, sharing with us how wonderful things have been since their illiterate parents now teach them at home. What is a God-fearing Christian Witness supposed to think after seeings these youths sacrifice so much? Well, it's either guilt or a jumping on the bandwagon type of mentality. And the final result is 5 to 10 years later, these fine "examples" are either out of "the truth" or have been judicially reproved because they got a taste of the world, a world that their illiterate parents shielded them from.

  • rocketman

    This is a very interesting thread, and each example given rings so true because in my own experience I have heard or read many of them.

    One that pops into mind was a fairly recent life story in the WT mag, in which the brother whom the story was about mentions that he and his family have only limited contact with "those who do not share our faith".


    Always an amusing, if annoying, aspect of JW life to ponder.

    "Making Jehovah's heart glad."

    Following the Society's orders.

    "Jehovah and/or Jesus requires/provides..."

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society requires/provides.

    "Kingdom interests"

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's interests.

    "...having a meaningful share in the field ministry."

    Code to convey that field service hours are not sufficient unless the quantity measures up to what the Society deems enough or "meaningful."

    "Conscious of [one's] spiritual need."

    Anything done that does not directly and specifically increase WT interests is a sinful neglect of one's spiritual need.

    "Buy[ing] out the opportune time"

    Similar to previous, WT code that insists that no time or energy is to be spent on anything that is not WT interests-related.

    "Appreciating God's reminders"

    WT code for welcoming and obeying, without resentment, the Society's orders, without thought or question.

    "Jehovah's theocratic arrangement"

    WT code for the precise way the Society demands everything be done, or else.

    "Reaching out"/"Making oneself available"

    Men hustling up WT perks and promotions.

    "Privilege(s) of service"/"Serving"/"Being Used"

    Humble-sounding code used to refer to fiercely-sought WT perks and promotions bestowed on men as they dutifully serve the WT agenda and ascend its corporate ladder.


    Used by itself, is code for selling women on the notion that wielding a toilet brush and running a vacuum cleaner after the meeting are special blessings bestowed only on the most deserving by a God who rewards generously. Either that or code for such blessings as TMS talks or commenting in meetings as characterized to those, male or female, being deprived of such as a form of loving discipline.

    The pure language of truth...


    Edited by - AMNESIAN on 25 December 2002 14:35:15

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