How do you feel about yourself? Do you struggle with what kind of person that you are? Do you feel happy, empty, or are are you apathetic? Since leaving the organization,do you feel better about yourself or are you just beginning to find out about who you are?
How Do You Measure Your Self Worth?
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
minimus, I now measure my self-worth by the number of views of my posts. You are definitely worth more than me but I am content.
I most definitely feel better about myself since leaving the WT, but I also feel that I have a lot of self-discovery to do.
I measure my self worth in how many people really care about me. I no longer pay heed to lip service and other such nonsense. When people tell me with emphasis that they care about me I listen.
Oh yeah and my son thinks I am the coolest mom EVER!!!! You can't beat that!
I feel better about myself as a person after leaving the WTS. No longer being a witness allows me the freedom to help others as I wish, and not to be judgemental. We were taught to be very critical, and now I can be more caring, and that can be to anyone, not just another witness.
I can allow myself to become a better person by spending more time with my family instead of being at meetings all the time. I can pursue material possesions to help my own family as well as others without being counciled about being materialistic.
I can be the real me.
Gee, I don't know. What does grass feel about itself? You know that that little green thing we get pleasure just running bare foot through? lol
Ever see those little birds on the beach who seem to spend all their time just running towards the receding waves and then away from them when they return? That little guy has value, so I figure so do I.
I measure my self worth by the same measure we give to green grass and small birds. Very great!!
I'm still fighting tying my self worth to what I can accomplish, like in a list, which I purposelly fail at so that I can beat myself up over how worthless I am. It's a vicious cycle, because I certainly can't fulfill all the duties on my list in one day, and especially when I so down about the day before I don't have the energy to finish everything, so it goes on and on. I know this is unhealthy, so someday I hope to figure out how to fix it. hows that for a cheery post. geez. sorry.
Some people measure their value by other people's opinions. Some regard themselves as "good" because they belong to a religion that teaches them that they are a "special" people. When these same people lose their belief in their religion, they may get quite despondent. They may lose everything that they thought was secure......Others may not give a hoot what others may think and will always feel pretty good about themselves (like me)......btw, Blondie, I like your posts better than mine (most of the time).
Just kidding, minimus. Actually, being a JW we are encouraged to always be comparing ourselves to others and to know that others are comparing us unfavorably. As far as the WTS is concerned, none of us are ever good enough. It is a feature of abuse. Jesus is never portayed being that way in the scriptures. I always remember the parable of the widow's mite.