Happy New Year to you, too, IW! And to everyone else!
: My comment about gender was not about having insight by the way, but referred to the fact that men think differently than women and they therefore probably have a better feel for how their counterparts in the Watchtower are thinking.
But the latter half of your comment is precisely what the former half means. Having "a better feel for how" the men of the GB think is described precisely by your reference to "having insight" into their thinking. Note what you said in your earlier post:
::: I fully recognize that men know men, men know how to deal with men, men know how other men think. So, while I will continue to express a differing opinion when I have one, I do recognize that you may know how to deal with the Watchtower men better than I do.
Knowing "how other men think" is "having insight" into their thinking. If this "having insight" is due simply to someone being a male, then it is by definition gender based.
Now, it is possible that you mean something other than what your written words say. If so, please explain.
: Personally, I would take the high road with the Watchtower and when appropriate attack from within.
I try to be all things to all JWs.
: Women do not always have the luxury of an overt attack, we are though quite good at using Trojan Horses.
That is certainly an effective strategy when used properly.
: I know, not making much sense here but what the hell, the IW name is not here to always make sense.
No comment.
: Looking forward to the demise of the Watchtower as we have all known it. Looking forward to a lot of things.
Same here.
Donkey, I was not referring to you. Should I have been?
Focus, I agree completely with your comments on the Society's amoral shenanigans and greed.