Newly DA'ed Our story

by Robotnomore 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, Robotnomore.

    I too love your phrases you use in describing what we have left, ie. "lie", "comic books".

    Funny how it was the Proclaimers Book and the new slant on history that got me to start thinking. Can't pull th wool over us who witness some changes in the borg and then read how it happened differently!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. Sometimes people who come here and post do so while trying to fade and have been shown their own words in a JC meeting! Lots of brave people hear who tell it like it is.



  • wildfire

    WELCOME TO THE BOARD.....ROBOTNOMORE,,,,,,, I TOO AM A NEWBIE,,, AND I suffered much pain and heart ache ,,,but I was also married to someone who claimed to be of the annointed ,,,,,(so talk about a comic book life) I have 5 children but only one left in the So called Truth... the thing that opened my eyes was reading the book GEORGE ORWELL,,, 1984,,,WHERE IT TALKS ABOUT BIG BROTHER WATCHING AND DOUBLESPEAK AND WELL IF YOU HAVE TIME YOU SHOULD READ IT,,,, but also surfing the net and finding out about all the flipflop in doctrines and how the new WORSHIP BOOK HAS TAKEN OUT THE CHAPTER ON BLOOD AND ALSO ABOUT THE MOSAIC LAW ABOUT INCEST HMMMMM I WONDER WHY OH YEA AND MY GOOD FRIEND WAS DF BECAUSE SHE SPOKE OUT AGAINST HER FATHER-IN -LAW DAN FITZWATER..(DATELINE SHOW) AND HE IS IN PRISON AND STILL NOT DF...SO WHO WANTS TO BE IN WITH THE REAL CRAZIES NOT ME AGAIN WELCOME AND KEEP TALKING (IT REALLLY HELPS)

  • ugg

    hi,,,,welcome ....make yourselves at "home"

  • Robotnomore

    Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words. It has been quite a ride the past two years. I've done more reading the last two years than I have in my whole life. We will definitely check Amazings story out on the Freeminds site. Also taking it slow I think is good advise because sometimes you want to tell them about everything you have learned all at once.

    We are in the process of making new friends. Its hard when you've had this us against them mindset all these years. But we are slowly getting rid of it. We certainly appreciate all of the kind words and look forward to meeting you all face to face. Thanks again.....Robotnomore

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Alright forgive me for my ignorance. Would someone please share with me the whole "Pyramid" thing. I've heard this mentioned before

    thanks :(

  • Yerusalyim

    Welcome to the board big guy!

  • Mulan


    Our son in law also started seeing the real truth from reading the Proclaimer's book. He was an MS, almost an elder, and gave public talks in other congs. because he was such a good speaker. Unbeknownst to him and our daughter, his wife, we were also researching and going through some terrible angst. My husband (elder for 25 years) and I are second generation dubs, but my grandparents also became witnesses late in life.

    Our second son, had been disfellowshipped, but got reinstated to be with the family and never went to another meeting. He married a woman five years ago, who had never been a witness. Our eldest son quickly stopped when we did, but his wife and son stayed active until about two years ago. Our youngest son was 17, and very involved in the cong., but he left after we did, overhearing gossip about us, and then someone told him how proud they were of him, for being loyal, even if his parents weren't. It hurt him, because he had great respect for us, and he saw how wrong that was, so walked out in the middle of a metting and never went back. That was in 1996.

    I recommend just being a good example of living well without the WTS. Don't throw stuff in their faces, but let them know you love them unconditionally. It may take some time, but you can hope. Don't give up.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Go to the top left hand corner of the page, click on search and type in 'pyramid'. Here's one of several links I found.

  • LB

    Welcome Robotnomore I also am recently DAed. I never did hear back from them after sending in my DA letter. But a mole inside sent me an e-mail letting me know that there was an announcement at the hall about my DAing myself. It took almost 3 weeks before an announcemenet was made.

    Keep busy in the community and the transistion will go well for you.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Thnx Double Edge..... this is very interesting. I'm sure I will have quite a time doing some research.

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