Newly DA'ed Our story

by Robotnomore 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ThiChi


    Have you read Ray Franz' two books yet? Very powerful points in them that helped me and others I know to re-think their standing with the Dubs.

  • Jesika

    Welcome to the board.

    I am glad that not only you but your wife now know the truth. It is really hard when one's mate won't listen to reason. I am glad you have each other and in time maybe more of your family will follow as well.

    Nice to meet you.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Robotnomore and may I add words of welcome from downunder.

    As somone has already said, this was a great "first-time" post. We look forward to many more>

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • WildHorses

    Welcome to the forum, Robotnomore. I truely hope you are able to help your family out of the org.



    I'm soo glad that you and your wife are out of the Organization. You are very encouraging as to your attitude; staying positive although being in the org for many years. That's a great attitude to have. There's nothing any of us can do about our years lost in the "LIE". I'm so happy that you are here and for you sharing your story with all of us. Look forward to more of your posts! Welcome to the JWD board! Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!

  • ballistic

    Robotmore, had to just sign in with my support, before I read the rest of the thread.

  • Wickid


    Congratulations to you both! You made it out! So few do. Regarding helping family still in the Borg, you must start the process of of getting them to think for themselves. The best way to do this is the use of questions: "Has the WTS ever been wrong about anything before?" (The only possible answer is "yes". If they answer otherwise, they are either ignorant of the facts, or choose not to see the past changes.) "Since they have been wrong before, could they be wrong about anything now?" "Have they ever changed one of the dates for Armageddon BEFORE the date passed?" "What would Jesus say about the manditory reporting of feild service time to a publishing company?".

    You can't take direct issue with the WTS with an an active JW; they are highly trained to defend their faith, whether they believe or understand it themselves. It's useless to try to explain a color to someone who refuses to open their eyes. The only way to weaken the mind control grip is individual thought. Use questions skillfully. Best of luck to you, and welcome.

  • Robdar


    I want to welcome you and your wife to the forum. I have been out of the lie for many years but still get uptight when I read some of the experiences that have happened to others on this forum. I wish you well and hope you will stick around.


  • Pleasuredome

    welcome robotnomore

    its great to know you've regained your thinking abilities. all the best to you in your journey of discovering Christ! yes those comic books were certainly a hinderance to getting to know Jesus.

    take care

  • bay64me

    What a lovely post.

    You sound very confident, calm and sure.

    I look forward to hearing from you again.


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