life without Tobasco........

by Mac 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Isn't the stopping of using tabasco still considered grounds for disfellowshipping?

    I must admit, though, that I don't always use tabasco. Sometimes, I resort to liberal doses of cayenne pepper, just enough to wake up the taste buds

    Lew W

  • DocBob

    We do a fair bit of hot stuff here. My wife has a collection with more than 150 different hot sauces. "Dave's Insanity" anyone? :)

    She also grows jalapenos, cerranos, habeneros and a bunch of others. I use here pickled jalapenos as a cure for colds. A dozen of them with however many beers it takes to get them down, and no self-respecting germ will live in your body.

  • WildHorses

    I like Texas Pete but am not to fond of tabasco. For those of you who like your eggs a bit spicey. Chop some onion, tomato, and jalapenos peppers. Saute them in a bit of oil with salt and garlic to taste, until tender. Place eggs on top and cover to allow the eggs to steam until just the way you like them. I like mine cooked medium.

  • Kenneson

    I'm originally from Louisiana and have visited the birthplace of Tabasco sauce--at Avery Island. Edmund McIlhenny invented the product in 1868.

  • RubyTuesday

    Mac...your a man after my own heart burn!

    Sounds yummy ...Lilacs...I know what i'm haveing for breakfast,

    I read somewhere that hot peppers causes some kind of chemical reaction in your brain that makes you feel somewhat wonder I love hot peppers in any shape or form. name's Ruby and i'm a pepper addict.

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 28 December 2002 12:49:29

  • mustang

    Just remember to keep the toilet paper IN THE REFRIGERATOR!!!!


  • teejay

    I luuuuuuuuvvv Tabasco!! Eat it on everything. Never heard of Texas Pete, though. I'll have to look for it.

    Great recipe, Lilacs. I had onions and mozarella/cheddar cheese in my scrambled eggs just this morning (with Tabasco, of course). While I was cooking them up, my three year old said she didn't like cheese in her eggs. Until she tried them. For some reason, she wouldn't go for the Tabasco, though. Curious.

  • Beans

    SOYA SAUCE is the ultimate compliment to Tobasco for marinating!


  • Mac

    Actually, Tobasco no longer seems all that hot to me anymore but, I still love the flavor!

    Dave: I also share your love of fresh peppers.....yum!

    Wilda.....prepared as usual I see! (Hope yer keeping appropriate quantities of beer in reserve as well. )

    All the references to the discomfort incurred upon the sauces exiting reminded me of a brand of sauce I once purchased......"Ass In Hell!" LOL

    MYOHNSEPH: GOOD..........more for me! And yes, I am an apostate---in the literal sense.

    Lilacs: your making me hungry!

    Ruby: That was funny! <chuckles>

    Doc Bob: Yer right about the medicinal benefits of cayenne (active ingredient:capsicum)..........It has been revered throughout history as a circulation booster. Cayenne has been used for everything from heart attacks,, strokes, fainting and shock to internal and external bleeding. It's also been used to treat the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

    So remember that the next time you wimpies are running to the fridge for your toilet paper whining about yer ass of flames.........peppers are good for you!!!!!!!!!

    mac, of the red faced teary eyed class

  • WildHorses
    So remember that the next time you wimpies are running to the fridge for your toilet paper whining about yer ass of flames.........peppers are good for you!!!!!!!!!
    Also, if you eat them regularly, your body becomes accustomed to them and you no longer experience the burning.

    Edited by - Lilacs on 28 December 2002 23:50:7

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