Seems like tension is high right now, and I really hate tension, especially when I get right in the middle of I swear I am not a troublemaker ,,, for the most part...
I enjoy this board because I have alot of good friends here, I have learned alot and this place will always have a special place in my heart because of that.
I like Moe and Randoms board because they are my friends and I like it there too.
I even lurk at JWO because I am nosey and I am interesting in certain ones and what is going on in their world.
I worry,,,,,,,,,,, because I do care too much of what people think of me,,,,,,,,,, that by going to these other boards that I will be lable as disgruntled. I am not in anyway.........I go to different boards because I have friends that go there.
I had someone tell me if they went to the other boards they would be worried that others would see it as being somehow disloyal or they would be labled disgruntled. I guess I wonder if that is what some think of me now.
I really hope this post doesnt turn ugly, for that is not my intention at all. I really just feel sad when everyone is fighting, and I hate to be part of anything that has caused anyone to feel upset.