Board wars :(

by LyinEyes 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    I only post on one me anal rententive, but for me it would be like having one too many husbands! LOL......I couldn't handle it, don't want it, so I keep it simple and stick to just one. LOL

  • Yizuman
    The only thing that bothers me is when people spread lies about me. I suspect most people would be a little aggrieved to see things being said about them that were untrue. Of course the people doing it know they are untrue but they seem to think that if they repeat them often enough, it wil eventually be accepted as fact.

    While I understand that this is YOUR forum and I respect that. Since you lay the ground rules on this forum as far as what is acceptable behavior on your forum and expect people to comply to the rules of your forum. No one has the right to tell you how you run your forum because you run it however you see fit. I have no problem with that at all.

    However, I have some disturbance within me in regards reading other people's forum and seeing what they say about this forum and what they say particularly about you. What bothers me is that if someone expressed an opinion of you no matter what the level of the negativity may be whether it be a light negativity about you or downright nasty and possibily a blantant lie.

    Now the opinions you read is from someone else's board, the reaction you had to other people's forums and the action you have taken afterwards on this forum. Please help me understand why you think it is neccessary for you to delete or deactivate someone's account based upon the fact you read someone's opinion on someone else's forum.

    Let me put it this way, where do you draw the line as far what level of negetivity that is acceptable to you and what is not? If I said for example, "Simon has a funny haircut", how much of an acceptance is that? Next level I go down to like this, "Simon is a homo and I think he gets off on the power trip on this forum."

    Now you weigh what these two comparable negativity I have given as an example. How far would you go to the point that you would come back here and nuke someone's account and ban someone from posting here based on after you read something from someone else's forum?

    If you can help us understand where you draw the line from there, I think it may help smooth out the rough edges on where, why, how you think from the perspective of Simon the Moderator.

    Forgive me that I am trying hard to convey my thoughts into words and I am looking at my writing here that it looks like I may be confusing some readers here as to what I am thinking, I hope I am making sense.

    In any rate, I think one other point is that do we as board owners (let's pretend we each have our own forum, for the sake of the arguement) have the right to deactivate and ban someone based on the fact that someone made a comment about someone no matter how light or heavy the negativity is on someone else's forum?

    If it were me, I just ignore them and not visit the forums at all. Screw it. I won't look at them. If someone emails me about some other forum, I won't look at it. Unless someone posts here with a link in regards to some other forum for other people to read what they're saying about me, I will delete it. I don't know personally how much it is worth to make a comment what was said about me in another forum. I guess it would depend on what it's being said. I don't own a forum, so I have no idea how I would react and what my actions would be.

    Edited: Here's another thought I had, I never owned a forum, so I have no idea how difficult running a forum can be. However, I have seen from another forums where there is absolutely no censorship is involved and the board owner said that he doesn't want to censor the board because it's a major PITA for him to do so. It's too much stress on him as well as the co-moderators helping him moderate the forum. So basically he's letting the people judge the fruits of the posts and let their actions speak for themselves. He said he's seen enough smart people to know what not to fall for trolls and other stuff. So, he's trusting us to use proper judgement on a person who is posting and moreso getting to know how the person thinks and feel after being around them for a period of time.

    I have mixed feelings about that, but then again, what do I know? I don't even own a forum to get enough experience to understand what it is like.


    Edited by - Yizuman on 29 December 2002 17:59:12

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Yizu. I was at a party once at someone elses house and this woman started bad mouthing me to my face in front of everyone. I didnt do anything. After i went home i got woken up by people talking in the lounge, and I go out there and this woman was there. In my lounge. Well she got a face full . If you cant understand WHY she got a facefull..... what can I say?

    Hey yizu.

    maybe Simon should be more Christlike, let people spit on him in the street. punch him upside the head. accuse him of murder and robbery. Then he invite them home so they can punch and kick him in his own home while they eat his food and sup his wine...... makes sense I must admit.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 December 2002 18:4:28

  • Yizuman
    Hey Yizu. I was at a party once at someone elses house and this woman started bad mouthing me to my face in front of everyone. I didnt do anything. After i went home i got woken up by people talking in the lounge, and I go out there and this woman was there. In my lounge. Well she got a face full . If you cant understand WHY she got a facefull..... what can I say?

    I can see where that is coming from and you're right. Whew! This mess is hard to figure out. LOL! I guess from what other people's preferences is that they stick to one forum and that's it. Sounds like a good idea to me.


  • Xena

    Hey Yizu, my mom always told me if you can't say something nice about someone...well then don't say anything. I guess my point is why do people feel the need to bad mouth others anyway? If you don't like someone just ignore them...then you don't have to worry about your words coming back to bite you in the ass do you?

  • bigboi

    Hi Yizu the exact same scenario played out with a certain poster here when Kent's board came only awhile back. If I can find a link to that thread where all of it played out,you'll see that alot of the ppl who are crying foul were interestingly silent then. There really is only one word for it really. It starts with a H and ends with a Y.

  • onacruse

    Like scootergirl, I only post and chat here.

    There are too many good people here that I haven't "met" and too much good info here that I haven't read, no time or desire for other boards.

    Heck, I even like YOUR posts, Dede! LOL


  • Simon

    Yiz, I don't deactivate people *just* for what they may post elsewhere ... it also comes down to what they post here and what it appears to me that they are trying to achieve with their posts. Are they trying to stirr things up or drive people away for instance? Do they create an unpleasant atmosphere? etc ... A recent example is Imbue's comments that teejay has pointed out. Sometimes it isn't one 'big thing' that does it but the culmination of lots of little things.

    There are serious topics discussed here, there are disagreements, there are emotive issues ... but we can do without the unnecessary personal attacks IMHO.

  • Englishman

    I post on several boards, but it is this one where the main action is IMHO.


  • Yizuman
    Yiz, I don't deactivate people *just* for what they may post elsewhere ... it also comes down to what they post here and what it appears to me that they are trying to achieve with their posts. Are they trying to stirr things up or drive people away for instance? Do they create an unpleasant atmosphere? etc ... A recent example is Imbue's comments that teejay has pointed out. Sometimes it isn't one 'big thing' that does it but the culmination of lots of little things.
    There are serious topics discussed here, there are disagreements, there are emotive issues ... but we can do without the unnecessary personal attacks IMHO.

    But some people are saying that you did just that. Am I misunderstanding what they're saying? 
    Ok, lemme explain what I am understanding as a scenerio and you tell me if I am wrong
    and explain to me what really went down and I'll leave it at that.
    Moderator: Hmm, I wonder what's up with the other boards?
    (Visits another forum)
    Moderator: What the...??? Why that little stinker! That's full of crap!
    Hmmm, I know that person has an account on my forum. I'll fix'em good!"
    (Deactivates person's account and deletes all their posts dating back to the beginning)
    Moderator: There, that'll teach'em!
     Now, this is what I am understanding as what they are saying. 
    If I am wrong and I am misunderstanding, please help correct me. Thank you.
    Btw, I was on another forum and read that some folks are nuking their posts 
    for fear of having their account deleted from here. Some folks are saying
    they're scared that they could lose their accounts just simply because a
    board owner won't like what he or she has said on another forum.

    I haven't been on other forums for a long time except for today and won't again for a long time. I've decided that I am sticking to this forum since this is where I visit most often.


    Edited by - Yizuman on 29 December 2002 18:59:41

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