I'm just curious. How many of you were Elders or Ministerial Servants or Pioneers? Were you an Elder or MS or Pioneer when you realized it wasn't the truth or a had you stepped down already, were you "weak" when you realized it? What made you start to question things? I'm thinking if we know this maybe we can help others who are in....to see the light.
Elders? Ministerial servants? Pioneers
by lv4fer 42 Replies latest jw friends
I was an Eldress and a Regular Pioneer. You are closer to the hypocrisy. It's as if they think you are in too deep to leave so they don't have to hide the crap. Familiarity breeds contempt.
People with their heads in the sand will never see it. They have to get their heads though. People who really study the Bible and prepare for the meetings, not just to regurgitate the answers, will have the light dawn sooner.
Dear blondie, now we KNOW that you're an imposter...there's no such thing as an eldress, it's elderette! LOL
<------pio, bethelite, ms
Got serious doubtitus in 1976, took 20 years to start shaking off the symptoms.
People who really study the Bible and prepare for the meetings, not just to regurgitate the answers, will have the light dawn sooner.
Rick Aust
Test message only
I was a regular pioneer. During my second year is when I began to have real doubts. I still went out in service but my heart wasnt in it. Noone was really shocked that I left... as far as I can tell, hardly anyone noticed.
I was an MS when I started having doubts and started doing research on the whole 607/587 issue, among others. I wanted to step down, but the elders wouldn't have it. Finally, a letter I wrote to my parents was forwarded to the elders by my father. The letter contained many of my questions that I had at the time. Once this letter came to the elder's attention I was able to step down (actually I was 'deleted' hehe). Then began the not so subtle fade. About a year later the Elders knocked on my door because a poor sister had found my Amazon Listmania book recommendations. That was pretty much the end... I DA'd a couple weeks after that. Now I'm completely free and happy.
I was a regular pioneer. During my second year is when I began to have real doubts. I still went out in service but my heart wasnt in it.
That was me too. The second year made me see what a colossal waste of time it all was. But, I remained a true believer for about 3 more years. My husband was an elder for 25 years, and the current WT conductor when he began to research. That was 1991. He resigned as an elder in 1996 and in 1997 we stopped attending. They still haven't been able to DF us, but that may change in 2003, we hear.
I held all three positions as one time or another. However, I was an elder in 1984 when I began to have doubts. In the early 1970s when Ray Franz was on the GB, the organization began to liberalize some of their rules and regulations. We jokingly referred to this as Watch Tower Vatican II. But after Ray Franz was removed from the GB the organization became very oppressive. I read Crisis of Conscience in March 1984. At the time I was Theocratic School Overseer and a Congregation Book Study Conductor. I think that the JWs still use those terms. I was also averaging 20 hours a month in field service.
However, after reading C of C there was no way I could remain a JW in good conscience. So in September 1984 I resigned as an elder and by October I had ceased attending meetings.
Rem said
was an MS when I started having doubts and started doing research on the whole 607/587 issue, among others. I wanted to step down, but the elders wouldn't have it.
I was the next on the Elders list for promotion, has two of my fellow MS contempories (they were at the same stage of grooming as me. My awakening to the Borg had held me back) had just been made Elders.
Eventualy I let slip about my doubts on field service to an Elder. The body O' Elders deleted me too. Not been to meetings for months.
I am not DF or DA {yet} only time will tell. The wife wants me to be a good little boy and not rock the boat. The crunch will come this next memorial, when I don't go.
Edited by - qwerty on 30 December 2002 5:14:58
I was an Elder and "reaching out" for Circuit work, with regular spots on the assemblies.
My faith in the borg was supplanted when I came to faith in Christ. My beliefs unravelled, and there became less and less that I could conscientiously teach. I then started doing some research on the Net, and found this place on September 8th 2001. Whilst I still loved the "friends", I couldn't remain part of that corrupt organization.
I DA'ed at the end of my last public talk, on January 6th 2002.