Elders? Ministerial servants? Pioneers

by lv4fer 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Just calm down, Outlaw. It's a joke. Wives of elders are called elderettes because too many meddle in congregation business. Minimus said that eldress was more accurate in my case because I never meddled. There are many women behind the men at the KH who write their talks, organize their service bag, keep their husbands up on the juicy KH gossip that may lead to a JC, who decide who will be socially acceptable and who will not, etc.

    They pull the strings of the marionettes they call their husbands.

    Blondie (But I do remember Deborah and Huldah)


    Hey Blondie,thanks for the post.I`ve never heard the elders wives called that in the Great White North.I do now however,understand your post.Yes,what you say is true.Up here the elders wives(my mom included)would say : "The man is the head of the house,but the wife is the neck that turns the head"..Many times it was the elders wives who truley were in charge...OUTLAW

  • expatbrit

    I auxillary pioneered once and fudged the hours. Does that count for anything?




    You impressed the hell outta meeee!!! Why didn't I think of that!!!!! Fudge the hours .... dang, you are good!!!

    I Aux Pioneered. . .I know . . .I know.. . .I just wuznt GOOD enough to be a REAL pioneer . . .

    <shiver> <flashback>



  • ApagaLaLuz

    Elder's daughter. Regular Pioneer for 3 years. Attended Pioneer School in 1996. Engaged to a Ministerial Servant. Had 4 parts on various assemblies.

    It's true, from a far they seem great and true. The deeper you get, the uglier things become

  • LeslieV

    Well I also regular pioneered for 8 years. Special pioneered where the need was great for two years. Also a darn good elderette..if I say so myself...Man whoever fudged their hours..what a great idea!!! Shows the borg didn't scare the heck out of you like the most of us. I was afraid that the all seeing and knowing would find out. Boy what a crock!!!! What a waste of precious years!!!


  • willdabeerman

    i was bein groomed to be a m/s.i had all the responsobilites of one just not the title.sec. son.i pioneered for a yr then i started to open my eyes.then they started givin me beef about my job after i quit pioneering. they nit picked at me acting normal.they realised i wouldent kiss thier ass like all the other young bros.finally got in trouble,got fed up,told the entire j/c plus one c/o. to f*ck off and never went again.

  • NeonMadman

    I was a vacation pioneer lots of times from 1969-1975, and a regular during 1972 and 1973. I was a MS from 1972-3 and again from 1978-9. By the second time I was appointed a MS, I had started to have doubts about the org, but they hadn't really congealed into anything solid (or even moderately gelatinous) yet.


    Fine goal, RunningMan!!!! LOL!!!!!


  • Mulan

    Closer, I was referring to the program the elders are going to implement, calling on inactive ones to try to get them to come back or disassociate them.

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