Of course, we all know that this person is a troll, but just to humor it, I'm going to ask: "scholar" just who are you and where did you get your BA and MA in religion? I need your real name and a way to verify it, and the schools you attended. If you are too cowardly to reveal that information, then all your claims as an academician are as stupid as your comments have been so far.
You ask for name and academic credentials. No problem, I have already identified myself by name unlike yourself which appears you hide under a pseudonym. I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Religious Studies and Philosophy at Deakin University in Victoria. After that I I completed my Master of Arts degree in Studies in Religion at the University of Sydney in New South Wales. This year I am enrolled in a Honours program in Philosophical Studies at Deakin after which I hope to enroll in doctoral program post 2004. Do you require my SID number and copies of the relative testamurs?
Now that you have blown your whistle, how about listing your academic qualifications?
Thanks for your simple calculation for 586/7. I would have neve guessed that it it could be made so simple. Is it not rather strange that the Society's calculation is just as simple. You have the Fall of Babylon in 539BCE followed by the release of the captives by Cyrus in 537 BCE concluding seventy years of captivity and desolation which brings one to 607BCE. It is too easy.
Be careful : the devil is in the detail'
according to Alan F I am a braindead, brainwashed scholar, BA MA Studies in Religion
My name is Doug Checketts, and I have no academic qualifications. None. I was a loyal dub. I just am pretty good at spotting clueless blowhards and trolls. Now what was your name again? I do need to check up on your academic credentials as that is easily done these days.
Or maybe you could save us all the trouble and post your college transcripts since you seem to take so much pride in your qualifications and yet still support 607 BC as a valid date.
Eagerly looking forward to your response and expecting you will not give me what I asked of you.
Why not post something of value if you want us to appreciate what you say? Just because you claim to have degrees does not make you special or what you say any more credible does it?
Post some real eviudence and let the facts reveal themselves or why not consider shoving your degree in the place where other degrees are measured
My name is Neil Mc Fadzen. I forgot to mention that I am a certified member of the Golden Key National Honour Society. This can be authenticated by contacting the Branch Office in Sydney, Australia. Enough is said about my academic qualifications. as it is not normal practice to to list publicly one's personal academic record. If you must know you can telephone me and I will give you subject and award details.
You state you have no qualifications then perhaps if you are so inclined attempt a course in those fields in which you claim to be so knowledgeable.
Just my 2 cents: Enough about the credentials, eh? Credentials don't mean squat, one way or the other. The NWT translation is crucified for NOT having credentials, and those who disagree with our own cherished opinions are crucified IN SPITE of having credentials.
Farkel, like you, I have no "credentials." So what? Logical reasoning and unbiased research don't regard credentials.
In that respect, scholar, I fully agree with what donkey says:
An argument should stand on its own merit, credentials be damned.
I hope you are not like your pseudonym. I have in fact said a great deal about the subject of chronology on this board. Perhaps ypu could read all of my postings. I have found that nearly all of those who read my posts do not understand anything about chronology and its complexity. Also, a reluctance even to appreciate the value of the Society's viewpoint. There is displayed by many a fear and ignorance of this subject. My response is tailor made to the audience. I say as little as possible when I knoe that it will not be appreciated. Everyone clamors for evidence for the Society's chronology wherupon they ignore what has already been published. What has been published is quite sufficient for any reasonable person. The scholarly literature readily admits the complexity of biblical chronology and in fact I do not know of biblical event apart fro the Fall of Babylon that is not subject to some dispute.
I know that these comment will not please you. You ask about the value of degrees. The process of obtaining a degree in this country requires hard work and an ability to think clearly and do research. The field of religious studies gives one considerable experience in the areas that I am interested in . I believe that such degrees well qualifys one to discuss matters pertaining to biblical studies and theology etc.