Dearest Stinkypantz... may you have peace!
I have been directed by the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies, by means of His Son and Christ, to say to respond to your questions:
do I actually have to believe in God in order to be saved?
Not exactly. It is His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA (Jah Saves) MISCHAJAH (chosen of Jah) in whom you must believe. For you cannot hear, see... or KNOW God... unless you hear, see and KNOW that One.
Can't I just be a good person?
Depends on your definition of "good". And if your definition is the same as God and Christ's ("Matthew 5:43-48), then yes, that would suffice to save you. However, it would save you only as far at the Courtyard of the Gentiles... as a guest at the marriage feast... versus the Court of Israel... and a member of the BRIDE of the wedding party.
Matthew 25:34-40
Both choices, however, require FAITH. For the first, I give you the faith of Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc. For the latter, I give you the faith of Rahab, who, although NOT an Israelite, NOT under the Law Commandment and, in fact, living in opposition to it (as a prostitute)... saved herself... AND her entire household... by means of EXERCISING faith... in that she DID something: she hid the spies, even though it meant putting her own life and that of her household's at risk. Why did she do this? Because she had FAITH in the abilities of the God of Israel... based on what she had HEARD about Him. Thus, due to that faith, she "did good" TO Israel, Christ's brothers in the flesh.
Are there certain specific requirements?
Yes. And although I could tell you, quote the scriptures/verses... I leave it to you "seek" for yourself, starting with Matthew 22:37-40. After that, I am directed to direct you to:
Isaiah 58:6-14
Matthew 5:43-48
John 6:48-56
John 7:37, 38
John 5:39, 40
If you can "get the sense" of these... the rest is a piece of cake. Truly. For all that would be left would be for you to "ask":
Luke 11:13
If, then, you are "thirsiting"... and thus, sincere in your wanting to know, may the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH... of Armies... and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord... be upon you... and may you hear and respond to the invitation extended to YOU, to:
"Come! Take "life's water"... free!"
Revelation 22:17
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
There are at least three (3) ways to be saved: