What must I do to be saved?

by StinkyPantz 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    I have been directed by the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies, by means of His Son and Christ, to say to respond to your questions


    Why don't you just say..." I was reading this thread and saw your post and decided to respond to it".....like the rest of us do? Why do you feel each time you have a thought......your lord did it?Does he tell you what to do all the time? You must stay awful busy. ( Gumby just had to be a smart elic at least once this weekend ) Take care gal.......I just wanted to ruffle your feathers a bit.LOL

  • hannibal


    Let me see if I have it right. You mean the 66 books of the bible were written by 40 different men over hundreds of years, meny times different life times from one another, and in some elaborate hoax writer in the old scriptures predicted a coming massiah.And years later not to look stupid, created a man named jesus. Maybe he existed but wasnt who he said he was( he was just trying to justify the men of old ) or probably never existed at all. Matt, Mark, Luke , and John sat down one day and decided to continue this most elaborate hoax of all time by pretending to follow a 'made up' person and to write about him, then later convince thousands he existed without evidence. They apperently are some smooth talkers. This hoax then spirals out of control to the point that this guy named jesus and his followers convince so many that thay even have time and dates center around this person. (B.C.E. and A.D.) And at that time no one convincingly can dissprove he ever existed or he was who he said he was, to the point that billions now fall for this hoax. The moral fabric of countrys and there laws fall for this ......

  • StinkyPantz

    I meant to respond to this a whole lot sooner. It seems as though Yizuman has straightened out all you doubters . But really. . .

    Many asked what I meant by 'saved', well, I simply meant that if there was a way to be 'saved' from eternal damnation or something else bad when we die I wanted to know how. Or in total honesty, I was wondering if God knew I was a decent person or if it even mattered. According to AGuest and Yizuman it is not enough so I guess I'm screwed. I MUST believe. . who knew? hehehe


    Thanks for the scriptural quote .


    This place you speak of sounds nice.


    Many disagree with you. Doing good isn't enough for the Christian god. Maybe another God will help me out.


    This is a most excellent look at things, it's my current view actually:

    If God is not clairvoyant enough to see my good deeds without my seeking Him, then He is not a God at all. He should be able to see my good works and my heart no matter what 'obstacles' there are. He is supposed to be God, after all.

    I mean what about good people that serve other gods?


    This is classic:

    If I understand you, when Adam "sinned" 6000 years before I was born, he was separated from God (according to the bible, God caused the separation, no?) but God wanted to restore their relationship - so after 4000 years of strange laws and random genocide on God's part, he sent his beloved son to die a horrible, painful and humiliating death in order to pay some sort of ransom (to himself?). But that wasn't enough. In order for this ransom to work, we have to believe without evidence that this bizarre series of events happened. God wants us to be "saved" but has somehow made the rules for being saved so arbitrary and unlikely that the majority refuse to believe them on the grounds that they are palpably absurd. Refusal to believe is apparently the only sin worth of punishment. And the punishment is eternal torture.

    I think you got everything. Oh and isn't there a scripture somewhere that says that god doesn't require that children pay for the sins of their father (in this case Adam)?


    Umm. . . I must be honest with you. The way you started your post made you instantly lose credibility with me. If you tell me that a fictional 'spirit' guides you then I immediately think you're schizo or something . Oh, and you don't have to sound like you're giving a sermon. Just talk like a normal person, it's way easier to take seriously. I mean come on:

    I have been directed by the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies, by means of His Son and Christ, to say to respond to your questions
    It is His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA (Jah Saves) MISCHAJAH (chosen of Jah) in whom you must believe.

    Nevertheless, I DO appreciate your answer and I will think about it.


    I wonder if we know each other. My name is Bridget and I went to Central, Northeast, and Prairie Park.


    I think it could be an elaborate hoax. Humans are notorious for believing what they want to believe. In those days word of mouth was powerful (still is today), so why couldn't it be true.


    I've read your thoughts on other threads so I kinda knew what you were going to say. . basically that I'm damned. . pray for me okay?

  • LizardSnot


    If you aren't sure whether or not there is a God...why are you worried about whether or not there is an eternal damnation?

  • Farkel

    : What must I do to be saved?

    You must send me all your money and quickly! There is not time to waste on this! If I prove to be wrong in my advice, you must send me more money and I will tell you a "new" set of things to do. This will continue until 1) You die broke and you still don't know what to do, or 2) You have no more money to send me, and in that case, I will send you to hell, or 3) you get so sick of sending me money and buying into my lies that you quit sending me money. When that happens, I will make sure my believers in your family and your friends who are also my believers will send you to hell.

    The only other thing you need to do is this: buy my books and then sell or give them away. When you sell them, give me all that money, too.

    THIS is the path to your salvation, and if you don't like it, God will kill you and your entire family.

    Farkel, who should be on the GB. He's got the spiel down pretty well!

  • nakedmvistar

    funny farkelfluff.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Gumby and Stinky-Dude... peace to you!

    No offense taken, Gumb... not at all. But I have to ask both you and Stink... what have either of you... or anyone else here... ever done to me so that I should lie to you? Haven't you all had enough of that? I mean, from what I read here all the time, that seems THE big issue: being lied to.

    I wrote what I wrote, the way I wrote it, because it is the truth. As it always it. Seriously. I must admit that I find it curious that if I came in my own name and said that I myself knew the things I am directed to share, you would have no problem believing me. Me, who is nothing more than anyone else here, but in fact, is a "lesser" one, for I am merely a servant of the One who sent me... and of his household. Yet, when I say that I have been sent by that One... you doubt.

    Tell me, when the Son of Man arrives, WILL he really find faith in the earth? Things that make you go, "hmmmmm...."

    Ah, well... again, peace to you! Truly!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Farkel


    Ok if I give you a call tomorrow?


  • whyhideit

    In order to be saved, you must answer these questions three.

    Really, I think by standards of most churches. The answer is, "accept Jesus, and get baptized." After that, just pray for forgiveness every now and then. You will be saved permanently though.

  • StinkyPantz


    Well, the idea of eternal damnation doesn't appeal to me, so I was just wondering what I had do look forward to if I 'don't accept Jesus into my life'. Stupid, I know.


    . . . . . . . . .


    First of all I am a girl, so Stinky-"Dude" is not gender appropriate . Also, I am sure that you believe that what you say is the truth, and I'm sure that you wouldn't deliberately lie to gumby and I. Unfortunately, unlike you, I refuse to keep a closed mind about things and prefer to thoroughly examine several perspectives. Besides, I'm sure you must know that noone likes to be preached to or talked down to and that's how you write sometimes.

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