Hey Rodbar,
I wouldn't be proud if any American was dying so i could put cheap gas into my car. What I said there was a little something called "Sarcasm". Or some would would even go as far as to say it was "Irony". A metaphor if you will. I drive a big gas guzzling SUV. But even if I was to bike for work, we still can't get around the fact that oil powers the world. Sorry. It does. Maybe when solar power and other eco-friendly technologies get better, we can use them more. But who knows, maybe Saddam will find a way to threaten those too.
Hey, I'd be willing to join the Army in a minute. Sure thing. I don't want to join and get stuck cooking or doing laundry though. Maybe when WW3 starts, and they need me, I'll do it. I'm 28, physically fit, so I should be ok if worst comes to worst.
Looks to me Rodbar that you were completely unable to refute anything I said with any intelligence whatsover. You seem to be laughing a lot, though. I noticed in all your post you keep saying how all of this makes you laugh. That's great. If it get's to be uncontrollable, though and you find yourself unable to stop laughing, you might have some kind of medical problem. Maybe a passing case of schizophrenia or something. Keep an eye on yourself!
all the best