Quit smoking crack...the USA is not a bully!

by dolphman 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • dolphman

    Hey Rodbar,

    I wouldn't be proud if any American was dying so i could put cheap gas into my car. What I said there was a little something called "Sarcasm". Or some would would even go as far as to say it was "Irony". A metaphor if you will. I drive a big gas guzzling SUV. But even if I was to bike for work, we still can't get around the fact that oil powers the world. Sorry. It does. Maybe when solar power and other eco-friendly technologies get better, we can use them more. But who knows, maybe Saddam will find a way to threaten those too.

    Hey, I'd be willing to join the Army in a minute. Sure thing. I don't want to join and get stuck cooking or doing laundry though. Maybe when WW3 starts, and they need me, I'll do it. I'm 28, physically fit, so I should be ok if worst comes to worst.

    Looks to me Rodbar that you were completely unable to refute anything I said with any intelligence whatsover. You seem to be laughing a lot, though. I noticed in all your post you keep saying how all of this makes you laugh. That's great. If it get's to be uncontrollable, though and you find yourself unable to stop laughing, you might have some kind of medical problem. Maybe a passing case of schizophrenia or something. Keep an eye on yourself!

    all the best


  • dolphman

    oh, and Rodbar, one more thing. I really wanted to elaborate more on this little remark you made:

    I wonder how long a guy so in love with waving his dick around will last out there?

    See, I love it when people say things like this. Because let me tell you, waving your dick around in the desert will definitely get someone's attention. Yes really, even in a sexually repressed place such as Iraq or Saudia Arabia. It could get you beheaded, but sometimes a little dick-waving will actually scare off potential meglomaniacs with WMD. Really. Bush "waved his dick" in 1991 and got the job done.

    The problem i have is sometimes you have to have balls to confront bullies. I've confronted them my whole life. Alcoholic fathers, Gang members, etc...etc...So I know from experience that FORCE WORKS in certain cases. I by no means am advocating this as the solution to everything. But hey, sometimes you got draw a line in the sand. And If I have to, I'll use my dick to draw it.

    I respect people who don't want war. I just don't think they fully understand the reality of the situation. I'm just trying to remind everyone about our current reality. I think we need to examine our policies, we need to constantly engage in these kind of debates. But at somepoint, we have to suck it up and do what has to be done.


  • Waygooder64

    VERY well said Dolphman...

  • Patriot

    Good Post DM.

    BTW if you decide to join the Army you wont get stuck doing laundry. Everything is by contract now, so lets say you want to go Special Forces, you sign and the Counsler signs and thats what you'll train in. If you want to be an air traffic controller, you sign they sign and off you go.

    Thats the way it woks now. Of course you need to take the ASVAB test so they can grade your intelligence for certain jobs, but I dont think you'd have a problem there.


  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    You know you liberal pacifists just make me laugh. You don't want the USA in another countries business, but then you condemn them for putting up with existing supresive of governments. Which way do you want it? All you do is bash the USA. Do you guys have any educated argument besides "USA BAD" "USA BAD". I'm sure you guys would rather have a chinese superpower, or better yet a muslim superpower (ladies get your burkas). You people that keep bashing the USA take this country for granted. I suggest to travel abroad, to some of the third world countries and then come back and tell me USA needs to get off its moral high horse. Why don't you put your money were you mouth is and come up with some alternatives to the so called "USA Superpower".

  • Skeptic

    Is the U.S.A. a bully at times? Yep.

    Is the U.S.A. the bully I would want on my side? Yep.

    Are many of the U.S.A.'s policies and practices for the U.S.A.'s benefit primarily? Yes.

    Would I run the U.S.A. much the same if I were in charge? Yes.

    Do I love Canada? Damned right!

    Do I love the U.S.A.? Damned right!


  • dolphman

    Well Said Texas Apostate.

    You bring up something very important. Liberal pacifists can't wait to use big words like "Imperialist" when they describe American intentions around the world. It seems that they think America's only motive is the hunt for more oil. Well, I'm going to say one word that you can use in any argument that will immediantly cause them stop and slap themselves:


    Just what the hell were we doing in Somalia? Looking for oil? Or were we on a humanitarian mission, trying to feed people? Getting shot at trying to deliver rice to starving somalis. What jerks we are. Hell, we got up and left just as we were starting to make a difference. For a bunch of imperialist, we sure suck.

    Of course, some will accuse of us of "Nation Building". Well, when was exporting democracy a bad thing? Considering there was NO goverment, it might have been a good thing to have A goverment of some kind. Of course, there are those that say tribal warfare helps unite a society and creates fine living conditions for everyone. Oh wait, I know, maybe we should've just left them there to starve. We don't want to come off as being "Imperialistic", now do we? So what if 300,000 Somalis were starving to death.

    I'm telling you, people smoke too much crack these days. They can't figure this stuff out for themselves.


  • dolphman

    thanks for the advice Patriot.

    I'm not sure what I'd do. I'm in pretty good shape and I can speak Russian at an intermediate level, and I'm pretty good with some other Asian languages (Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese). I used to be an amateur boxer as well. I would like to be out in the field, and not be behind some desk. Where in the military do you think would be a good option for me to go?

    Of course we're still talking hypothetically here, but I was serious. If worst comes to worst, and I'm talking ww3, I have no reservations about enlisting. I tried to join the Marines at 19, but i didn't have a diploma back then, and you needed one. I have long since got a college degree and now work at Microsoft. So if I did go, I'd have to make it count. I can't just pick up my life where I left it when I come back out of a 3 year enlistment. You know what I mean?


  • Robdar
    Looks to me Rodbar that you were completely unable to refute anything I said with any intelligence whatsover.

    And you have wowed the board with your intelligent response? I haven't seen you refute anything but you sure are good at throwing names around.

    Maybe a passing case of schizophrenia or something. Keep an eye on yourself!

    YOU seem to know much about drugs and mental illness. I wonder why? You must have some first hand knowledge.

    Hey, I'd be willing to join the Army in a minute. Sure thing. I don't want to join and get stuck cooking or doing laundry though. Maybe when WW3 starts, and they need me, I'll do it. I'm 28,

    Hey, keep talking, you might get your courage up...What are you waiting for? You are such a patriot, I am sure that you could lick at least 10 Iraqi's bare handed. While you are sitting here running your lips, you could be busy dying to help keep American gasoline cheap. I'll miss you though. I shall cry into my pillow every night.

    Because let me tell you, waving your dick around in the desert will definitely get someone's attention. Yes really, even in a sexually repressed place such as Iraq or Saudia Arabia. It could get you beheaded, but sometimes a little dick-waving will actually scare off potential meglomaniacs

    Damn, Dude! You are scaring me just thinking about it! Your point is well made.

    I noticed in all your post you keep saying how all of this makes you laugh

    What? You don't find some of this funny?

    Texas Apostate said: You know you liberal pacifists just make me laugh.

    Hey, now! You can call me a pacifist, but you had better take back the Liberal insult or I may want to kick your ass.


    Edited by - robdar on 2 January 2003 18:39:21

  • Robdar
    (My Husband calls me a "Spelling Nazi")

    Sara, You sure had me goose stepping!

    Love ya,


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