I'm 17. I was disfellowshipped almost two years ago. I am the youngest of four kids and am the only left at home. I live with my dad who has sort of faded from the JW scene. One of my sisters is disfellowshipped and the other has faded out as well. My brother is a completely devout Jehovah's Witness. I think he might be a ministarial servant. I'm not sure really. I haven't seen or talked to him in over a year. My mom lives an hour away and is completely devout. This religion has practically torn my family apart. My brother has kind of disconnected himself from my family. I heard he might be going to Bethel. I can hardly have a conversation w/my mom without her telling me she knows I will come back to "the truth." But I will never go back. I used to go to the same congregation as some of my cousins. I loved those girls. One of them had two little boys who I completely adored. Her oldest boy used to follow me around wherever I went. He was my little shadow. I wonder if he'll ever remember me. I heard two of my cousins had babies. They hardly acknowledged me the only time I saw them after I was disfellowshipped. How do you go on when blood means nothing? I was raised to think family was forever. What do you do when your family doesn't feel like family anymore?
How do you glue together a broken home
by Methof15 25 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome to the board. Meth.
You are so right that the jws tear families apart. They don't know the meaning of the love of family above all else.
That is really rough, meth, to watch your family fall apart so badly. You must miss them all very much. I wish I could tell you where to buy the superglue that would put it all back together. Sad thing is, you can't change what has happened to your brother, your mom or your sisters.
You can control your life, however. Chose to live your life with love and faith, and you will be a better man, and have a better life.
Hi Meth and welcome,
Although it is true, that the belief system of the (b)org often does tear families apart, to be fair and have a balanced view we can't always point a finger at them and say they were the problem. Many families today are dysfunctional, within the (b)org and outside the (b)org.
Some, like my immediate family for instance put the "family" first above the (b)org, even tho we are not what you would call a close family, blood still takes priority. I am not active and haven't been for quite a while now, however my father and mother have never abandoned me. I am not dissed, but it was made quite clear to me that even if I was it would have made no difference to them, or my sibblings. There are fanatics in every cult/religion call it what you want. However this is not always the case. Some in the (b)org have permitted themselves to become so consumed by the GB's ideologies that they are prepared to leave family, but I want to ask you this, and ask yourself this too, How close to each other was your family to begin with? (rhetorical question)
These days mothers and fathers abandon their children and families, and children abandon their parents, willy nilly without even so much as a second thought. So is it absolutely because you were all once in "The Troof"? I have read many testimonies on this and other forums, and many like yourself believe outright it was the (b)orgs fault, and maybe it was, but for some it just isn't entirely the case. I know many ex JW's personally that have left the (b)org, and their families have never abandoned them. So take courage Meth, maybe in time if your brother and mother re-evaluate family, they may just come to their senses.
Stay well.
Welcome Meth
Our experience regarding your case(most of us have been through the same thing) shows that it will be very difficult to put together again your family...The only way is when they see(hopefully) that the WT it is just another fake religion, and God has nothing to do with them.
This is the only chance you have, otherwise they will spend their rest of their lifes shunning you. WT is not a religion of love. WT is a relion of hate and has broken families, distroyed hyman lifes, and has actually KILL people because of their false doctrines(human transplants, blood transfusions, service at the Army, and many other cases)
How do you go on when blood means nothing? I was raised to think family was forever. What do you do when your family doesn't feel like family anymore?
Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.
All you can do is get on with your own life, and not let what has happened to you affect you too much. I know it's hard when your own parents don't want to know you, but sometimes these things happen, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Move on. Try not to dwell about it, otherwise you'll sink into deep depression. Get on with your own life. In time you will make friends with people who can substitute for your parents. It's not the same, but at least they will love you for you.
Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.
Really? There were T-shirts? I wish someone had told me.......
I've noticed that a lot of the GB's cult zombies rarely realize the stupidity of shunning family until it's too late. It's sad really that some of them never realize what they've done until suddenly they are 80 years old and finding out the hard way that thier so-called Jay-Dub buddies aren't going to be there to change thier bed pan for them. Rotting away in a nursing home soaked in a puddle of urine is not how I would want to go out. "For every action thier is an equal and opposite reaction".
meth,,,you are so young and have been through so much already....god for awful....no great words of wisdom from me....just welcome,,,and vent when ever you need to..(((((((( meth )))))))
Welcome to the board Meth...
Tough situation... something way to familiar to many of us here... it's a shame and I know how you feel man... Stick around... at least you will find SOME comfort and support here... and like ugg said... vent all you want we understand...
(((((((((((((((METH))))))))))))))) MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU AND SO MANY OTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN HURT BY THIS HORRIBLE CULT........as for me i have 5 children and only one who is still in.....(and i am working on her believe me she is not stupid....but alas to be needed and included is a very strong pull,,, plus she has no father ,,,, so she clings to certain elders... its sad.... but one can never give up..... as long as their is life in me as i heard stated once aspire to inspire before you expire...... true words of wisdom..... hell they had a wt on single---parent famililes how to cope AHHAHAHHAHHAH WHAT A JOKE who made them that way.......like i say keep your friends close but your enemies closer.....know their moves like in a chess match..........but i really believe my love for my dau will win out in the end..... we have been thru alot,, as i wasmarried to a professed annointed one.....who was a major manipulator... he has since been dethroned (ha) NEVER GIVE UP ON FAMILY.....THO CULT MENTALITY IS STRONG ........LOVE IS THE STRONGEST BOND OF UNION TAKE CARE PLEASE