I just got off the phone with my x-hubby. His mother is sueing us for visitation of our son!!!!!!!!!!
Let me explain why we don't let her see him......................................
She is just as bad if not worse than a JW. She is the biggest hypocrite I have ever had the chance to meet. She has thrown ALL of her kids out on the street-----with their own children!!!!
She tells us she will help us out, but when we would do something she didn't like, we ALL got the boot, this happened when my son was a baby, and again with my x when my son was 3 or 4.
Then it was done to me when I had my son and he was 6 or 7.
She did this to her daughter who had a 1 or 2 yr old also.
Everything we do is from the devil-----music, friends, movies, tv programs, language, friends, I could go on all day!!!!!!!!!!
She has turned my son against me and my x on MANY occassions!!!!!!!! She encourages him to keep secrets from his parents and fills his head with untruths about me and my x. She programs him to only trust her and that he can only rely on her and she is the only one that truely LOVES him!!!!!!!!
So, after many attempts to monitor her conversations with him (supervised visitation), she has called my son on the phone on 3 way with another one of her daughters so she can talk to him and tell him what she wants to!!!!!!!!!(my son told us about the calls)
She has filed suit against us (we invited her to his birthday party this past Sunday---she thought we got the letter and that is why she was invited cause we were scared!!!!! If we would have known, she would not have been there!!!!!!!!!!!)
She wants a weekend out of EVERY MONTH (which is MY time with him) to have him stay with her!! We will be going to court on the 22nd, since my divorce hasn't been final, I thought it was untill a couple yrs ago, we will be getting our divorced finalized (which is fine as saving me from the trouble of doing it ourselves), but we will also be going to fight against her about the visitation!
WE ONLY HAVE 2WKS to prepare!!! I am unemployed and my x has limited $ so a lawyer is FAR fetched!!!!!!!!!!
CAN SHE DO THIS?????????????????????????????????????????????
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the equal of giving my son to my JW family for a weekend every month, only it is kinda worse!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!